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Society of Automotive Engineers Symposium (U.S.)

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  • Society of Automotive Engineers Symposium (U.S.)

    The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) is holding a technical
    symposium entitled "The Elderly & Automotive Safety". It is
    being held at The Charles Hotel in Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA.
    on August 16th and 17th, 1994. The objective of the symposium
    is to review and discuss current developments regarding driving,
    accident avoidance (driver, vehicle, and highway factors
    including IVHS), injury mechanisms and injury reduction, driver
    testing, vehicle crash testing and future trends as they relate to
    the aging process and age-related disease.

    DAY ONE topics include:

    o Demographics, Elderly Crash Involvement (P. Waller, UMTRI)
    o The Aging Process (R.B. Wallace, U of Iowa)
    o Drivers and Drugs (W. Wray, Vanderbilt U Med Center)
    o Driver Evaluation & Licensing (G. Odenheimer, Harvard U.)
    o Injury & Injury Mechanisms (M. Mackay, U of Birmingham, UK)

    DAY TWO topics include:

    o Crash Avoidance Overview (R. Hanowski, Battelle)
    o Crash Avoidance: Human Research Needs (R. Knipling, NHTSA)
    o New Technology from the Older Driver's Perspective (A. Yanik,
    GMC (ret.))
    o Vehicle Crashworthiness (M. Mackay, U of Birmingham, UK).

    Fees are $625 ($525 for SAE Members). Call the SAE Professional
    Development Division at 412-772-7148 for reservations and
    registration information (FAX no. is 412-776-5760).