SICOT 96 Amsterdam
20th World Congress
The Netherlands
August 18-23, 1996
c/o Lidy Groot Congress Events
P.O. Box 83005
1080 AA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: 31 20 6793218
Amsterdam 1996
Award: Cost of flight and free registration to attend the
SICOT'96 Amsterdam Congress
Eligibility: Orthopaedic trainees
Documents to submit: - Curriculum vitae
- Cost of return air fare from your country
to Amsterdam (The Netherlands) in US $
Deadline: 1st February, 1996
Applications with the relevant documents should be sent by the
deadline to:
The Secretary General
40 rue Washington
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
20th World Congress
The Netherlands
August 18-23, 1996
c/o Lidy Groot Congress Events
P.O. Box 83005
1080 AA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: 31 20 6793218
Amsterdam 1996
Award: Cost of flight and free registration to attend the
SICOT'96 Amsterdam Congress
Eligibility: Orthopaedic trainees
Documents to submit: - Curriculum vitae
- Cost of return air fare from your country
to Amsterdam (The Netherlands) in US $
Deadline: 1st February, 1996
Applications with the relevant documents should be sent by the
deadline to:
The Secretary General
40 rue Washington
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium