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Special Call for Golf Biomechanics Papers

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  • Special Call for Golf Biomechanics Papers

    Dear Biomch-L subscribers,

    I am sending this email to announce a call for Golf Biomechanics papers
    for a special edition of the Sports Biomechanics journal (ISBS):

    Sports Biomechanics

    Call for Papers: Special Issue on 'Golf Biomechanics'

    In a major attempt to emphasise the importance of biomechanics research
    in advancing all aspects of golf performance, the Sports Biomechanics
    journal will publish a special issue on Golf Biomechanics in 2011. Golf
    is one of the world's most popular sports enjoyed by millions of people
    of all ages and abilities. However, the task of hitting a golf ball with
    power and accuracy is a most challenging motor skill from a
    biomechanical perspective. The full golf swing is a mechanically
    complex, asymmetrical multi-planar movement of multiple body segments
    that are actuated by the powerful and precisely timed contractions of a
    number of skeletal muscles. In order to hit the ball more effectively,
    golfers seek assistance from the vast amount of technical coaching
    information that is available in the market such as books, magazines,
    websites and DVDs. Unfortunately, there is not a corresponding amount of
    in-depth peer-reviewed biomechanical research on the golf swing in the
    literature. This special issue of Sports Biomechanics calls on authors
    to submit original research that enriches the current understanding of
    golf swing biomechanics. The scope of the research will include (but not
    be limited to) all aspects of biomechanics research related to golf
    swing technique with respect to motion pattern understanding,
    performance indicators, injury risk mechanisms and applied coaching.
    Multidisciplinary fields in golf research will also be considered, if
    there is a significant biomechanics component in the analysis
    methodology. There is a strong focus on applied methodologies in order
    to reach a wide readership. Golf coaches are also encouraged to
    collaborate with biomechanics researchers.

    Author Guidelines and Submission Deadline:

    Instructions for authors and submission guidelines can be found at the
    Journal's homepage: Deadline for full
    paper submission is December 15, 2010.

    All papers will be subjected to the peer-review procedures of the
    Journal. Papers should be submitted online at Mark that the manuscript is for a
    special issue and enter 'Golf Biomechanics' as the issue title.

    Please email all special issue-related enquiries to the Guest Editor:

    Dr. R.E.D. Ferdinands

    Faculty of Health Sciences

    University of Sydney

    Direct all journal-related enquiries to the Editor-in-Chief:

    Dr. Young-Hoo Kwon

    Biomechanics Laboratory

    Texas Woman's University


    Dr. Edouard Rene Ferdinands

    School of Exercise and Sport Science
    The University of Sydney
    East Street
    PO Box 170 Lidcombe
    NSW 1825 Australia

    Ph (Wk): +61-2-9351 9776

    Fax: +61-2-9351 9204
