This survey has been crossed posted to several listservers, so
apologies in advance for any duplication.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to survey the use of
sources on the
Internet by academic, laboratory based, research scientists and
compare it
with their use of traditional sources

Please describe your occupation and area of research interest,
(e.g. University
lecturer in biochemistry; PhD student researching
neurochemistry,) on the lines

__University Senior Tutor
__Biomechanics____________________________________ ________________

__________________________________________________ ____________

Please answer the questions below by putting an asterisk in the

1) How often do you use the tools listed below?
> daily > 2/week > 1/week > 2/month > 1/month >
never >
______________>_______>________>________>_________ >_________>_____
E-mail________>___*____>________>________>_________> _________>____
Gopher________>_______>________>________>_________ >___*______>____
Veronica______>_______>________>________>_________ >_________>_____
WWW___________>_______>________>________>_________ >_________>_____
____*___>_______>________>________>_________>_____ ____>_______>
Anonymous ftp
>_______>________>________>_________>_________>___ ____>
_*________________________________________________ ________________

2) How often do you use the sources listed below?
> daily > 2/week > 1/week > 2/month > 1/month >
never >
______________>_______>________>________>_________ >_________>_____
Journals______>_______>________>___*_____>________ _>_________>____
Printed index/> > > > > * >
abstracts_____>_______>________>____*____>________ _>_________>____
Directories___>_______>________>________>_________ >____*_____>____
CD-Roms_______>_______>________>________>_________>__ _____*__>____
On-line > > > > > * >
databases_____>_______>________>________>_________ >_____*____>____
__________________________________________________ ________________

3) Would you be willing to complete a more detailed questionnaire?
Type Y for yes or N for no here ;N
Please post this form by 25th June 1993 to;

Thank you for your help in filling out this form, it is much
It forms part of my work towards a MSc in Information and
Library Studies, at
Loughborough University of Technology, Leicestershire, United