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ftp sites/responses

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  • ftp sites/responses

    Dear subscribers,

    One week ago, I sent a message looking for ftp sites to get technical
    reports. It seems very difficult to get this sort of document by this way. The
    sum up of the responses I got follows. Thanks a lot to all people who answer me
    and especially to Chris and Pascale.


    My message was :

    >Dear suscribers,
    >Could anyone tell me if there are some ftp sites or databases where it is
    >possible to get some technical reports in the field of biomechanics. I'm
    >particularly interrested with some technical reports from Wright Patersson
    >Force Base (Ohio).
    >I will sum up the responses.
    >Thank you to those who will answer me.
    > Stephane Bouilland
    > L.A.I.H.
    > Universite de Valenciennes
    > France

    Responses :

    I sent email to Librarian at Air Force Institute of Technology (part of
    Wright-Patterson AFB) as this is her reply - no luck unfortunately.

    --reply follows--
    Allan, I don't know of any good Gopher or FTP sites for Wright-Patt tech
    reports. Wish I did! My own organization, the Air Force Institute of
    Technology (just a small part of Wright-Patterson), has a small
    experimental FTP site with a whopping 6 tech reports from 1993 in it, but
    that's all that I'm aware of. Our system administrators are busy with
    other projects and don't have plans to expand the tech report archives
    right now.

    I'm not sure if there's another order channel in France, but the best
    public source for information on Air Force tech reports (unlimited
    distribution, unclassified ones, that is) in the U.S. is the National
    Technical Information Service (NTIS), run by the U.S Dept. of Commerce.
    National Technical Information Service
    5285 Port Royal Rd.
    Springfield, VA 22161 USA
    Phone: (703) 487-4650 (sales desk) or
    (703) 487-4684 (military publications)
    Fax: (703) 321-8547 or (703) 321-9038

    ************************************************** ***************
    Carol Sullivan, Systems Librarian
    Air Force Institute of Technology Library
    Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH
    (o o)
    Allan Christie email:
    Centre for University Teaching & Learning Tel: +618 302 2570
    University of South Australia Fax: +618 302 2766

    ================== RFC 822 Headers ==================

    Dear Stephane,

    Not sure about ftp Dbs, but I have a Wright Patterson AFB release AD 710
    622 on weight, volume & CoM. If you tell me what you require I could fax
    you the relevant bits.


    Dr. Chris Kirtley MB ChB, PhD,
    Lecturer, bio-engineering,
    School of Physiotherapy,
    Curtin University of Technology,
    GPO Box U1987,
    Perth 6001
    Western Australia.

    Tel. (09) 381 0600
    Fax (09) 381 1496


    ================== RFC 822 Headers ==================

    Dear Ms Bouilland,
    I like your question,
    if you get an answer, would you please let me know
    with kind regards
    ================================================== =================----
    Johan F.M.Molenbroek
    Assistant Professor Engineering Anthropometry
    Faculty Industrial Design Engineering
    Delft University of Technology
    Jaffalaan 9
    2628 BX Delft, The Netherlands
    ================================================== =================

    Date: 6-JUN-1994 19:42:15.80
    From: SMTP%" s)"
    Subj: Re: ftp sites for technical reports.
    To: bouilland
    41 records
    Attributes: None

    Hello Stephane;

    At Wright Patterson AFB, you should start with;

    Dr. Ted Knox, Branch Chief
    Wright Patterson Air Force Base
    Div. of Bio Communications
    Bio Engineering Div.
    PHONE: (513) 255-3122
    FAX: (513) 255-2019

    I know they are NOT hooked up to BIOMCH-L as of yet. I will be
    sending them information on how to go about getting line. I do
    know that they have a four camera Selspot Motion Analysis System
    and seem to be very pleased.

    Good Luck!

    Bonjour Stephane,

    Je ne peux pas t'offrir d'aide concernant les sites ftp mais j'ai acces
    a certains des rapports techniques du groupe du Wright Paterson Air Force
    Base. Si tu sais quelle est l'information dont tu as besoin, n'hesite pas
    a demander, je t'aiderai si je le peux.

    Pascale Pigeon
    Genie Biomedical
    Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
    Quebec, Canada