Dear BMCH-L:
I posted a request on children gait data several days ago. The
following is the summary.
From: (Dieter Rosenbaum)
In case he should not respond to you directly you might try to
contact Jeff Pisciotta at Stride Rite (Children`s Fotwear Company)
at 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge MA, 01242 (phone 617 491-8809).
Prior to his industry job he has been involved in a children`s gait
study with a large number of subject at the Ohio State University.
He should be a valuable source of information.
Furthermore, there are two studies on the pressure distribution patterns
in infants and grade school children that we have collected during my
time at the University of Essen. They are published in Foot & Ankle:
Hennig, E. M. & D. Rosenbaum (1991). Pressure distribution patterns under
the feet of children in comparison with adults. Foot Ankle, 11(5): 306-311.
Hennig, E. M., A. Staats & D. Rosenbaum (1994). Plantar pressure
distribution patterns of young school children in comparison to adults.
Foot Ankle 15(1): 35-40.
If I can be of further help feel free to contact me.
************************************************** ******************************
Dr. Dieter Rosenbaum Ulm, 5 Sept 1994
Abteilung Unfallchirurgische Forschung & Biomechanik
University of Ulm, Germany
Phone.: (+49) 731 - 502 3492 (office)
************************************************** ******************************
You should contact David Sutherland MD at the Childrens Hospital
San Deigo, CA, 92123 (619) 576-5807. There is an enormous amount of
data in their data base which, with his premission, I can make
available to you over the Internet. They have over 400 studies on
kids at half and one year intervals from age 1 to 7.
Ed Biden
Institute of Biomedical Engineering
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, NB
Canada, E3B 5A3
(506) 453-4966
On Fri, 2 Sep 1994, Cheng Cao wrote:
> Dear Biomch-L:
> I am on staff in the Toledo Biomechanics Evaluation Laboratory. Currently,
> we are collecting normative children gait data and wee need the data from
> other labs for comparision, including kinemaitcs, kinetics, and EMG.
> Any response will be appreciated and I will post a summary of all the
> responses. Thank you for your time.
> Sincerely,
> Cheng Cao
Dear Dr. Cao
I can supply you with force plate data from over 200 children. I
will send you reprints if you supply your address.
My address is
Jack R. Engsberg
Thank you!
Cheng Cao, Toledo Biomechanics Evaluation Laboratory
I posted a request on children gait data several days ago. The
following is the summary.
From: (Dieter Rosenbaum)
In case he should not respond to you directly you might try to
contact Jeff Pisciotta at Stride Rite (Children`s Fotwear Company)
at 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge MA, 01242 (phone 617 491-8809).
Prior to his industry job he has been involved in a children`s gait
study with a large number of subject at the Ohio State University.
He should be a valuable source of information.
Furthermore, there are two studies on the pressure distribution patterns
in infants and grade school children that we have collected during my
time at the University of Essen. They are published in Foot & Ankle:
Hennig, E. M. & D. Rosenbaum (1991). Pressure distribution patterns under
the feet of children in comparison with adults. Foot Ankle, 11(5): 306-311.
Hennig, E. M., A. Staats & D. Rosenbaum (1994). Plantar pressure
distribution patterns of young school children in comparison to adults.
Foot Ankle 15(1): 35-40.
If I can be of further help feel free to contact me.
************************************************** ******************************
Dr. Dieter Rosenbaum Ulm, 5 Sept 1994
Abteilung Unfallchirurgische Forschung & Biomechanik
University of Ulm, Germany
Phone.: (+49) 731 - 502 3492 (office)
************************************************** ******************************
You should contact David Sutherland MD at the Childrens Hospital
San Deigo, CA, 92123 (619) 576-5807. There is an enormous amount of
data in their data base which, with his premission, I can make
available to you over the Internet. They have over 400 studies on
kids at half and one year intervals from age 1 to 7.
Ed Biden
Institute of Biomedical Engineering
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, NB
Canada, E3B 5A3
(506) 453-4966
On Fri, 2 Sep 1994, Cheng Cao wrote:
> Dear Biomch-L:
> I am on staff in the Toledo Biomechanics Evaluation Laboratory. Currently,
> we are collecting normative children gait data and wee need the data from
> other labs for comparision, including kinemaitcs, kinetics, and EMG.
> Any response will be appreciated and I will post a summary of all the
> responses. Thank you for your time.
> Sincerely,
> Cheng Cao
Dear Dr. Cao
I can supply you with force plate data from over 200 children. I
will send you reprints if you supply your address.
My address is
Jack R. Engsberg
Thank you!
Cheng Cao, Toledo Biomechanics Evaluation Laboratory