On Tue, 22 Nov 1994 12:26:37 -0800
I posted the following message
I have a Peak Performance video analysis system in my lab and the VCR with
this system is malfunctioning. As I digitize a trial, the VCR is
simultaneously erasing the videotape images. If I try to view a
previously digitized portion of the videotape, only static or "noise"
appears on the video monitor. Has anyone had this problem before? If so,
how did you solve it? This VCR is approximately 7 years old, is this an
indicator that it needs to be replaced? Any insights or comments would be
Additionally, based on previous postings to BIOMCH-L, it is apparent that
a large number of researchers have a Peak Performance video analysis
system in their lab. Is there an interest in forming a separate bulletin
board to answer technical questions, problems, etc. associated with the
Peak system? Or will these problems be general enough to be applicable to
the biomechanics community at-large and as such, 'BIOMCH-L' is the
appropriate forum for questions related to the Peak Performance system?
Again, any comments or discussion would be welcomed.
Based upon the replies, it appears that there is a consensus for keeping
discussions related to the Peak Performance system on BIOMCH-L.
As regards my personal VCR problem, I am currently wearing my knee pads
and will be in my chairperson's office tomorrow morning begging for money
for a new VCR, software, etc. The current VCR has been well-maintained
(serviced yearly) and has become increasingly problematic. As I cannot
risk accidentally erasing anymore videotapes and losing data (and I
thought LOCAMs were frustrating), replacing the VCR seems to be the
best, albeit most expensive solution. Thanks to all who replied.
Replies follow. Header information and personal comments have been deleted.
I think it would be useful to have a bulletin board for Peak users.
Joel Vilensky
Indiana University
From: YUB@rcf.mayo.edu
Hi, Michael,
it sounds that you got the same problem as I had when I was at the University
of Iowa. There is a Peak system in the sport biomechanics laboratory at the
University of Iowa. Couple years ago, we found that sometimes the digitizing
cursor erased the image on the screen when we moved the cursor. We asked
Peak Perforemance but did not get the problem solved. However, we found that
the problem was gone if we keep the system on for a while, or switch the
board in the computer from one slot to another. No explanation for any of
these methods but they worked. Good luck.
Bing Yu, Ph.D.
Orthopedic Biomechanics Laboratory
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN 55905
From: Michael Lee
At this stage I don't think BIOMCH-L is being inundated with "Peak"
issues, and I would like to vote to keep the discussion in
BIOMCH-L. People who may buy a Peak system in the future could
well be interested in "listening in" on your discussion.
| Michael Lee |
| Department of Biomedical Sciences |
| Faculty of Health Sciences |
| University of Sydney |
| PO Box 170 |
| Lidcombe, NSW, 2141 |
| Australia |
| |
| FAX:61 2 646 6520 (Tue, Fri) PHONE:61 2 646 6474 (Tue, Fri) |
| 61 2 351 4841 (Wed) 61 2 351 2342 (Wed) |
| 61 2 412 2583 (other days) |
| EMAIL: michael@spine.cchs.su.edu.au |
| [or m.lee@cchs.su.edu.au] |
From: Tec.Serv@latrobe.edu.au
Comment: That's an OLD machine! One possibility is that there is a fault
in the video circuits causing erasure. Get it checked QUICK!
As for an indicator, most machines have a timer of some sort in them. In
the AG7330 for example, it is part of the menu displays. In the old SONY
Umatics (type 5) they used a "thermometer" display, with a 1000 hour range.
They mostly get reset in service because they show the Head to Tape run
time, important for video head life. My experience suggests that the PEAK
is very critical of the tape machine and it is worth keeping it in top
condition, with replacements and alignments at intervals less than the
manufacturer's recommendations.
Persuade [sic] your accountants to let you buy a new VCR.
There is certainly a need for Technical discussion of the merits and
problems with measuring systems, including the PEAK. I certainly subscribe
to this list to pick out and respond to technical/engineering topics,
because that is my particular field. However, there is a need also for the
academic community to see that the measuring systems have problems that are
common to lots of users. After all, these are the people who want to buy
these things. Asking the existing user base is surely a valuable part of
the purchase process. This contact would get lost if the PEAK alone moved
to a different discussion group.
John Yelland
From: Tec.Serv@latrobe.edu.au
A further comment: Peak Performance Technologies have read my postings
about the PEAK video system problems and have a Compuserve address:
"Peak Performance Tech."
