Dear colleagues
The UK Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) are holding a one day conference in May, co-sponsored by the Clinical Movement Analysis Society UK and Ireland (CMAS), considering current limitations with presentation and use of gait analysis data for clinical decision making (see details below).
During the conference we are planning to hold a short discussion forum entitled 'Ambiguous, contradictory or redundant? Tacking gait data presentation for improved outcomes'. To inform this discussion I am writing to seek your experiences:
For those of you who conduct clinical gait analysis, what are the main frustrations/problems you find with conveying the results of your analysis?
For those of you who use gait analysis data to inform clinical decisions, what frustrations/problems do you encounter when interpreting gait data?
I would be very grateful for any experiences or thoughts you are able to share, and will post a summary of replies for wider interest (please let me know if you'd prefer your response left out of this summary).
Thank you for your help
Tom Collins
Gait Laboratory
Douglas Bader Rehabilitation Centre
Queen Mary's Hospital
London, SW15 5PN
Tel: 020 8487 6101
Details of one day conference: New analytical tools in Clinical Gait Analysis for better patient outcomes, 6th May 2010
Clinicians use clinical movement analysis to help decide which treatment a patient should receive or whether a particular treatment has benefited a patient. Doctors and physiotherapists are presented with large quantities of concurrent time series data describing the movement of joints, the forces acting on the body, and the activation of certain muscles. In the most part, they analyse the data using the most rudimentary tools. The data can be ambiguous, seemingly contradictory or redundant. Consequently, doctors may find it difficult to make a decision or quantify improvement with a high degree of confidence.
One of the challenges to scientists and engineers working in movement analysis is to make the data more meaningful to clinicians. This event will provide an opportunity for scientists, engineers, doctors, and physiotherapists to exchange ideas and present new results. The aim is to encourage dialog between professionals from different backgrounds in this multidisciplinary area of research and practice.
Final programme, registration form and venue details available here:
Registration deadline - 26th April 2010
The UK Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) are holding a one day conference in May, co-sponsored by the Clinical Movement Analysis Society UK and Ireland (CMAS), considering current limitations with presentation and use of gait analysis data for clinical decision making (see details below).
During the conference we are planning to hold a short discussion forum entitled 'Ambiguous, contradictory or redundant? Tacking gait data presentation for improved outcomes'. To inform this discussion I am writing to seek your experiences:
For those of you who conduct clinical gait analysis, what are the main frustrations/problems you find with conveying the results of your analysis?
For those of you who use gait analysis data to inform clinical decisions, what frustrations/problems do you encounter when interpreting gait data?
I would be very grateful for any experiences or thoughts you are able to share, and will post a summary of replies for wider interest (please let me know if you'd prefer your response left out of this summary).
Thank you for your help
Tom Collins
Gait Laboratory
Douglas Bader Rehabilitation Centre
Queen Mary's Hospital
London, SW15 5PN
Tel: 020 8487 6101
Details of one day conference: New analytical tools in Clinical Gait Analysis for better patient outcomes, 6th May 2010
Clinicians use clinical movement analysis to help decide which treatment a patient should receive or whether a particular treatment has benefited a patient. Doctors and physiotherapists are presented with large quantities of concurrent time series data describing the movement of joints, the forces acting on the body, and the activation of certain muscles. In the most part, they analyse the data using the most rudimentary tools. The data can be ambiguous, seemingly contradictory or redundant. Consequently, doctors may find it difficult to make a decision or quantify improvement with a high degree of confidence.
One of the challenges to scientists and engineers working in movement analysis is to make the data more meaningful to clinicians. This event will provide an opportunity for scientists, engineers, doctors, and physiotherapists to exchange ideas and present new results. The aim is to encourage dialog between professionals from different backgrounds in this multidisciplinary area of research and practice.
Final programme, registration form and venue details available here:
Registration deadline - 26th April 2010