Advance Program
International Workshop on Modeling,
Analysis and Simulation of Computer and
Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'95)
Co-sponsored by the IEEE (Computer Society, TCCA, TCSIM)
and Duke University
In Cooperation with the ACM (SIGSIM, SIGARCH, SIGMETRICS),
IFIP WG 7.3, and
January 18 -- 20, 1995
Omni Durham Hotel & Durham Civic Center (1-800-THE-OMNI)
Durham, North Carolina, USA
Wednesday 18 January 1995
MASCOTS'95 Welcome Address from General and Program Chairs
Erol Gelenbe (Duke University) and Patrick Dowd (SUNY/Buffalo)
Ballroom 103 (8:00 - 8:15AM)
"Edward G. Coffman Jr.'s Festschrift: Welcome and Opening remarks"
Erol Gelenbe (Duke University)
Ballroom 103 (8:15 - 8:30AM)
Session 1a*: Systems
Ballroom 103 (8:30 - 10:00AM)
"A short theory of multiprogramming"
Peter J. Denning (George Mason University)
"Workload models for parallel systems"
G. Haring and G. Kotsis (University of Vienna)
"Analysis of the performance of a distributed simulator"
Jacques Labetoulle, Didier Loisel and Alaa Dakroub (Institut
"Performance aspects of real-time systems"
Ramon Puigjaner (Universitat de les Illes Balears
Session 1b: Queuing Systems I
Ballroom 104 (8:30 - 10:00AM)
"Approximate Analysis of Multi-class Synchronized Closed Queueing
B. Baynat and Y. Dallery (Laboratoire MASI - Unitersite Pierre
et marie Curie)
"Multiple Class G-Networks with Jumps back to Zero"
J.-M. Fourneau, L. Kloul, F. Quessette (Universite de Versailles)
"G-networks with triggered batch state-dependent movement"
J.-M. Fourneau, D. Verchere (Universite de Versailles)
"Performance Analysis of the General Renewal Multi-Server Finite
Waiting Room Model"
Wen-Jung Hsin, A. van de Liefvoort (U. Missouri-Kansas City)
Session 2a*: Networking I
Ballroom 103 (10:30 - 12:00PM)
"Traffic descriptors, connection acceptance controls, and multiplexing
in ATM networks"
Bharat T. Dhoshi (AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel)
"Efficient massively parallel simulation of dynamic channel assignment
schemes for wireless cellular communications".
Albert Greenberg, B.D. Lubachevsky, D.M. Nicol, and
P.E. Wright (AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill)
"A Robust Heuristic for Minimizing Cell Loss in ATM Networks".
Sridhar Seshadri (New York University) and Vijay Srinivasan
(Duke University)
"Performance Space of a GI/G/1 Queueing System under a Percentile Goal
N. Agarwal and I. Viniotis (NC State University)
Session 2b: Distributed Simulation
Ballroom 104 (10:30 - 12:00AM)
"Performance Comparable Design of Efficient Synchronization
Protocols for Distributed Simulation"
Giovanni Chiola (U Torino), A. Ferscha (U Wien)
"Parallel Discrete Event Simulation in Star Networks with Applications
to Telecommunications"
Sajal K. Das, F. Sarkar (U North Texas)
"Paralleled Network Simulators for Message-Passing Parallel Programs"
P. Dickens (ICASE), P. Heidelberger (IBM), David Nicol
(College of William and Mary)
"An Efficient Algorithm to Compute the Synchronized Product"
Denis Zampunieris, B. Le Charlier (Institut d'Informatique,
Session 3a*: Queueing Systems II
Ballroom 103 (1:30 - 3:00PM)
"Multiple times in systems: a perspective"
Ashok K. Agrawala and Manas Saksena (University of Maryland)
"A two-queue polling model with a threshold service policy".
