I am looking for two bits of equipment for a research project with adults and
children. Does anybody have suggestions for the following, in terms of
We presently have some fairly old and crude reflected IRED eye-trackers. Is
anyone currently using/recommend similar light-weight, stable trackers for
monitoring eye-movements with respect to the head/eye-socket.
We also want to produce vibration induced illusions by vibrating tendons.
Standard medical vibrators are very cumbersome, has anyone information on
small size 70-100 Hz vibrators. Has anyone tried vibrating through piezo-
electric crystals ?
In both cases general advice (e.g. that would never work) and specific
advice (supplier and approx cost) would be welcomed.
John Wann, Dept. Psychology, Edinburgh, Scotland
John1@edinburgh.ac.uk (or ejua61@same-address) for ex-U.K.
John1@uk.ac.edinburgh within U.K.
children. Does anybody have suggestions for the following, in terms of
We presently have some fairly old and crude reflected IRED eye-trackers. Is
anyone currently using/recommend similar light-weight, stable trackers for
monitoring eye-movements with respect to the head/eye-socket.
We also want to produce vibration induced illusions by vibrating tendons.
Standard medical vibrators are very cumbersome, has anyone information on
small size 70-100 Hz vibrators. Has anyone tried vibrating through piezo-
electric crystals ?
In both cases general advice (e.g. that would never work) and specific
advice (supplier and approx cost) would be welcomed.
John Wann, Dept. Psychology, Edinburgh, Scotland
John1@edinburgh.ac.uk (or ejua61@same-address) for ex-U.K.
John1@uk.ac.edinburgh within U.K.