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  • Kinesiology

    This is a summary of the responses of more than 20 individuals on the
    topic of "kinesiology" as a department name for physical education
    institutions (message from last week). The responses have been very
    helpful, and I want to express my thanks to all contributors.

    Ewald M. Hennig

    Original Message
    Dear Biomch-l Users,
    we are in the process of changing the name of our department of physical
    education. Historically, our PE department was a purely pedagogically
    oriented institution with little emphasis on the biological sciences. The
    program has changed and it was suggested to rename our institution to
    department of "kinesiology". Although by its greek origin the word
    "kinesiology" refers to the general study of movement, the use of this
    expression seems to me having a less general meaning.I have perceived the
    use of the expression "kinesiology" as restricted to the structure and
    function of the human body, incorporating anatomy, biomechanics, and -
    possibly - motor learning. Because our institution offers also education
    in sports psychology, history and pedagogy, I wonder if the name
    "kinesiology" would be appropriate for our department. I realize that
    many institutions in North America have gone through procedures of
    renaming. I would appreciate any comments about the expression
    "kinesiology", previous experiences with department names, and
    definitions. A summary of the responses will be posted,

    Ewald M. Hennig


    >From akers@jove.acs.unt.eduTue Jan 31 12:35:40 1995
    Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 07:23:30 -0600 (CST)
    From: Roy Allen Akers
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    Both institutions I have attended (University of Houston, for undergrad,
    and the University of North Texas, for graduate) use the term
    "kinesiology" for their departments and include all of the areas that you
    have mentioned, including history, pedagogy, and sport psychology. Those
    are all quite common areas, from my experience, to fall within the area
    of kinesiology. Basically, it appears, that anything that is used to
    describe or understand humans during sport or exercise or the acquisition
    of motor skills necessarily for such activities can legitimately fall
    under the heading of kinesiology. I hope this is helpful...

    Allen Akers
    University of North Texas
    Dept of Kinesiology, Health Promotion, & Recreation

    >From loitz@mail.soemadison.wisc.eduTue Jan 31 12:35:52 1995
    Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 08:28:00 -600
    From: Barbara Loitz
    Subject: kinesiology

    Dear Ewald:

    I am on the faculty in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of
    Wisconsin-Madison. Our department was developed in 1990 as a
    merger of the Department of Physical Education and Dance, and the
    Physical and Occupational Therapy Programs that had been part of a
    Department of Allied Health Professions. The Dance majors were moved
    to a Department of Fine Arts, as that fits their needs more clearly. So our
    current department includes four undergraduate tracks: PE teacher
    preparation, Exercise Science (generally used as a step toward
    graduate or Medical School), Physical Therapy, and Occupational
    Therapy. In addition, we have a Masters Degree program in Therapeutic
    Science for students who already have an undergrad degree in PT or
    OT, and Masters and PhD programs in Kinesiology. The needs of each
    of the tracks seems to fit well within the definition of Kinesiology. We
    have major emphases in teaching and research within Exercise
    Physiology, Biomechanics, Motor Learning, Motor Control, and Sports
    Psychology. Our major challenge is not in whether Kinesiology fits what
    we study, but in keeping the pedogogy faculty productive enough to
    meet the standard of the University. Tenure is a difficult and challenging
    task at our institution and we have had problems retaining pedagogy
    I am a bit biased in my opinions because I came from the Dept of
    Kinesiology at UCLA. It has since changed its name to the Dept of
    Physiological Science to reflect more clearly the emphasis of the
    department. I was an undergrad just after the department changed from
    PE to Kinesiolgoy and we fought in the early days to dispel the notion that
    we were all just overtrained coaches. At the time there was no
    pedagogy being taught in the department and none of the majors were
    interested in coaching. I think that the definition of Kinesiology has
    changed over the years and now reflects more of a pedagogy
    emphasis than previously. The old Kines departments are now changing
    to more biology-related titles in order to get away from the thought that
    they are just glorified PE programs.

    A long-winded response. Good luck in your quest. It is a much larger
    task than most imagine with consequences that go much deeper than it
    first appears.