O.J. Boxma, C.M. Koole, and I. Mitrani (CWI and University
of Newcastle upon Tyne)
"Asymptotics of the Partition Function in Large Closed BCMP Networks
with Bottlenecks"
Y. Kogan and A. Yakovlev (AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, and
Technion IIT, Haifa)
"Bi-directional forecasting and confidence intervals for TES processes"
D.L. Jagerman and B. Melamed (NEC C & C Research
Laboratories, Princeton)
Session 3b: Multiprocessor Architecture
Ballroom 104 (1:30 - 3:00PM)
"On the Performance Evaluation of Fully Asynchronous Processor Architectures"
D.K. Arvind and V.E.F. Rebello (University of Edinburgh)
"An Improved Model for the Performance Analysis of Multistage Switches"
C.-K. Chen, M. Atiquzzaman (La Trobe University)
"Analytic Performance Modeling for a Spectrum of Multithreaded
Processor Architectures"
P.K. Dubey, A. Krishna, M.S. Squillante (IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center)
"Bidirectional versus Unidirectional Networks: Cost/Performance
C. Hyatt and D.P. Agrawal (NCSU)
Session 4a*: Queuing Systems III
Ballroom 103 (3:30 - 5:00PM)
"Energy functions of product form queueing networks"
Erol Gelenbe (Duke University, Durham)
"M/G/1 queues with negative arrivals: an iteration to solve a Fredholm
integral equation of the first kind"
Peter Harrison and Edwige Pitel (Imperial College, London)
"Scheduling of Random Task Graphs on Parallel Processors"
Zhen Liu (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis)
"Product form in discrete time queueing networks: new issues"
Guy Pujolle (PRISM, Universite de Versailles-Saint-Quentin)
Session 4b: Distributed Systems I
Ballroom 104 (3:30 - 5:00PM)
"Approximate MVA of Client-Server Systems with Nonpreemptive Priority"
Dorina C. Petriu, S. Chen (Carleton Univesity)
"Approximate Performance Models of Real-Time Software Systems"
C. Juiz, R. Puigjaner (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
"Priority Queueing in RAID5 Disk Arrays with an NVS Cache"
Alexander Thomasian (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
"Adaptive Resource Management"
Craig E. Wills, S. Chandra (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Thursday 19 January 1995
Opening Talk: "Teletraffic Challenges in Mobile and Personal
Pat Wirth (AT&T Bell Labs)
Meeting Room 106 (8:00 - 8:30AM)
Session 5a*: Modeling Techniques
Meeting Room 106 (8:30 - 10:00AM)
"Numerical evaluation of stochastic automata networks".
P. Hernandez, B. Plateau (IMAG Grenoble) and W.J. Stewart
(North Carolina State University)
"An eclectic survey of bounding methods for Markov chain models"
Richard R. Muntz and J.C.S. Lui (UCLA)
"Analysis of an Open Tandem Queueing Network with Population Constraint
and Constant Service Times"
Y. Rhee and Harry Perros (NC State University, Raleigh)
"From Stochastic Petri Nets to Markov Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets"
Kishor Trivedi, A. Puliafito, and D. Logothetis (Duke
University, Durham)
Session 5b: Parallel Systems I
Meeting Room 107 (8:30 - 10:00AM)
"An Experimental Assessment of Express Parallel Programming Environment"
I. Ahmad (Hong Kong University of Science), Min-You Wu (State
University of New York at Buffalo), J. Yang, A. Ghafoor
(Purdue University)
"Extensible Parallel Program Performance Visualization"
Gary J. Nutt, A. Griff, J.E. Mankovich, J.D. McWhirter (U
Colorado at Boulder)
"Program Modelling via Inter-reference Gaps and Applications"
Vidyadhar Phalke, B. Gopinath (Rutgers University)
"The Effect of Workload on the Performance and Availability of Voting
M.A. Qureshi, William Sanders (University of Illinois)
Session 6a: Parallel Systems II
Meeting Room 106 (10:30 - 12:00PM)
"Thread Placement on the Intel Paragon: Experimentation and Modeling"
E. Smirni, C.A. Childers, E. Rosti, and L.W. Dowdy (Vanderbilt U)
"A Program Behavior Model and Its Evaluation"
Mark A. Holliday (Western Carolina U)
"Differential Profiling"
Paul E. McKenney (Sequent Computer Systems)
"SCILab - A Simulation Environment for the Scalable Coherent Interface"
Bin Wu and A. Bogaerts (University of Oslo), A. Bogaerts (CERN)
Session 6b: TOOLS - Processor, Network and System Simulation
Chair: M. Thapar (HP Labs)
Meeting Room 107 (10:30 - 12:00PM)
"HALSIM - a very fast SPARC V9 Behavioral Model"
D. Barach, J. Kohli, J. Slice, M. Spaulding, R. Bharadhwaj,
D. Hudson, C. Neighbors, N. Saxena, and R. Crunk (HAL Computer
"Bnet: Designing a Connectionless Broadband Data Service in an ATM
network by Simulated Annealing"
Borut Stavrov, Jan de Jongh, Alexander van Lomwel, Ronald Velt
(Delft Univ.)
