The Department of Exercise and Sport Science at Penn State University has two
tenure track positions available in the areas of Biomechanics and Motor Behavio
r at the Assistant or Associate Professor level. Candidates with specializatio
n in a number of areas are encouraged to apply: biomechanics and related discip
lines; growth and development; motor control and learning; psychological proces
ses as related to physical activity. Candidates should have an earned doctorate
in movement sciences or a related discipline and have an established record of
scholarship as well as documented commitment to excellence in teaching and serv
ice. Candidates are expected to develop a strong externally funded research pr
ogram in the appropriate discipline; participate in interdisciplinary research
activities; teach and advise at the graduate and undegraduate levels. Submit c
over letter, curriculum vitae, three recent research publications and the name,
address and phone number of three individuals from whom you have requested let
ters of recommendation. Direct all correspondence to V. Zatsiorsky, Ph.D., Cha
ir, Search Committee, Dept. of Exercise and Sport Science,109 White Bldg, Box B
, Penn State University, University Park 16802.