John Yelland
From: John Scholz
I can't help you with your current problem, but I too am
a PEAK user and would be interested in a bulletin board
of PEAK users.
John Scholz
From: Ray Smith
We have at present two PEAK analysis configurations. Both of which are
using a Panasonic AG7350 super VHS video machines. The machines do get
serviced after 500 hrs running time and so far we have not had any major
problems with these machines. Your problem seems to be a major fault, is it
with the video player itself or with the remote access that runs the
machine (via the software). We have had several problems with early
software, but nothing a drastic as erasure. Could you let me know what type
of video machine you are using and the conclusion to your problem. I would
aslo be interested in joining a Peak Users List as I have several failed
communications with the actual company.
Ray Smith
From: smithg@ccmail.orst.edu
Michael--it sounds like your VCR is going into record mode when commanded
from the VCR controller board in your computer. A quick fix might be to
remove the plastic tab on the tape cassette which should lock out any
recording to the tape.
With regards to Peak Performance users and Biomch-L, such questions would
seem to have as large an interest base within the net as many other
postings. I'd vote for posting on Biomch-L.
Gerald Smith
Biomechanics Lab
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
From: Gideon Ariel
A video system must allow for grabbing the frame first to the hard
disk in digital form and then adjust the base line to eliminate
distortion. A system that rely on mechanical heads will never satisfy a
proper research. Especially, when you seperate fields from the frame,
you must give attention to the distortion caused by shifting.
Good Luck
Gideon Ariel
From: "William L. Siler, Ph.D."
No, we have had no problems with our VCR in terms of erasing any thing.
Yes, we would be interested in a bulletin board for Peak users.
William L. Siler, Ph.D.
Dept of Physical Therapy
Saint Louis Uninersity
1504 S. Grand
St. Louis, MO 63104-1395 USA
From: Barry Munkasy
I'm in!!
Interesting problem. I didn't think that was possible since the write
heads, I thought, should not be engaged during reading. By the way, if
you end up needing to purchase another, I DO NOT recommend the Panasonic
AG - 7350. It is very annoying to use. Peak is now using a Sanyo
VCR for digitizing. Dawn got them with her purchase, but I haven't had
a chance to try them yet.
I think that Peak has enough quirks of its own to warrant a separate
users group to try to help each other. I must say, that I have not
encountered your problem of tape erasings though.
Best regards,
Brad McFadyen
Bradford J. McFadyen, Ph.D. u
Departement de kinanthropologie q
Universite du Quebec a Montreal a
CP 8888, Succ. Centre-ville m
Montreal, Quebec, Canada *
H3C 3P8 u
Tel: (514)987-4454 q
Fax: (514)987-6616 a
E-mail: r10510@er.uqam.ca m
From: James Dowling
I can not help you with the tape erasure problem but I can say that we
find the Peak system to be hard on VCRs. We have had numerous problems
with the tape transport mechanisms especially when we used the older
versions that would only capture two frames in the manual mode before
moving the tape again. It may be time to replace the VCR. My main
reason for replying is to say that I think BIOMCH-L is probably adequate
for addressing Peak problems without setting up a special bulletin
board. However, if someone was to do such a thing and look after it, I
would subscribe to it.
Jim Dowling
Department of Kinesiology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++
From: Tibor Hortobagyi
Please, let me know about responses. We have not had any such problems
before, though. T.
Tibor Hortobagyi
251 Sports Medicine Bldg.
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858
Phone (919) 328-4564
Email: Hphortob at ecuvm1
From: Steve Mccaw
Hi Mike: Sorry to hear of your problems. I have a Peak system, it is only a
year old, and we have had no problems of the sort you mention.
It would be nice to have a Peak discussion group. Since so many are already
enrolled with BIOMCH-L, this is an appropriate place to hold the discussion.
Perhaps all we need to do is use PEAK as the subject when posting an
Steve McCaw
Dept of HPERD
5120 Illinois State University
Normal, Ill 61790-5120
Phone (309)438-5307 Fax: (309)438-5559 e-mail SMCCAW@ILSTU.EDU
************************** END OF REPLIES ************************
Michael Feltner
Dept. of Sports Medicine & Physical Ed.