"A Technique for the Distributed Simulation of Parallel Computers"
Livio Ricciulli (SRI)
Session 7a: Networking II
Meeting Room 106 (1:30 - 3:00PM)
"Modeling ATM Networks: A Case Study"
W. Dobosiewicz, Pawel Gburzynski (U. Alberta)
"Quality-of-Service for Video and Data in Very-High-Speed DQDB MANS"
M. Ajmone Marsan, F. Galliano, and F. Neri (Politecnico di Torino)
"Simulation Model for Analysis of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
Network Payload Jitter"
P.E. Sholander, H. L. Owen (Georgia Institute of Technology)
"A Heuristic Algorithm for Admission Control in ATM Networks"
S. M. Srinidhi (NASA Lewis Research Center), W.H. Thesling,
V.K. Konangi (Cleveland State University)
Session 7b: TOOLS - Optimizing Parallel Programs
Chairs: M. Thapar (HP Labs) and T. Braunl (U. Stuttgart IPVR)
Meeting Room 107 (1:30 - 3:00PM)
"VIZIR: An Integrated Environment for Distributed Program Visualization"
Ming C. Hao, Abdul Waheed, Mehdi Jazayeri (HP Labs)
"A Tool for Optimizing Large Scale Parallel Applications"
Olav Hansen and Johann Krammer (TU Muenchen)
"SPLAT: A Standard-to-Standard Real-Time Graphical Scheduling and Code
Generation Tool"
Marthinus van der Westhuizen, Ronald Harley, David Levy
(U. Natal, SAF)
Session 8a: Systems Modeling I
Meeting Room 106 (3:30 - 5:00PM)
"Methodology for obtaining abstract views of state graphs labeled with
probabilities and times. An example of application to a communication
Youcef Atamna, G. Juanole (Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture
des Systemes du CNRS)
"Modeling and Analysis of Object Based Systems with Hidden Sorted ECATNets"
M. Bettaz, M. Maouche (Universite de Constantine)
"System Modeling, Performance Analysis, and Evolutionary Prototyping with
Hardware Description Languages"
S. Mohanty, V. Krishnaswamy, Philip A. Wilsey (University of
"Performance Simulation on a Multitarget Radial Remote-Positioning System"
Damia Vidal (University of Balearic Islands)
Session 8b: TOOLS - Petri Nets, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Chair: T. Braunl (U. Stuttgart IPVR)
Meeting Room 107 (3:30 - 5:00PM)
"PN3-Editor: Compositional Petri Net Editor for Protocol Specification"
Nikolay Anisimov, Alexey Kavalenko, Pavel Postupalski (Russian
Academy of Science)
"XNeuroGene: A system for evolving artificial neural networks"
Christian Jacob, J. Rehder, J. Siemandel, A. Friedmann
(U. Erlangen-Nuernberg)
"Integration of Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy-Logic into a Neural Network
Simulation Environment"
Peter Wilke, G. Billing, C. Mansfeld, J. Nilson
(U. Erlangen-Nuernberg)
Friday 20 January 1995
Opening Talk: "Q2: A New Performance Analysis Tool Exploiting
Numerical Transform Inversion"
G. Choudoury and W. Whitt (AT&T Bell Labs)
Meeting Room 106 (8:00 - 8:30AM)
Session 9a: Distributed Systems II
Meeting Room 106 (8:30 - 10:00AM)
"Wildcard Dimensions in Augmented Star and Bubble-sort Networks"
S. Latifi, Pradip K. Srimani (Colorado State U)
"Modelling of Client/Server System"
A. Puliafito, S. Riccobene, M. Scarpa (Isituto di Informatica
e telecomunicazione)
"Interval-Based Performance Analysis of Computing Systems"
S. Majumdar, R. Ramadoss (Carleton University)
"Dynamic File Migration to Support Parallel Database Systems"
J. A. McCann, N. Williams, P. Osmon (City University, UK)
Session 9b: Networking III
Meeting Room 107 (8:30 - 10:00AM)
"The Loading Region: A Framework for the Performance Evaluation of
Admission Control Policies for High Speed Networks"
Y. Cao, Carey Williamson (University of Saskatchewan)
"Simulation of Signalling in ATM Networks for 3rd Generation Mobile Systems"
Brian Marchent (Roke Manor Research)
"Discrete Event Simulation Modeling of Concurrent Access in ATM-based
Computer Networks"
M. Mateescu, H. Augsten (GMD FOKUS Berlin)
"Spare Capacity Assignment in Telecom Networks Using Path Restoration"
J. Veerasamy, S. Venkatesan, J.C. Shah (University of Texas at
Session 10a: Real Time
Meeting Room 106 (10:30 - 12:00PM)
"RECET - Real Time Cache Evaluation Tool"
Jari Ahola (Tampere University of Technology)
"Real-Time and Performance Evaluation Extensions of Specification
Language LOTOS"
Zbigniew Huzar, J. Magott (Technical University of Wroclaw)
"Back to Balance - Beyond Buck-Bound Bangs"
Adrian Larner (De Montfort, UK)
Session 10b: Systems Modeling II
Meeting Room 107 (10:30 - 12:00PM)
"From Modelling Using Function Charts for Control Systems to Analysis Using
Petri Nets"
A. El Rhalibi, F. Prunet, C. Durante (L.I.R.M.M.)
"Transient Analysis of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets by the
Method of Supplementary Variables"
Reinhard German (Technische Universitat Berlin)
"Automatic Generation of a Software Performance Model Using an
Object-Oriented Prototype"
C. Hrischuk, J. Rolia, C.M. Woodside (Carleton University)
(* Papers presented in Honor of Edward G. Coffman Jr.)
