The Curry School of Education, Department of Human Services at the University of Virginia invites applications for an Assistant Professor tenure-track position in the area of Kinesiology: Athletic Training and Sports Medicine. The position is pending formal institutional approval.
Qualifications: Candidates must have an earned doctorate in Kinesiology or closely related field. The successful candidate will contribute to and enhance current offerings in the undergraduate and graduate programs in Kinesiology with particular emphasis in Athletic Training and Sports Medicine and expand the program’s already strong track record of multidisciplinary collaboration across the University. Candidates must demonstrate an explicit commitment to, and accomplishments in, teaching, research, and/or service that contribute to advancing understanding and outcomes for underrepresented groups.
• Establish an independent line of research related to Athletic Training and Sports Medicine and pursue extramural funding. Preference given to applicants whose research focuses on athletic training and sports health care services delivered to adolescent and/or pediatric populations.
• Mentor and advise undergraduate students in the Kinesiology major, masters students in the NATA-accredited post-professional Athletic Training program, and PhD students specializing in Sports Medicine
• Engage in scholarly collaboration with faculty, clinicians, and students within Kinesiology, the Curry School, across the University, and with external collaborators. These include YouthNex-The Center for Positive Youth Development, Department of Athletics, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Public Health Sciences, and the Lifetime Physical Activity Program.
• Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Athletic Training and Sports Medicine.
Application Process: Applicants should electronically submit (PDF files only) a letter of application, curriculum vitae, three samples of scholarly writing, and contact information for three people from whom letters of reference may be requested to Jay Hertel at Additionally, official transcripts should be mailed to:
Jay Hertel, PhD, ATC
University of Virginia
Kinesiology Search Committee Chair
210 Emmet Street South
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4407
The Curry School of Education and the University of Virginia is committed to diversity in our faculty, students, and staff. We welcome applications from women and members of underrepresented groups, seek to build a culturally diverse intellectual environment, and are committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity and to the principles of affirmative action in accordance with state and federal laws.
Review of candidates for the position will begin November 1, 2010, and will continue until the position is filled. The starting date for this position is August 2011.
Direct inquiries to Jay Hertel at