Pepperdine University
Malibu, CA 90263 USA
(Office) 1 310 456-4312
(FAX) 1 310 456-4426
I posted the following message
I have a Peak Performance video analysis system in my lab and the VCR with
this system is malfunctioning. As I digitize a trial, the VCR is
simultaneously erasing the videotape images. If I try to view a
previously digitized portion of the videotape, only static or "noise"
appears on the video monitor. Has anyone had this problem before? If so,
how did you solve it? This VCR is approximately 7 years old, is this an
indicator that it needs to be replaced? Any insights or comments would be
Additionally, based on previous postings to BIOMCH-L, it is apparent that
a large number of researchers have a Peak Performance video analysis
system in their lab. Is there an interest in forming a separate bulletin
board to answer technical questions, problems, etc. associated with the
Peak system? Or will these problems be general enough to be applicable to
the biomechanics community at-large and as such, 'BIOMCH-L' is the
appropriate forum for questions related to the Peak Performance system?
Again, any comments or discussion would be welcomed.
Based upon the replies, it appears that there is a consensus for keeping
discussions related to the Peak Performance system on BIOMCH-L.
As regards my personal VCR problem, I am currently wearing my knee pads
and will be in my chairperson's office tomorrow morning begging for money
for a new VCR, software, etc. The current VCR has been well-maintained
(serviced yearly) and has become increasingly problematic. As I cannot
risk accidentally erasing anymore videotapes and losing data (and I
thought LOCAMs were frustrating), replacing the VCR seems to be the
best, albeit most expensive solution. Thanks to all who replied.
Replies follow. Header information and personal comments have been deleted.
I think it would be useful to have a bulletin board for Peak users.
Joel Vilensky
Indiana University
From: YUB@rcf.mayo.edu
Hi, Michael,
it sounds that you got the same problem as I had when I was at the University
of Iowa. There is a Peak system in the sport biomechanics laboratory at the
University of Iowa. Couple years ago, we found that sometimes the digitizing
cursor erased the image on the screen when we moved the cursor. We asked
Peak Perforemance but did not get the problem solved. However, we found that
the problem was gone if we keep the system on for a while, or switch the
board in the computer from one slot to another. No explanation for any of
these methods but they worked. Good luck.
Bing Yu, Ph.D.
Orthopedic Biomechanics Laboratory
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN 55905
From: Michael Lee
At this stage I don't think BIOMCH-L is being inundated with "Peak"
issues, and I would like to vote to keep the discussion in
BIOMCH-L. People who may buy a Peak system in the future could
well be interested in "listening in" on your discussion.
| Michael Lee |
| Department of Biomedical Sciences |
| Faculty of Health Sciences |
| University of Sydney |
| PO Box 170 |
| Lidcombe, NSW, 2141 |
| Australia |
| |
| FAX:61 2 646 6520 (Tue, Fri) PHONE:61 2 646 6474 (Tue, Fri) |
| 61 2 351 4841 (Wed) 61 2 351 2342 (Wed) |
| 61 2 412 2583 (other days) |
| EMAIL: michael@spine.cchs.su.edu.au |
| [or m.lee@cchs.su.edu.au] |
From: Tec.Serv@latrobe.edu.au
Comment: That's an OLD machine! One possibility is that there is a fault
in the video circuits causing erasure. Get it checked QUICK!
As for an indicator, most machines have a timer of some sort in them. In
the AG7330 for example, it is part of the menu displays. In the old SONY
Umatics (type 5) they used a "thermometer" display, with a 1000 hour range.
They mostly get reset in service because they show the Head to Tape run
time, important for video head life. My experience suggests that the PEAK
is very critical of the tape machine and it is worth keeping it in top
condition, with replacements and alignments at intervals less than the
manufacturer's recommendations.
Persuade [sic] your accountants to let you buy a new VCR.
There is certainly a need for Technical discussion of the merits and
problems with measuring systems, including the PEAK. I certainly subscribe
to this list to pick out and respond to technical/engineering topics,
because that is my particular field. However, there is a need also for the
academic community to see that the measuring systems have problems that are
common to lots of users. After all, these are the people who want to buy
these things. Asking the existing user base is surely a valuable part of
the purchase process. This contact would get lost if the PEAK alone moved
to a different discussion group.
John Yelland
From: Tec.Serv@latrobe.edu.au
A further comment: Peak Performance Technologies have read my postings
about the PEAK video system problems and have a Compuserve address:
"Peak Performance Tech."