================================================== ====================
Erol Gelenbe
Electrical Engineering
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0291
Patrick W. Dowd
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
State University of New York at Buffalo
201 Bell Hall
Box 602050
Buffalo, NY 14260-2050
Thomas Braunl Manu Thapar
Univ. Stuttgart, IPVR HP Research Labs
Breitwiesenstr. 20-22 1501 Page Mill Road
D-70565 Stuttgart, Germany Palo Alto CA 94304, USA
Dharma Agrawal (NCSU)
Kallol Bagchi (consultant)
Nader Bagherzadeh (UCI)
M. Bettaz (U Constantine, Algeria)
Thomas Braunl (U Stuttgart, Germany)
Jim Burr (Stanford U)
Giovanni Chiola (U Torino, Italy)
Gianfranco Ciardo (College William and Mary)
Doug DeGroot (TI)
Patrick Dowd (SUNY-Buffalo)
Larry Dowdy (Vanderbilt U)
Michel Dubois (USC)
Serge Fdida (U Rene Descartes, France)
Paul Fishwick (U Florida)
Jean-Michel Fourneau (Lab-MASI, France)
Geoffrey Fox (Syracuse U)
Rhys Francis (CSIRO, Australia)
Richard Fujimoto (Georgia Tech)
Erol Gelenbe (Duke U)
Levent Gun (IBM RTP)
Dipak Ghosal (Bellcore)
Dave Harper (U Texas)
Guy Juanole (LAAS, France)
Bob Jump (Rice U)
George Kesidis (U Waterloo, Canada)
Jason Lin (Bellcore)
Darrell Long (UCSC)
Vijay Madisetti (Georgia Tech)
Guenter Mamier (U Stuttgart, Germany)
M Ajmone Marsan (Poly Torino, Italy)
Ben Melamed (NEC Princeton)
Debasis Mitra (AT&T Bell Labs)
Arne Nilsson (NC State)
Tuncer Oren (U Ottawa, Canada)
Raif Onvural (IBM)
Mary Lou Padgett (Auburn U)
Gerardo Rubino (INRIA, France)
Eugen Schenfeld (NEC Princeton)
Herb Schwetman (MCC)
Roger Shephard (Inmos, UK)
Alan J. Smith (UC Berkeley)
Shreekant Thakkar (Intel)
Manu Thapar (HP Palo Alto)
Satish Tripathi (U Maryland)
Kishor Trivedi (Duke U)
Ioannis Viniotis (NC State)
Jean Walrand (UC Berkeley).
Peter Wilke (U Erlangen, Germany)
Steve Winter (Poly. C. London, UK)
Larry Wittie (SUNY Stony Brook)
Felix Wu (UC Berkeley)
Bernie Zeigler (U Arizona)
George Zobrist (U Missouri-Rolla)
================================================== ====================
International Workshop on Modeling,
Analysis and Simulation of Computer and
Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'95)
Co-sponsored by the IEEE (Computer Society, TCCA, TCSIM)
and Duke University
In Cooperation with the ACM (SIGSIM, SIGARCH, SIGMETRICS)
IFIP WG 7.3, and
January 18 -- 20, 1995
Omni Durham Hotel & Durham Civic Center (1-800-THE-OMNI)
Durham, North Carolina USA
The registration fee of $320 includes the Proceedings published by the
IEEE Computer Society Press, admission to tutorials, the conference
banquet, and coffee breaks. Student registration fee is $150.
Additional copies of the Proceedings may be purchased at the
Pre-registered participants benefit from the special hotel rate of $69
per night ($79 double) at the Omni Durham Hotel & Durham Civic Center.
Reservations must be received by January 9th to receive this
discounted rate. Mention MASCOTS'95 when you call the hotel.
Please Return To:
Ms. Margrid Krueger
Department of Electrical Engineering
Box 90291
Duke University
Durham, N.C. 27708-0291
(or email at
Name: .................................................. ..............*
Affiliation: .................................................. .......*
Address: .................................................. ...........*
.................................................. ...................*
.................................................. ...................*
.................................................. ...................*
.................................................. ...................*
Email Address: .................................................. .....*
Telephone: .................................................. .........*
Fax: .................................................. ...............*
The registration fee of $320 (by check drawn on a U.S. bank and made
out to Duke University), or $150 for students, should be enclosed.