    Barbara Loitz-Ramage, PhD PT
    Department of Kinesiology, Physical Therapy Program
    University of Wisconsin-Madison


    >From jives@camel.campbell.eduTue Jan 31 12:36:04 1995
    Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 09:38:15 -40962758 (EST)
    From: Jeff Ives
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    I understand your concerns over a departmental name change.
    We just changed the name of our department from Physical
    Education and Sport Management to Exercise Science. The
    name change does not indicate that we are no longer offering
    pedagogy or sport management, but does indicate a heightened
    emphasis on the sciences. Such an emphasis is important for
    our graduates (we have no graduate program) as they enter the
    job market or apply to graduate school, and is hopefully
    allowing us to move away from some negative stereotypes
    associated with 'PE'. Yes, part of reason for the name
    change is rooted in stereotype and perception of what a
    PE major is. Another reason is simplicity. Dept. of
    Physical Education, Sports Management, and Exercise
    Science (PESMES!) is too laborious--try that on a rubber
    stamp! Personally, I think Kinesiology or Human Movement
    Science are good names--only many laypersons (including
    prospective students and their parents) have no idea what
    kinesiology means. Hope this is of some help.
    Good luck,
    Jeff Ives, PhD. Dept. Exercise Science, Campbell University
    Buies Creek, NC 27506 USA

    >From Duane_Knudson@BAYLOR.EDUTue Jan 31 12:36:18 1995
    Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 09:11:55 -0600
    From: Duane Knudson
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    Reply to: RE>Kinesiology

    Our department recently changed our name after a year of discussion. Despite
    its literal meaning, kinesiology has become to mean "The science or
    study of
    human muscular movements--especially as applied in physical education" Yank
    dictionary of English. I was amazed how the faculty was swayed by 'gut'
    reactions and not the logical discussion of the issue in the literature over
    the past few decades.

    For your enjoyment or bewilderment here are a few possible choices:

    Developmental Physical Activity in Sport, Exercise, and Related Expressive
    Movement (Zeigler, 1990)

    Exercise Science (Katch, 1990)

    Exercise and Sport Science (Kretchmar, 1989; Nelson, 1990)

    Human Movement Sciences/Studies (Whiting, 1982)

    Human Kinetics

    Human Performance

    Kinesiology (AAPE, 1989; Newell, 1989)

    Kinanthropology (Meynard, 1966; Renson, 1975,1980,1991)

    Movement Science (Curl, 1973; Renshaw, 1973; Higgins, 1989)

    Sport Science (Willimczk, 1968; Reilly, 1983; Thomas, 1987).

    Some recent references to introduce you to the issue:

    Arnold, P. (1993) J Hum. Mov. Stud. 25:203-231.

    Kleinman, S. (1992, May/June) JOPERD 11-12.

    Vincent, W. (1991) Physical Educator 119

    Duane Knudson, Ph.D.
    Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation
    Baylor University


    >From Jan 31 12:36:46 1995
    Date: Tue, 24 Jan 95 09:34:57 -0500
    From: "Elizabeth A. Spletzer"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    Proceedings of the Big Ten Leadership Conference - Chicago, Illinois -
    8-11, 1988 focused on this topic. Human Kinetics Publishers printed and
    distributed the conference report. One of the members of the Organizing
    Committee was Dr. Michael G. Wade of the University of Minnesota. He has
    written articles on this topic. His e-mail address is
    Hope this helps. Elizabeth Spletzer, Education Specialist, University of
    Minnesota - Twin Cites,

    >From LNOBLE@KSUVM.BITNETTue Jan 31 12:37:02 1995
    Date: Tue, 24 Jan 95 09:25 CST
    From: Larry Noble
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    Ewald, in the United States of America, quite a few departments
    such as yours, with a history of focusing on the preparation of
    physical education teachers and coaches, have changed their name to
    kinesiology in recent years. Our department did so five years ago.
    The statements which follow are excepted from a presentation
    prepared to articulate our role in the College of Arts and Sciences
    to the dean and college planning group as they were considering
    eliminating the department. The department has not been
    eliminated, and seems to be doing well with our new, focused
    mission. I hope these remarks are helpful. Please let me know if
    I can help you further.


    Kinesiology is the multidisciplinary study of humans in a movement,
    or physical activity, context. The objective of the curricula is
    a greater understanding of human participation in such physical
    activities as exercise, sport, activities of daily living, and
    work. The body of knowledge includes physiological, biomechanical,
    psychological, sociological, maturational, historical, cultural,
    and learning aspects of human movement. Kinesiology provides an
    excellent knowledge base for professional preparation in teaching
    and coaching, sports medicine, fitness promotion, physical therapy,
    and other health-related professions.


    We have recently undergone extensive program changes and reduction
    with the encouragement and full support of the provost and dean's
    office. The purpose of these changes was two-fold: (1) to trim
    away areas which were not central to the mission of the College of
    Arts and Sciences, and (2) to emphasize areas that are central to
    the mission of the College. As a result of the reorganization, the
    teacher preparation program was moved to the College of Education,
    recreation program management was moved to the College of
    Agriculture, and therapeutic recreation, first aid/CPR, and
    professional aquatics (water safety instruction and lifeguard
    training) were eliminated.


    The key to the role of kinesiology in a College of Arts and
    Sciences is its role in liberal education. We believe that
    someone is liberally educated when they develop an understanding
    and appreciation of human experiences from a number of different
    perspectives. Traditionally we learn about society from the
    discipline of sociology, we learn about literature through the
    discipline of English, culture through history and anthropology,
    nature and living organisms through the discipline of biology,
    natural phenomenon through cehmistry and physics and we learn about
    logic through the disciplines of math and philosophy. We believe
    that movement is also an essential part of human experiences.
    Thus, we join the arts, humanities, the physical and social
    sciences in seeking to discover what it means to be human. We
    know, for example, that infants learn significantly through
    movement experiences, through crawling, touching and feeling;
    adolescents test their physical and psychological limits through
    human performance in the form of participation in organized
    sporting activities. Middle age men and women utilize movement
    experiences to improve health and fitness. And, to take us
    completely through the life cycle, the greying American population
    view human movement as a way to stay young and overcome health
    abnormalities such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, and
    arthritis as well as to overcome social and emotional trauma
    related to separation from family, loneliness and issues of facing
    death. Movement experiences, whether in the form of activities of
    daily living, exercise, organized sport, and in special
    environments such as the work place, and even space, affects
    The traditional domains of arts and sciences have not focused
    adequate attention on this movement domain. As human movement
    continues to play a more important role in our society and in our
    lives, the discipline of kinesiology has developed. Kinesiology
    can best be understood as a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary
    science which includes sociological, historical, biomechanical,
    physiological, psychological, and neurological perspectives. We
    argue that kinesiology is the only place where the motor domain is
    studied extensively.

    >From lcarlton@ux1.cso.uiuc.eduTue Jan 31 12:37:55 1995
    Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 11:12:53 -0600
    Subject: Kinesiology

    Dear Dr. Henning:

    You might want to look at two articles published in Quest.
    They are:

    Newell, K. M. (1990). Kinesiology: The label for the study of
    physical activitiy in higher education, 42, 269-278.

    Slowikowski, S. S. & Newell, K. M. (1990). The philology of
    Kinesiology, 42, 279-296.

    Areas of study in the Department of Kinesiology here at U. of
    Illinois range from sub-cellular to socio-cultural, and
    include pedagogical kinesiology and theraputic kinesiology.

    Good luck with your restructuring.

    Les Carlton

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    Les G. Carlton
    233C Louise Freer Hall
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    906 S. Goodwin
    Urbana, IL 61801
    (217) 244-3986

    >From ag239@columbia.eduTue Jan 31 12:38:08 1995
    Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 11:45:50 -0500 (EST)
    From: Antoinette Gentile
    Subject: kinesiology

    Dear Professor Hennig:

    About 15 years ago, our department went through the process of changing
    the name from Physical Education to Movement Sciences and Education.
    We considered several possible names, including kinesiology. At that
    time, the department offered Masters and doctoral programs in the areas
    of: motor learning (broadly defined to include biomechanical analysis and
    study of neuromotor processes), psychosocial aspects of human movement,
    applied physiology (including cardiovascular and muscle functions), and
    curriculum and teaching in physical education. We rejected the name
    kinesiology because in the US it had typically been associated basic
    mechanics of motion and applied anatomy. We felt that the designation
    Movement Sciences was broader and more appropriate to cover the diverse
    areas within the department. Education was added to the title to indicate
    the applied orientation of the department.


    Professor and Chair

    >From vmcdonald@sdmail.jsc.nasa.govTue Jan 31 12:38:24 1995
    Date: 24 Jan 1995 11:22:36 U
    From: "McDonald, Vernon"
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: RE: Kinesiology

    Karl Newell, while Dept. Head at Univ. of Illinois instituted a name
    change to Kinesiology and then wrote 4 papers which I recommend to you. I
    think they were published in Quest and/or Research Quarterly for Ex. and
    Sport. By the way, Karl Newell is now dept head at Penn State Univ.

    Vernon McDonald

    Newell KM (1992) Kinesiology: Activity Focus, Knowledge Types and Degree

    Newell KM (1992) Kinesiology: The label for the study of physical activity
    in higher education.

    Newell KM (1992) Physical Education in Higher Education: Chaos out of Order.

    Slowikowski SS, Newell KM (1992) The Philology of Kinesiology.

