Could you please post the following announcement:

Student members of International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) are
eligible for a number of competitive grants to assist with their research
or to attend the ISB Congress in Brussels in 2011. The grants available
for 2011 are as follows:
Matching Dissertation Grant Program:
There will be several competitive grants of $US2500 for doctoral
candidates to assist with costs of their dissertation research. A
condition is that the applicant will have a commitment from her/his
institution or another source to provide a further matching $US2500 or
International Travel Grant Program:
ISB will offer several grants of $US2500 to allow student members to
travel abroad to experience biomechanics research in other cultures.
Congress Travel Grant Program:
This grant is offered only in the years of an ISB Congress to subsidise
travel expenses to attend the XXIII ISB Congress in Brussels, Belgium ( The ISB offers several travel grants ($US500 to
student members from EU countries and $US1000 to students from other
countries) who will be presenting their research results at the 2011 ISB
Congress in Brussels.
International Affiliate Development Grant Program:
This grant of up to $US2500 is offered to student biomechanists from low
income or restricted currency countries to enable them to spend time in an
approved, established biomechanics laboratory or to attend a relevant,
approved training course.

Application forms are available on-line at and are to
be received by the end of November, 2010.

Further information can be obtained from:

Prof. Peter Milburn
Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD 4222
Tel: +61 7 555 28992
Fax: +61 7 555 28674