The registration desk will be open at the conference on Tuesday
January 17 from 5PM to 8PM, Wednesday January 18 from 7AM to 6PM,
Thursday January 19 from 7AM to 6PM, and Friday January 20 from 7AM to
================================================== ====================
International Workshop on Modeling,
Analysis and Simulation of Computer and
Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'95)
Co-sponsored by the IEEE (Computer Society, TCCA, TCSIM)
and Duke University
In Cooperation with the ACM (SIGSIM, SIGARCH, SIGMETRICS),
IFIP WG 7.3, and
January 18 -- 20, 1995
Omni Durham Hotel & Durham Civic Center (1-800-THE-OMNI)
Durham, North Carolina, USA
Wednesday 18 January 1995
MASCOTS'95 Welcome Address from General and Program Chairs
Erol Gelenbe (Duke University) and Patrick Dowd (SUNY/Buffalo)
Ballroom 103 (8:00 - 8:15AM)
"Edward G. Coffman Jr.'s Festschrift: Welcome and Opening remarks"
Erol Gelenbe (Duke University)
Ballroom 103 (8:15 - 8:30AM)
Session 1a*: Systems
Ballroom 103 (8:30 - 10:00AM)
"A short theory of multiprogramming"
Peter J. Denning (George Mason University)
"Workload models for parallel systems"
G. Haring and G. Kotsis (University of Vienna)
"Analysis of the performance of a distributed simulator"
Jacques Labetoulle, Didier Loisel and Alaa Dakroub (Institut
"Performance aspects of real-time systems"
Ramon Puigjaner (Universitat de les Illes Balears
Session 1b: Queuing Systems I
Ballroom 104 (8:30 - 10:00AM)
"Approximate Analysis of Multi-class Synchronized Closed Queueing
B. Baynat and Y. Dallery (Laboratoire MASI - Unitersite Pierre
et marie Curie)
"Multiple Class G-Networks with Jumps back to Zero"
J.-M. Fourneau, L. Kloul, F. Quessette (Universite de Versailles)
"G-networks with triggered batch state-dependent movement"
J.-M. Fourneau, D. Verchere (Universite de Versailles)
"Performance Analysis of the General Renewal Multi-Server Finite
Waiting Room Model"
Wen-Jung Hsin, A. van de Liefvoort (U. Missouri-Kansas City)
Session 2a*: Networking I
Ballroom 103 (10:30 - 12:00PM)
"Traffic descriptors, connection acceptance controls, and multiplexing
in ATM networks"
Bharat T. Dhoshi (AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel)
"Efficient massively parallel simulation of dynamic channel assignment
schemes for wireless cellular communications".
Albert Greenberg, B.D. Lubachevsky, D.M. Nicol, and
P.E. Wright (AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill)
"A Robust Heuristic for Minimizing Cell Loss in ATM Networks".
Sridhar Seshadri (New York University) and Vijay Srinivasan
(Duke University)
"Performance Space of a GI/G/1 Queueing System under a Percentile Goal
N. Agarwal and I. Viniotis (NC State University)
Session 2b: Distributed Simulation
Ballroom 104 (10:30 - 12:00AM)
"Performance Comparable Design of Efficient Synchronization
Protocols for Distributed Simulation"
Giovanni Chiola (U Torino), A. Ferscha (U Wien)
"Parallel Discrete Event Simulation in Star Networks with Applications
to Telecommunications"
Sajal K. Das, F. Sarkar (U North Texas)
"Paralleled Network Simulators for Message-Passing Parallel Programs"
P. Dickens (ICASE), P. Heidelberger (IBM), David Nicol
(College of William and Mary)
"An Efficient Algorithm to Compute the Synchronized Product"
Denis Zampunieris, B. Le Charlier (Institut d'Informatique,
Session 3a*: Queueing Systems II
Ballroom 103 (1:30 - 3:00PM)
"Multiple times in systems: a perspective"
Ashok K. Agrawala and Manas Saksena (University of Maryland)
"A two-queue polling model with a threshold service policy".