    >From 3DAK6@QUCDN.QueensU.CATue Jan 31 12:38:42 1995
    Date: Tue, 24 Jan 95 15:53:32 EST
    From: Derek Kozar
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    I am a former student at the University of Western Ontario in Canada, in the
    fuculty of Physical Education. Recently they changed their program name to
    Kinesiology. I suggest that you might get in touch with the dean there,
    Dr. A.W. Taylor for his opinions and reasons for the name change.

    >From rkram@garnet.berkeley.eduTue Jan 31 12:38:54 1995
    Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 13:35:16 -0800
    From: Rodger Kram
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    Greetings Ewald:

    My department is called Human Biodynamics, also formerly Physical
    Education. Biodynamics is also the subheading for the journal Medicine and
    Science in Sprorts and Exercise. The name usually gets mis-spelled, and
    most people usually ask, what is that? The advantage of a new name is that
    it removes old sterotypes and allows us to re-define what we are. We are
    exercise physiologists, biomechanists and motor control scientists.
    Currently our dept. still has sports psych and history faculty, but frankly
    our dept. is becoming more and more of a biology dept. Since my training
    is largely biology and zoology that is ok with me. Biodynamics usually
    makes engineers feel more comfortable than pure Biology.

    so consider "Biodynamiks"

    warm regards,

    Rodger Kram

    >From Jan 31 12:39:04 1995
    Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 09:05:37 +1000
    From: Timothy Barker
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology


    In reply to your message,

    Although dated this paper may be of relevance :

    A.E. Atwater
    Kinesiology/Biomechanics: Perspectives & Trends.
    research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport. 1980,51(1):193-218.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Dr Timothy M Barker email
    Lecturer in Medical Engineering phone (07) 864 5103
    School of Mechanical & Manufacturing fax (07) 864 1469
    Queensland University of Technology
    GPO Box 2434
    Brisbane. QLD 4001
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    >From Jan 31 12:39:13 1995
    Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 14:05:05 GMT+1200
    From: Peter Milburn
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    The issue was well-discussed in a series of artciles appearing in
    "Quest" in Volume 42 (1990) (specifically, Newell, pp 243-268,
    269-278; 335-342; Siedentop, pp 315-322; Slowikowski & Newell, pp
    279-296) and
    Volume 43 (1991) Thomas, pp 218-223,. In Newell's article in Volume
    42 (pp. 227-242) there is a list of 69 academic department labels.
    Thomas' articel succintly defines the problem (p 218) that we are
    trying " attach names and symbols to a phenomenon with which we
    have not yet come to grips in terms of existential characteristics".

    My primary concern would be defining clearly what one does rather than
    trying to define either the department in which one resides or the
    name by which one defines their disciplinary interests. I refer you
    to the difficulty within biomechanics in defining the boundaries of our
    discipline, let
    alone trying to delimit the whole discipline(s) that studies the
    human body in its myriad forms of motion!.

    Good luck with your efforts


    Peter D. Milburn
    Postgraduate Physiotherapy
    University of Otago
    PO Box 913
    New Zealand
    Tel 64-3-4797460
    Fax 64-3-4790401

    >From Jan 31 12:39:23 1995
    Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 10:49:56 +0800
    From: Bruce Elliot
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    Our Department went through the same process and finally for the reasons
    set out in your email (pedagogy empha, that Human Movement Science is a
    better option.
    Bruce Elliott

    >From KIHEISE@LSUVM.SNCC.LSU.EDUTue Jan 31 12:39:36 1995
    Date: Tue, 24 Jan 95 17:16:07 CST
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology


    Here at LSU our department name is Kinesiology and our 3 areas of
    graduate study are: motor behavior, ex.phys., and pedagogy.
    In my opinion, our dept. embraces the more general definition
    you provided.
    Sincerely, Gary D. Heise

    >From EVANS@phe.utoronto.caTue Jan 31 12:39:47 1995
    Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 07:55:45 -0500
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    We have considered (and will soon) change the name of our PE
    program. Currently we are known as the "School of Physical and Health
    Education" (there are only 2 named as such in Canada). The push is on
    to make us the "Faculty of PHE". While the research and graduate
    programs are good here, the majority of the undergraduate students
    still wish to become teachers and physical educators. As such many
    individuals are opposed to a change in name to "Kinesiology" for the
    reasons you mentioned. Other names that have been suggested include:
    "Exercise and Health Science", "Human Biodynamics", "Physical
    Activity and Health Education", "Human Kinetics" etc... Our School
    wants to increase the emphasis on "health" and therefore "Kinesiology"
    was deemed inappropriate. Just one other point to mention; some
    people feel that by having "Physical Education" in the name of the
    program is a hinderance when it comes to obtaining research grants.
    I suppose the name of your program should suit the undergraduate
    curriculum while taking into account the research aspects.

