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Rome CAMARC Conf., 29-30 Nov '90 (2)

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  • Rome CAMARC Conf., 29-30 Nov '90 (2)

    Dear Biomch-L readers,

    Further to the 24 Sep 90 posting from Strathclyde University, here is the
    list of invited speakers for the CAMARC conference at the Istituto Superiore
    di Sanita in Rome/Italy on 29 and 30 November 1990:

    Introduction: Prof. F. Marotti, President of SIBOT (Italian Society of
    Biomechanics in Orthopaedics and Traumatology), Istituto
    di Clinica Ortopedica, Ospedale Civile di Cattinara -
    TRIESTE - (I)

    1st Session: Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine
    - Prof. H. Schmidl,
    Centro Protesi INAIL - VIGORSO DI BUDRIO - (I)
    - Prof. W. Baumann,
    Institut fuer Biomechanik, Deutsche Sporthochschule
    Koeln - KOELN - (D)
    - Dr. I.G. Kelly,
    Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Glasgow Royal
    Infirmary - GLASGOW - (UK)
    - Prof. W.H. Eisma,
    Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Academic Hospital &
    Groningen University - GRONINGEN - (NL)

    2nd Session: Neurology and Neurosurgery
    - Dr Th. Mulder,
    Department of Rehabilitation Research,
    St. Maartenskliniek - NIJMEGEN - (NL)
    - Prof. J. Pelisier,
    Re'education et R'eadaptation Fonctionelles CHRU - CAREMEAU -
    N^IMES - (F)

    3rd Session: Othorinolaryngology and Posture
    - Prof.Dr. Th. Brandt,
    Neurologische Klinik, Klinikum Groszhadern - MUNICH - (D)
    - Prof.Dr.Med. Jan Helms,
    Direktor der Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Hals-Nasen- und
    Ohrkrankheite der Universitaet WURZBURG - (D)

    4th Session: Rehabilitation and Geriatrics
    - Dr M. Soede,
    Institute for Rehabilitation Research - HOENSBROEK - (NL)
    - Prof. C. Perfetti,
    Ospedale Civile di Schio, Servizio di RBF - SCHIO - (I)

    Engineering Session:
    - Prof. J. Dimnet,
    Centre de M'ecanique - VILLEURBANNE - (F)
    - Prof. A. Cappozzo,
    Istituto di Fisiologia Umana, Universit`a "La
    Sapienza" - ROME - (I)

    As a reminder, there are possibilities for free communications (10 min. each);
    for details on the scientific programme, you may contact Dr Velio Macellari or
    Dr Marina Torre (Marina@irmiss.bitnet; tel. +39.6.4990864, fax +39.6.4040071),
    Laboratorio di Ingegneria Biomedica, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Viale Regina
    Elena 299, I-00161 ROMA, Italy. For registration and other organizational de-
    tails (It.Lit. 100.000 including meals, coffee breaks, and Congress kit), con-
    tact the Organizing Secretariat of "CAMARC - PRESENT AND FUTURE" at the same
    address (tel. +39.6.4990611, fax +39.6.4040235).

    Herman J. Woltring

    CAMARC ("Computer Aided Movement Analysis in a Rehabilitation Context") is a
    project under the Advanced Informatics in Medicine action of the Commission
    of the European Communities (AIM/DG XIII-F/CEC), with academic, public-health,
    industrial, and independent partners from Italy, France, U.K. and The Nether-
    lands. Its scope is pre-competitive.