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Hand Biomech texts summary

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  • Hand Biomech texts summary

    Dear Biomechanists,

    Last week I requested information from you hand biomechanists on a good
    text to use for a new PhD level Occupational Biomechanics of the upper
    extremity course to be taught in an IE/Ergonomics curriculum. Thank you
    all for replying. Below is a summary of the texts that were
    recommended, the second one having been metioned by almost everyone who
    replied (I have included all of the relevant info I could get necessary
    for getting these texts from the publisher or library):

    "Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System, 2nd edition." by Margareta
    Nordin and Victor H. Frankel. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, PA
    (Chapter: "Biomechanics of the Hand" by FJ Bejjani and JMF Landsmeer),
    ISBN 08121-1227-x.

    "Biomechanics of the Hand: A basic research study" by E.Y.S. Chao, K-N. An,
    W.P. Cooney III, and R.L. Linscheid, World Scientific, Singapore, 1989.

    "Biomechanics of the Wrist Joint", by K-N An, R.A. Berger, and W.P. Cooney III
    ed., Springer-Verlag, 1991.

    "Clinical Mechanics of the Hand, 2nd edition", by P. Brand and A. Hollister Mosby
    Year Book Inc. St. Louis, MO, 1993, ISBN 0-8016-6978-2.

    "Hand pain and impairment, 4th ed." by R. Cailliet. Philadelphia : Davis,

    "Kaplan's Functional and surgical anatomy of the hand, 3rd ed." by Emanuel B.
    Kaplan. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1984.

    "The Grasping Hand" by C.L. MacKenzie and T. Iberall (1994).
    Amsterdam: North-Holland (Elsevier Science).
    ISBN 0-444-81746-8 500 pages
    (computational, and experimental approaches - not biomechanics per se)

    "The Hand", by Raoul Tubiana. Philadelphia : Saunders, 1981.

    >From Alan Wing, MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, UK
    ; Authors of books on control
    of the hand:

    Iberall and MacKenzie (new authored book)
    Castiello and Bennett (new edited book)
    Napier (new edition of a coffee table book)
    Tubiana (edited book for hand surgeons with probably the highest
    biomech content)
    Hand and Brain; this is a book I am coediting right now which
    will appear with Academic Press early 1996

    ************************************************** **************************
    * *
    * Dan Kelaher 0 0 *
    * NCSU Ergonomics Lab >--|--< /\__|\____/| *
    * Industrial Engineering Dept. | / | | *
    * 337 Riddick Labs, NCSU | /\ |______| *
    * Raleigh NC 27695 / \ ___/_/_____0____0___ *
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    * Phone: (919)515-7210 *
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