    Richard Evans
    Biomechanics Laboratory
    School of Physical and Health Education
    University of Toronto


    >From cassin@me.QueensU.CATue Jan 31 12:39:59 1995
    Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 10:25:20 -0500 (EST)
    From: Jeff Cassin
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    Perhaps you could try something like "Department of Movement Studies",
    since this would encompass kinesiology and pedagogy, for sure, and if you
    try really hard, you can tell yourself that sport psych and sport history
    are based in movement as well.

    Jeff Cassin Clinical Mechanics Group Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
    Queen's University
    Kingston, Ontario, Canada

    >From dapena@valeri.hper.indiana.eduTue Jan 31 12:40:19 1995
    Date: Wed, 25 Jan 95 15:55:51 -0500
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    Hi, Ewald!

    Our Department changed its name from Department of Physical
    Education to Department of Kinesiology a couple of years ago. As you
    the etimology of the word Kinesiology refers to all movements, bio or
    bio, although this word is often used in a restricted sense limited to
    movement. Because of that, I think that this was not a good choice,
    although a very frequent choice in the United States. I personally
    the name "Department of Exercise Science".


    Jesus Dapena
    Department of Kinesiology
    Indiana University
    Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
    1-812-855-8407 (office phone) (email)

    >From dowlingj@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CATue Jan 31 12:40:34 1995
    Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 17:50:27 +0001 (EST)
    From: James Dowling
    To: "Ewald M. Hennig"
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    Hello Ewald,
    Our department has had a history not unlike yours and has recently
    changed its name from Physical Education to Kinesiology. The name change
    did not come about without resistance. The resistance was from my
    colleagues who are on the behavioural and pedagogical side of our program
    who also felt that kinesiology had a more focused definition related to
    mechanics and functional anatomy. We discussed names such as Human
    Movement Studies but decided that if kinesiology was defined as the study
    of human movement, then it would be convenient to have the shorter name.
    We believe that within that definition, human movement can be studied
    biomechanically , anatomically, physiologically, sociologically,
    philosophically, historically, developmentally, etc. It is my hope that
    if enough departments that look at human movement from diverse
    perspectives change their names to kinesiology, then we can move away
    from the association that kinesiology is merely biomechanics and that the
    names can be used interchangeably.

    Best of luck with it.

    Jim Dowling
    Dept. of Kinesiology
    McMaster University
    Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

    >From the-concourse-on-highTue Jan 31 12:41:15 1995
    Date: Sun, 29 Jan 95 13:59:24 -0500
    To: dxi: : , "" ; ;
    Subject: Re: Kinesiology

    Dear Ewald,

    Regarding your recent Biomch-L posting on "kinesiology" as a possible
    new name for your department, note that one local university here has a
    kinesiology program within a department of health and human performance.
    "Health and human performance" (or some variation) may provide the more
    general meaning that you are seeking.

    Best wishes to you and to Sigi. I look forward to seeing you both again,
    and to you two and Mary being able to meet sometime in the future.

    John Holden (

    >From dtoo@nevada.eduTue Jan 31 12:41:27 1995
    Date: Sun, 29 Jan 1995 17:17:35 -0800 (PST)
    From: DANNY TOO
    Subject: Kinesiology

    Hi Evald:

    Regarding the debates, arguements, concerns, comments and evolution of
    physical education to kinesiology (or other names), I would suggest
    reading the December 1990, vol 42, No 3 issue of Quest (National
    Association for Physical Education in Higher Education). The entire
    issue is devoted to a discussion of the evolution of physical education
    and an appropriate name change. The various articles, from different
    perspectives, are very enlightening with commentary from various
    individuals responding to the issues raised. I believe it will assist
    you in determining what the most appropriate name for your department
    should be.

    Danny Too

    ************************************************** ********************
    * *
    * Danny Too, Ph.D. Phone: (702)-895-4875 *
    * University of Nevada Las Vegas Fax: (702)-895-4231 *
    * 4505 Maryland Parkway E-mail: *
    * Las Vegas, NV 89154-3034 *
    * *
    ************************************************** ********************

    The End

    ************************************************** *******
    * Ewald M. Hennig * *
    * Biomechanik / Fb-2 (Sport) * TEL 49-201-44 44 05 *
    * Universitaet / GH Essen * *
    * Postfach 103 764 * FAX 49-201-47 29 28 *
    * 45141 Essen / Germany * *
    * E-Mail ------------> *
    ************************************************** *******