O.J. Boxma, C.M. Koole, and I. Mitrani (CWI and University
of Newcastle upon Tyne)
"Asymptotics of the Partition Function in Large Closed BCMP Networks
with Bottlenecks"
Y. Kogan and A. Yakovlev (AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, and
Technion IIT, Haifa)
"Bi-directional forecasting and confidence intervals for TES processes"
D.L. Jagerman and B. Melamed (NEC C & C Research
Laboratories, Princeton)
Session 3b: Multiprocessor Architecture
Ballroom 104 (1:30 - 3:00PM)
"On the Performance Evaluation of Fully Asynchronous Processor Architectures"
D.K. Arvind and V.E.F. Rebello (University of Edinburgh)
"An Improved Model for the Performance Analysis of Multistage Switches"
C.-K. Chen, M. Atiquzzaman (La Trobe University)
"Analytic Performance Modeling for a Spectrum of Multithreaded
Processor Architectures"
P.K. Dubey, A. Krishna, M.S. Squillante (IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center)
"Bidirectional versus Unidirectional Networks: Cost/Performance
C. Hyatt and D.P. Agrawal (NCSU)
Session 4a*: Queuing Systems III
Ballroom 103 (3:30 - 5:00PM)
"Energy functions of product form queueing networks"
Erol Gelenbe (Duke University, Durham)
"M/G/1 queues with negative arrivals: an iteration to solve a Fredholm
integral equation of the first kind"
Peter Harrison and Edwige Pitel (Imperial College, London)
"Scheduling of Random Task Graphs on Parallel Processors"
Zhen Liu (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis)
"Product form in discrete time queueing networks: new issues"
Guy Pujolle (PRISM, Universite de Versailles-Saint-Quentin)
Session 4b: Distributed Systems I
Ballroom 104 (3:30 - 5:00PM)
"Approximate MVA of Client-Server Systems with Nonpreemptive Priority"
Dorina C. Petriu, S. Chen (Carleton Univesity)
"Approximate Performance Models of Real-Time Software Systems"
C. Juiz, R. Puigjaner (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
"Priority Queueing in RAID5 Disk Arrays with an NVS Cache"
Alexander Thomasian (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
"Adaptive Resource Management"
Craig E. Wills, S. Chandra (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Thursday 19 January 1995
Opening Talk: "Teletraffic Challenges in Mobile and Personal
Pat Wirth (AT&T Bell Labs)
Meeting Room 106 (8:00 - 8:30AM)
Session 5a*: Modeling Techniques
Meeting Room 106 (8:30 - 10:00AM)
"Numerical evaluation of stochastic automata networks".
P. Hernandez, B. Plateau (IMAG Grenoble) and W.J. Stewart
(North Carolina State University)
"An eclectic survey of bounding methods for Markov chain models"
Richard R. Muntz and J.C.S. Lui (UCLA)
"Analysis of an Open Tandem Queueing Network with Population Constraint
and Constant Service Times"
Y. Rhee and Harry Perros (NC State University, Raleigh)
"From Stochastic Petri Nets to Markov Regenerative Stochastic Petri Nets"
Kishor Trivedi, A. Puliafito, and D. Logothetis (Duke
University, Durham)
Session 5b: Parallel Systems I
Meeting Room 107 (8:30 - 10:00AM)
"An Experimental Assessment of Express Parallel Programming Environment"
I. Ahmad (Hong Kong University of Science), Min-You Wu (State
University of New York at Buffalo), J. Yang, A. Ghafoor
(Purdue University)
"Extensible Parallel Program Performance Visualization"
Gary J. Nutt, A. Griff, J.E. Mankovich, J.D. McWhirter (U
Colorado at Boulder)
"Program Modelling via Inter-reference Gaps and Applications"
Vidyadhar Phalke, B. Gopinath (Rutgers University)
"The Effect of Workload on the Performance and Availability of Voting
M.A. Qureshi, William Sanders (University of Illinois)
Session 6a: Parallel Systems II
Meeting Room 106 (10:30 - 12:00PM)
"Thread Placement on the Intel Paragon: Experimentation and Modeling"
E. Smirni, C.A. Childers, E. Rosti, and L.W. Dowdy (Vanderbilt U)
"A Program Behavior Model and Its Evaluation"
Mark A. Holliday (Western Carolina U)
"Differential Profiling"
Paul E. McKenney (Sequent Computer Systems)
"SCILab - A Simulation Environment for the Scalable Coherent Interface"
Bin Wu and A. Bogaerts (University of Oslo), A. Bogaerts (CERN)
Session 6b: TOOLS - Processor, Network and System Simulation
Chair: M. Thapar (HP Labs)
Meeting Room 107 (10:30 - 12:00PM)
"HALSIM - a very fast SPARC V9 Behavioral Model"
D. Barach, J. Kohli, J. Slice, M. Spaulding, R. Bharadhwaj,
D. Hudson, C. Neighbors, N. Saxena, and R. Crunk (HAL Computer
"Bnet: Designing a Connectionless Broadband Data Service in an ATM
network by Simulated Annealing"
Borut Stavrov, Jan de Jongh, Alexander van Lomwel, Ronald Velt
(Delft Univ.)