John Yelland
From: John Scholz
I can't help you with your current problem, but I too am
a PEAK user and would be interested in a bulletin board
of PEAK users.
John Scholz
From: Ray Smith
We have at present two PEAK analysis configurations. Both of which are
using a Panasonic AG7350 super VHS video machines. The machines do get
serviced after 500 hrs running time and so far we have not had any major
problems with these machines. Your problem seems to be a major fault, is it
with the video player itself or with the remote access that runs the
machine (via the software). We have had several problems with early
software, but nothing a drastic as erasure. Could you let me know what type
of video machine you are using and the conclusion to your problem. I would
aslo be interested in joining a Peak Users List as I have several failed
communications with the actual company.
Ray Smith
From: smithg@ccmail.orst.edu
Michael--it sounds like your VCR is going into record mode when commanded
from the VCR controller board in your computer. A quick fix might be to
remove the plastic tab on the tape cassette which should lock out any
recording to the tape.
With regards to Peak Performance users and Biomch-L, such questions would
seem to have as large an interest base within the net as many other
postings. I'd vote for posting on Biomch-L.
Gerald Smith
Biomechanics Lab
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
From: Gideon Ariel
A video system must allow for grabbing the frame first to the hard
disk in digital form and then adjust the base line to eliminate
distortion. A system that rely on mechanical heads will never satisfy a
proper research. Especially, when you seperate fields from the frame,
you must give attention to the distortion caused by shifting.
Good Luck
Gideon Ariel
From: "William L. Siler, Ph.D."
No, we have had no problems with our VCR in terms of erasing any thing.
Yes, we would be interested in a bulletin board for Peak users.
William L. Siler, Ph.D.
Dept of Physical Therapy
Saint Louis Uninersity
1504 S. Grand
St. Louis, MO 63104-1395 USA
From: Barry Munkasy
I'm in!!
Interesting problem. I didn't think that was possible since the write
heads, I thought, should not be engaged during reading. By the way, if
you end up needing to purchase another, I DO NOT recommend the Panasonic
AG - 7350. It is very annoying to use. Peak is now using a Sanyo
VCR for digitizing. Dawn got them with her purchase, but I haven't had
a chance to try them yet.
I think that Peak has enough quirks of its own to warrant a separate
users group to try to help each other. I must say, that I have not
encountered your problem of tape erasings though.
Best regards,
Brad McFadyen
Bradford J. McFadyen, Ph.D. u
Departement de kinanthropologie q
Universite du Quebec a Montreal a
CP 8888, Succ. Centre-ville m
Montreal, Quebec, Canada *
H3C 3P8 u
Tel: (514)987-4454 q
Fax: (514)987-6616 a
E-mail: r10510@er.uqam.ca m
From: James Dowling
I can not help you with the tape erasure problem but I can say that we
find the Peak system to be hard on VCRs. We have had numerous problems
with the tape transport mechanisms especially when we used the older
versions that would only capture two frames in the manual mode before
moving the tape again. It may be time to replace the VCR. My main
reason for replying is to say that I think BIOMCH-L is probably adequate
for addressing Peak problems without setting up a special bulletin
board. However, if someone was to do such a thing and look after it, I
would subscribe to it.
Jim Dowling
Department of Kinesiology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++
From: Tibor Hortobagyi
Please, let me know about responses. We have not had any such problems
before, though. T.
Tibor Hortobagyi
251 Sports Medicine Bldg.
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858
Phone (919) 328-4564
Email: Hphortob at ecuvm1
From: Steve Mccaw
Hi Mike: Sorry to hear of your problems. I have a Peak system, it is only a
year old, and we have had no problems of the sort you mention.
It would be nice to have a Peak discussion group. Since so many are already
enrolled with BIOMCH-L, this is an appropriate place to hold the discussion.
Perhaps all we need to do is use PEAK as the subject when posting an
Steve McCaw
Dept of HPERD
5120 Illinois State University
Normal, Ill 61790-5120
Phone (309)438-5307 Fax: (309)438-5559 e-mail SMCCAW@ILSTU.EDU
************************** END OF REPLIES ************************
Michael Feltner
Dept. of Sports Medicine & Physical Ed.
Pepperdine University
Malibu, CA 90263 USA
(Office) 1 310 456-4312
(FAX) 1 310 456-4426