The following is an abridged text of the announcement and registration form
for the forthcoming ASB conference in Melbourne next (southern) summer.
The full text (including details for abstract submission)
can be obtained by email from
Final Announcement and Call for Papers
A *
* S. *
in conjunction with a
Towards an International Implant Tracking and Data System
(Co-hosted with the Society for Biomaterials, USA)
29 January - 1 February 1995
Melbourne Australia
Melbourne '95
The Australian Society for Biomaterials extends a warm welcome to its 1995
Annual Scientific meeting. As in previous years, our meeting will be in
two parts - a 2 day Scientific Conference with invited and contributed
papers on all areas of biomaterials and a preceding 2 day Symposium on a
special theme. This year the Symposium is co-hosted with the Society for
Biomaterials (US) and endorsed by the Canadian, Chinese, European, Korean
and Japanese societies. This is the second of a series of three Symposia on
implant tracking and data systems. The first was held in Hyannis,
Massachusetts in 1994 and the final Symposium will be held in Washington
DC, USA in 1996.
************************************************** ****************
Symposium: Towards An International Implant Tracking & Data System
29-30 January 1995
This Symposium will build upon the outcomes of the 1994 Hyannis, USA
Conference "Management Requirements for a National Implant Data System".
The Symposium will augment the process begun at Hyannis and
will further develop the issues raised at that meeting, with specific
emphasis on international issues.
January - 1 February 1995
The Annual Conference will emphasise informality and interaction between
delegates to make the most of the opportunity to exchange and discuss
research findings and new technologies. Therefore, the format will again
emphasise poster discussions and ample time will be allotted to poster
sessions for full discussion of work presented. All accepted papers will
be presented as Posters. From these a selection of speakers will be
invited to make additional oral presentations. If there are several
posters originating from a single group, then one person may be invited to
present the work of the group. This will provide the opportunity for a
more rounded presentation of the different research activities than is
possible in short talks, while giving opportunity for detailed discussion
of specific aspects in the poster sessions. The decision on oral
presentation rests entirely with the Scientific Committee.
Venue and Accommodation
The venue for both Conference and Symposium will be the Radisson President
Hotel which is situated 3km south from the centre of Melbourne, overlooking
Albert Park Lake and offering an international standard of accommodation
and facilities. The Radisson is Melbourne's most modern and flexible
conference centre.
Deadline for Submission of Abstracts 28 October
Notification of Abstract Status 11 November
Deadline for Early Registration 12 December
and Hotel Reservation
Symposium on International 29 - 30 January, 1995
Device Tracking
Annual Conference 31 January - 1 February, 1995
Name: .................................................. .............
(Title) (Given Name) (Middle Initial) (Surname)
Preferred Name for Badge: ...........................................
Department: .................................................. .......
Institution/Company: ................................................
Address: .................................................. ..........
City: .................................................. .............
State: .......... Country .............. Post/Zip Code:............
Telephone: .......................Fax: .............................
(Overseas Visitors Please Include Country And Area Code)
Email: .................................................. ............
Up to 12 After 12
December December Remit
Symposium Fee [Australian Dollars]
ASB Member* A$345 A$395 ..........
Non Member A$395 A$445 ..........
Student Member* A$200 A$250 ..........
Student Non-Member A$250 A$300 ..........
Dinner Guest A$50 A$60 ..........
Conference Fee
ASB Member* A$295 A$345 ..........
Non Member A$345 A$395 ..........
Student Member* A$150 A$200 ..........
Student Non-Member A$200 A$250 ..........
Dinner Guest A$50 A$60 ..........
Discount if attending both events (A$50) --..........
Accommodation Deposit (1 room-night) ==========
--------- ----------
Hotel: ..................................
Room type: ..............................
Hotel Arrival: am/pm / /1995
Hotel Departure: am/pm / /1995
Name of person sharing
room (if applicable): ...................................
Address for Registrations,
Abstracts and Correspondence:
ASB Conference Secretariat
c/o CSIRO Division of Biomolecular Engineering
343 Royal Parade, Parkville 3052, Australia
Fax: +61 3 342 4218 Tel: +61 3 342 4239
Arthur Brandwood.
Centre for Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales Phone: +61 2 385 3906
Sydney, NSW 2052 Australia Fax: +61 2 663 2108