Dear all

It is a pleasure for me to inform you about the International phd
course: Physiological effects and health effects of physical
activity/inactivity at work.

The course is in Copenhagen, November 2-5.

For details, program and to sign up for the course see the home page:


I hope to see many of you/your phd students at the course. I think we
have a really exciting program.

Could you please forward the information to supervisors and other phd

The course is mainly for the phd students, but others who are interested
can also attend the course.

Have a nice weekend.


Bente R. Jensen

Bente R. Jensen, phd

Associate Professor

Biomechanics and Motor Control Laboratory

Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences

University of Copenhagen


Tel: +45 3532 7303

Mob.: +45 2875 7303

Office adr.:

Panum Institute/IFI

Room 33.3.52

University of Copenhagen

Blegdamsvej 3

2200 Copenhagen N
