Thanks evrybody who answered to my request for information about the
use of support belts in athletic disciplines. It appears that the
athletes' decision to wear such a belt cannot be supported nor
rejected by specific research as all the studies deal with the use
of these belts in lifting tasks.
I will list all the replies (not the very personal ones) and want to
express my appreciation for your help.

Date: Wed, 26 Oct 1994 10:07:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: Brett Lee
Subject: Re: support belts in athletics
To: Axel Knicker

Hi Axel,

Medicine and Science in Sports In Exercise ran an article a
few years back on the biomechanical comparison between wide and
narrow weight belts. I think it was from Auburn University, GA.


******************** ||
Brett M. Lee, Ph.D. ||--------------------
Leisure Studies and Physical Education || \ -- /
Christopher Newport University \ -- /
Newport News, VA 23606 ||
O: 804/594-7617 H: 804/874-8835 F:804/594-7772 || / \
************************* _/ \_

Date: Wed, 26 Oct 94 14:35 EDT
From: "Bin XIA"
Subject: Re: support belts in athletics

Hello Axel,

As I remeber that there was a poster at ABS meeting 1994 studying
this issue. I think you could find it in the preceeding.

Good luck,


Organization: UofT Physical & Health Education
To: Axel Knicker
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 1994 15:51:36 -0400
Subject: Re: support belts in athletics
Priority: normal

Hello Axel!

While I don't know exactly what kind of testing of the weight
belts you are doing (is it focussed on lumber support and low
back injuries, or increasing athletic performance) there is
some interesting work on the former by McGill and Norman on the
use of abdominal belts. Perhaps these readings will help you:

McGill S.M., Norman R.W., and Sharrat M.T. (1990) The effect of
an abdominal belt on trunk muscle activity and intra-abdominal
pressure during squat lifts. Ergonomics. 33(2), 147-160.

McGill S.M. and Norman R.W. Low Back Biomechanics in Industry: The
prevention of Injury Through Safer Lifting. (1993) In: Current
Issues in Biomechanics. Editor: Mark D. Grabiner. Human
Kinetics Publishers, Champaign IL.

Richard Evans
Biomechanics Lab
School of Physical and Health Education
University of Toronto

Date: Tue, 1 Nov 94 20:06 EST
From: "Bin XIA"
Subject: Re: support belts in athletics

Hello Axel,

Sorry for replying so late.

The poster I mentioned in the last mail was presented by Lavender
etal. The details are as follows:

Title: The effect of Lifting Belts on Treunk Motion
Authors: SA Lavender , JS Thomas, O Chang, GBJ Anderson
Address: Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chicago, IL 60612.

I don't have their phone number.

I hope this will be helpful.

Good luck,

Bin Xia
Center for Locomotion Studies
Penn State University

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