"A Technique for the Distributed Simulation of Parallel Computers"
Livio Ricciulli (SRI)
Session 7a: Networking II
Meeting Room 106 (1:30 - 3:00PM)
"Modeling ATM Networks: A Case Study"
W. Dobosiewicz, Pawel Gburzynski (U. Alberta)
"Quality-of-Service for Video and Data in Very-High-Speed DQDB MANS"
M. Ajmone Marsan, F. Galliano, and F. Neri (Politecnico di Torino)
"Simulation Model for Analysis of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
Network Payload Jitter"
P.E. Sholander, H. L. Owen (Georgia Institute of Technology)
"A Heuristic Algorithm for Admission Control in ATM Networks"
S. M. Srinidhi (NASA Lewis Research Center), W.H. Thesling,
V.K. Konangi (Cleveland State University)
Session 7b: TOOLS - Optimizing Parallel Programs
Chairs: M. Thapar (HP Labs) and T. Braunl (U. Stuttgart IPVR)
Meeting Room 107 (1:30 - 3:00PM)
"VIZIR: An Integrated Environment for Distributed Program Visualization"
Ming C. Hao, Abdul Waheed, Mehdi Jazayeri (HP Labs)
"A Tool for Optimizing Large Scale Parallel Applications"
Olav Hansen and Johann Krammer (TU Muenchen)
"SPLAT: A Standard-to-Standard Real-Time Graphical Scheduling and Code
Generation Tool"
Marthinus van der Westhuizen, Ronald Harley, David Levy
(U. Natal, SAF)
Session 8a: Systems Modeling I
Meeting Room 106 (3:30 - 5:00PM)
"Methodology for obtaining abstract views of state graphs labeled with
probabilities and times. An example of application to a communication
Youcef Atamna, G. Juanole (Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture
des Systemes du CNRS)
"Modeling and Analysis of Object Based Systems with Hidden Sorted ECATNets"
M. Bettaz, M. Maouche (Universite de Constantine)
"System Modeling, Performance Analysis, and Evolutionary Prototyping with
Hardware Description Languages"
S. Mohanty, V. Krishnaswamy, Philip A. Wilsey (University of
"Performance Simulation on a Multitarget Radial Remote-Positioning System"
Damia Vidal (University of Balearic Islands)
Session 8b: TOOLS - Petri Nets, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Chair: T. Braunl (U. Stuttgart IPVR)
Meeting Room 107 (3:30 - 5:00PM)
"PN3-Editor: Compositional Petri Net Editor for Protocol Specification"
Nikolay Anisimov, Alexey Kavalenko, Pavel Postupalski (Russian
Academy of Science)
"XNeuroGene: A system for evolving artificial neural networks"
Christian Jacob, J. Rehder, J. Siemandel, A. Friedmann
(U. Erlangen-Nuernberg)
"Integration of Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy-Logic into a Neural Network
Simulation Environment"
Peter Wilke, G. Billing, C. Mansfeld, J. Nilson
(U. Erlangen-Nuernberg)
Friday 20 January 1995
Opening Talk: "Q2: A New Performance Analysis Tool Exploiting
Numerical Transform Inversion"
G. Choudoury and W. Whitt (AT&T Bell Labs)
Meeting Room 106 (8:00 - 8:30AM)
Session 9a: Distributed Systems II
Meeting Room 106 (8:30 - 10:00AM)
"Wildcard Dimensions in Augmented Star and Bubble-sort Networks"
S. Latifi, Pradip K. Srimani (Colorado State U)
"Modelling of Client/Server System"
A. Puliafito, S. Riccobene, M. Scarpa (Isituto di Informatica
e telecomunicazione)
"Interval-Based Performance Analysis of Computing Systems"
S. Majumdar, R. Ramadoss (Carleton University)
"Dynamic File Migration to Support Parallel Database Systems"
J. A. McCann, N. Williams, P. Osmon (City University, UK)
Session 9b: Networking III
Meeting Room 107 (8:30 - 10:00AM)
"The Loading Region: A Framework for the Performance Evaluation of
Admission Control Policies for High Speed Networks"
Y. Cao, Carey Williamson (University of Saskatchewan)
"Simulation of Signalling in ATM Networks for 3rd Generation Mobile Systems"
Brian Marchent (Roke Manor Research)
"Discrete Event Simulation Modeling of Concurrent Access in ATM-based
Computer Networks"
M. Mateescu, H. Augsten (GMD FOKUS Berlin)
"Spare Capacity Assignment in Telecom Networks Using Path Restoration"
J. Veerasamy, S. Venkatesan, J.C. Shah (University of Texas at
Session 10a: Real Time
Meeting Room 106 (10:30 - 12:00PM)
"RECET - Real Time Cache Evaluation Tool"
Jari Ahola (Tampere University of Technology)
"Real-Time and Performance Evaluation Extensions of Specification
Language LOTOS"
Zbigniew Huzar, J. Magott (Technical University of Wroclaw)
"Back to Balance - Beyond Buck-Bound Bangs"
Adrian Larner (De Montfort, UK)
Session 10b: Systems Modeling II
Meeting Room 107 (10:30 - 12:00PM)
"From Modelling Using Function Charts for Control Systems to Analysis Using
Petri Nets"
A. El Rhalibi, F. Prunet, C. Durante (L.I.R.M.M.)
"Transient Analysis of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets by the
Method of Supplementary Variables"
Reinhard German (Technische Universitat Berlin)
"Automatic Generation of a Software Performance Model Using an
Object-Oriented Prototype"
C. Hrischuk, J. Rolia, C.M. Woodside (Carleton University)
(* Papers presented in Honor of Edward G. Coffman Jr.)
