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time-lapse photography

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  • time-lapse photography


    i am currently working on a senior design project in which we are
    developing a system for doing time-lapse photography on cells in
    cultures. one system which we will use is a confocal microscope which
    has a program driven system for taking scanned images. however, we
    would like to output these images onto a vhs tape for presentation

    in another system, we will be using an inverted or an upright microscope
    to view cultures. in this system, we do not currently have a way to
    record images. one way would be to activate a vcr with a computer
    program or to input the images into a computer and record the image
    utilizing a video capture board.

    we have available to us a unix workstation which is equipted with a
    Galeleo video board and a pc (as well as the confocal equipment).

    what other kinds of systems are out there, and what are there pros and
    cons? what kind of compression is used? what kind of storage space is
    needed per image? do any of them take external triggers? also, could anybody direct us to any articles in the literature
    that you might know of.

    thank you for your time. a summary listing will be posted if we get
    enough responses.

    ************************************************** ******************************
    Matt Rupert
    Department of Aerospace Engineering
    and Engineering Mechanics
    University of Cincinnati, Ohio
    ************************************************** ******************************