We cordially invite you on behalf of Congress Organising Committee to submit abstracts
(subsequently papers) for the 5th Asia Pacific Congress on Sports Technology (APCST2011)
which will be held in Melbourne, Australia from 28 - 31 August, 2011. Papers focusing
on the science, engineering, education and business of sports technology are invited.
The Congress will be held in collaboration with ISEA, JSEA, and ASTA.
Submission of Abstracts by: 30 November 2010.
Please submit your abstract by email as an attached MS Word document to:
A broad range of topics and application areas has been devised to reflect the
interdisciplinary nature of this congress. More details about the Congress can be found
in Congress website: www.apcst2011.com
For further information, please feel free to contact Prof Aleksandar Subic (Congress
Chair) on +61 3 99256000 or via e-mail: aleksandar.subic@rmit.edu.au or Mr Patrick
Clifton (Chair Organising Committee) via e-mail: patrick.clifton@rmit.edu.au
Kind regards.
Prof Aleksandar Subic
Congress Chair, APCST2011
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University,
Melbourne, Australia
(subsequently papers) for the 5th Asia Pacific Congress on Sports Technology (APCST2011)
which will be held in Melbourne, Australia from 28 - 31 August, 2011. Papers focusing
on the science, engineering, education and business of sports technology are invited.
The Congress will be held in collaboration with ISEA, JSEA, and ASTA.
Submission of Abstracts by: 30 November 2010.
Please submit your abstract by email as an attached MS Word document to:
A broad range of topics and application areas has been devised to reflect the
interdisciplinary nature of this congress. More details about the Congress can be found
in Congress website: www.apcst2011.com
For further information, please feel free to contact Prof Aleksandar Subic (Congress
Chair) on +61 3 99256000 or via e-mail: aleksandar.subic@rmit.edu.au or Mr Patrick
Clifton (Chair Organising Committee) via e-mail: patrick.clifton@rmit.edu.au
Kind regards.
Prof Aleksandar Subic
Congress Chair, APCST2011
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University,
Melbourne, Australia