================================================== ====================
Erol Gelenbe
Electrical Engineering
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0291
Patrick W. Dowd
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
State University of New York at Buffalo
201 Bell Hall
Box 602050
Buffalo, NY 14260-2050
Thomas Braunl Manu Thapar
Univ. Stuttgart, IPVR HP Research Labs
Breitwiesenstr. 20-22 1501 Page Mill Road
D-70565 Stuttgart, Germany Palo Alto CA 94304, USA
Dharma Agrawal (NCSU)
Kallol Bagchi (consultant)
Nader Bagherzadeh (UCI)
M. Bettaz (U Constantine, Algeria)
Thomas Braunl (U Stuttgart, Germany)
Jim Burr (Stanford U)
Giovanni Chiola (U Torino, Italy)
Gianfranco Ciardo (College William and Mary)
Doug DeGroot (TI)
Patrick Dowd (SUNY-Buffalo)
Larry Dowdy (Vanderbilt U)
Michel Dubois (USC)
Serge Fdida (U Rene Descartes, France)
Paul Fishwick (U Florida)
Jean-Michel Fourneau (Lab-MASI, France)
Geoffrey Fox (Syracuse U)
Rhys Francis (CSIRO, Australia)
Richard Fujimoto (Georgia Tech)
Erol Gelenbe (Duke U)
Levent Gun (IBM RTP)
Dipak Ghosal (Bellcore)
Dave Harper (U Texas)
Guy Juanole (LAAS, France)
Bob Jump (Rice U)
George Kesidis (U Waterloo, Canada)
Jason Lin (Bellcore)
Darrell Long (UCSC)
Vijay Madisetti (Georgia Tech)
Guenter Mamier (U Stuttgart, Germany)
M Ajmone Marsan (Poly Torino, Italy)
Ben Melamed (NEC Princeton)
Debasis Mitra (AT&T Bell Labs)
Arne Nilsson (NC State)
Tuncer Oren (U Ottawa, Canada)
Raif Onvural (IBM)
Mary Lou Padgett (Auburn U)
Gerardo Rubino (INRIA, France)
Eugen Schenfeld (NEC Princeton)
Herb Schwetman (MCC)
Roger Shephard (Inmos, UK)
Alan J. Smith (UC Berkeley)
Shreekant Thakkar (Intel)
Manu Thapar (HP Palo Alto)
Satish Tripathi (U Maryland)
Kishor Trivedi (Duke U)
Ioannis Viniotis (NC State)
Jean Walrand (UC Berkeley).
Peter Wilke (U Erlangen, Germany)
Steve Winter (Poly. C. London, UK)
Larry Wittie (SUNY Stony Brook)
Felix Wu (UC Berkeley)
Bernie Zeigler (U Arizona)
George Zobrist (U Missouri-Rolla)
================================================== ====================
International Workshop on Modeling,
Analysis and Simulation of Computer and
Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'95)
Co-sponsored by the IEEE (Computer Society, TCCA, TCSIM)
and Duke University
In Cooperation with the ACM (SIGSIM, SIGARCH, SIGMETRICS)
IFIP WG 7.3, and
January 18 -- 20, 1995
Omni Durham Hotel & Durham Civic Center (1-800-THE-OMNI)
Durham, North Carolina USA
The registration fee of $320 includes the Proceedings published by the
IEEE Computer Society Press, admission to tutorials, the conference
banquet, and coffee breaks. Student registration fee is $150.
Additional copies of the Proceedings may be purchased at the
Pre-registered participants benefit from the special hotel rate of $69
per night ($79 double) at the Omni Durham Hotel & Durham Civic Center.
Reservations must be received by January 9th to receive this
discounted rate. Mention MASCOTS'95 when you call the hotel.
Please Return To:
Ms. Margrid Krueger
Department of Electrical Engineering
Box 90291
Duke University
Durham, N.C. 27708-0291
(or email at
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The registration fee of $320 (by check drawn on a U.S. bank and made
out to Duke University), or $150 for students, should be enclosed.
The registration desk will be open at the conference on Tuesday
January 17 from 5PM to 8PM, Wednesday January 18 from 7AM to 6PM,
Thursday January 19 from 7AM to 6PM, and Friday January 20 from 7AM to
================================================== ====================