Dear Sir/Madam,

Please post the following Call For Papers on the biomch-l list. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Nadia Hamza

Third IASTED International Conference

DATE: June 14-17, 1995

LOCATION: Sheraton Hotel, Cancun, Mexico

SPONSORS: The International Association of Science and Technology for
Development - IASTED
In cooperation with: ITESM (Inst. Tech. y de Estudios Sup. de
Monterrey, Mexico)

SCOPE: Topics to be covered include:
* Adaptive Control * Modelling
* AI Techniques * Motion Planning
* Architecture * Multirobot Systems
* Autonomous Systems * Neural Networks
* Bionics/Biomechanics * Process Control
* Design Automation * Reliability/Safety/Stability
* Expert Systems * Robot Dynamics
* Flexible Manufacturing Systems * Robot Control
* Fuzzy Control * Robot Kinematics
* Human/Machine Interface * Robot Mechanisms
* Industrial Automation * Robust Control
* Industrial Robots * Scheduling
* Intelligent Systems * Sensors
* Knowledge-Based Systems * Sensor Data Fusion
* Learning/Reasoning Systems * Simulation
* Manufacturing Systems * Space Robotics
* Mechatronics * Teleoperation
* Microrobotics * Virtual Reality
* Mobile Robots * Applications - All areas

General Chair: T.C. (Steve) Hsia, University of California, Davis, USA
Program Chair: Rene V. Mayorga, University of Waterloo, Canada
Regional Program Chairs: Francisco Cantu-Ortiz, ITESM, Monterrey
Juan Frausto-Solis, ITESM, Morelos


S. Arimoto Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
E. Bayo Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara, USA
P. Dario Univ. of Pisa, Italy
C. Doumanidis Tufts Univ., USA
A. Desrochers Renselaer Polytechnic, USA
R.V. Dubey Univ. of Tennessee, USA
W.H. ElMaraghy Univ. of Windsor, Canada
B. Espiau INRIA, France
T. Fukuda Nagoya Univ., Japan
H. Furuta Japan
A. Goldenberg Univ. of Toronto, Canada
E. Gomes EPUSP, Brazil
W.A. Gruver Simon Fraser Univ., Canada
H. Inoue Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
S. Kalaycioglu Canada Space Agency, Canada
O. Khatib Stanford University, USA
H.N. Koivo Tampere Univ., Finland
K. Kosuge Univ. of Nagoya, Japan
F. Lobo-Pereira Porto Univ., Portugal
A. Maciejewski Purdue Univ., USA
H. Miura Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Y. Nakamura Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
G. Saridis Rensselaer Polytechnic, USA
H. Seraji JPL, USA
Y. Shirai Osaka Univ., Japan
J.E. Slotine MIT, USA
A.C. Sanderson Rensselaer Poly., USA
B. Siciliano Univ. of Naples, Italy
P.M. Taylor Univ. of Hull, UK
S. Tsuji Osaka Univ., Japan
A.K.C. Wong Univ. of Waterloo, Canada


J.L. Gordillo ITESM, Monterrey F. Ramos ITESM, Morelos
R. Kelly CICESE, Ensenada G. Rodriguez IEE, Cuenavaca
J.M. Ibarra CINESTAV J.M. Sanchez ITESM, Monterrey
H. Martinez ITESM R. Soto ITESM, Monterrey
A. Ramirez CINESTAV L.E. Sucar-Succar ITESM, Morelos
A. Pamanes Laguna Tec., Torreon M. Valenzuela ITESM, Monterrey

Three copies of the papers (maximum 12 double-spaced pages, including figures,
for regular papers; and maximum six double spaced pages for short papers)
should be received by FEBRUARY 15, 1995 by Rene V. Mayorga, Dept. of Systems
Design Eng., University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 Canada. Please
include four keywords to indicate the area of the paper. Also, include a
statement in your cover letter confirming that if the paper is accepted, one of
the authors will attend the conference to present it. Please give the full
name, affiliation, full address, telephone, and fax numbers, and email address
if available.

Notification of acceptance and author kits will be mailed by March 15, 1995.
The final manuscripts and registration payment are due prior to May 1, 1995.
Registration fees not received by that date may result in the paper being
excluded from the proceedings.

Expanded papers to be considered for publication in the International Journal
of Robotics and Automation are to be sent directly to the Editor: Dr. Richard
Colbaugh, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Box 30001 - Dept. 3450, New Mexico
State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003-0001 USA.


FEBRUARY 15, 1995 - Three copies of the papers due. Please send the papers
to: Rene V. Mayorga
Dept. of Systems Design Eng.
Univ. of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L 3G1
Tel: 519-885-1211 ext: 2604
Fax: 519-746-4791

MARCH 15, 1995 - Paper acceptance letters mailed to authors.

MAY 1, 1995 - Final manuscripts and registration payments due.

To be placed on the mailing list write to:
IASTED Secretariat RM'95
1811 W. Katella Avenue #101
Anaheim, CA
USA 90804
Tel: 800-995-2161 or 714-778-3230
Fax: 714-778-5463