A short reference list of articles on loading and injuries. The list will
be updated later on.
Altman RD et al. (1984) Biomechanical and biochemical properties of dog
cartilage in experimentally induced osteoarthritis. Ann. Rheum. Dis. 43:83-90.
Andreasson G. and Petersson L. (1986) Effects of shoe and surface
characteristics on lower limb injuries in sports. Int. J. Sports Biomech.
Brinckman P. Frobin W. and Hierholzer E. (1981) Stress on the articular
surface of the hip joint in healthy adults and persons with idiopathic
osteoarthrosis of the hip joint. J- Biomech. 14:149-156.
Carter DR, Hayes WC (1976): Bone compressive strength: The influence of
density and strain rate. Science 194: 1174-1176.
Crowninshield RD and Pope MH (1976) The strength and failure characteristics
of rat medial collateral ligaments. Journal of Trauma 16 (2):99-105.
Folman Y. et al. (1986) Cyclic impacts on heel strike: A possible
biomechanical factor in the etiology of degenerative disease of the human
locomotor system Arch Orthop. Trauma Surg. 104:363-365
Hoshino A. and Wallace WA (1987) Impact-absorbing properties of the human
knee J. Bone Joint Surg. 69 B:807-811.
Jacobs NA, Skorecki J and Charnley J (1972) Analysis of the vertical
component of force in normal and pathological gait. J Biomech. 5:11-34.
James SL, Bates BT and Ostering LR (1978) Injuries to runners Am. J. Sports
Med. 6:40-50.
Jvrgensen, U (1985) Achillodynia and loss of heel pad shock absorbency. Am J
Sports Med. 13:128-132.
Kettelkamp DB et al. (1988) Degenerative arthritis of the knee secondary to
fracture malunion Clin. Orthop. 234:159-169.
Kumar S. (1990) Cumulative load as a risk factor for back pain Spine
Light LH, McLellan GF and Klenerman L.(1980): Skeletal transients on
heelstrike in normal walking with different footwear. J. Biomech 13:477-480.
Lukoschek M et al. (1988) Synovial membrane and cartilage changes in
experimental osteoarthritis. J. Orthop. Res. 6:475-492.
Maxian T, Brown and Weinstein (1995) J. Biomech. 28(2):159-166
McKinley and Peddotti, (1992) "Motor strategies in landing from a jump: the
role of skill in task execution," Exp Brain Res, 90:427-440
McLeod KJ, Bain SD and Rubin CT (1990) Dependence of bone adaptation on the
frequency of induced dynamic strains. Trans. orthop. Res. Soc. 15:103.
Nigg, B. (1986) Biomechanics of running shoes. Champaign, Illinois: Human
Kinetic Publishers, Inc.
Nigg B. and Morlock M. (1987) The influence of lateral heel flare of running
shoes on pronation and impact forces. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 19:294-302.
Noyes et al.(1974) Biomechanics of Anterior Cruciate ligament Failure:An
analysis of strain rate sensitivity and mechanisms of failure in primates.
J. Bone Jt. Surg. 56 (A-2):236-253.
Paul L. et al. (1978) Musculo-skeletal shock absorption: relative
contribution of bone and soft tissues at various frequencies. J. Biomech.
Radin EL et al. (1973) Response of joints to impact loading. III
Relathionship between trabecular microfractures and cartilage degeneration.
J. of Biomech. 6:51-57.
Radin EL and Paul IL (1971) Response of joints to impact loading. I In vivo
wear. Arthr. Rheum 14: 356-362.
Radin EL et al. (1984) Effects of mechanical loading on the tissues of the
rabbit knee. J. Orthop. Res. 2:221-234.
Radin ELet al. (1982) Factors influencing articular cartilage wear in vitro.
Arthr Rheum 25:974-980.
Radin EL et al. (1991) Relationship between Lower limb dynamics and knee
joint pain. J. Orthop. Res 9:398-405.
Rubin et al. (1990) Functional strains and cortical bone adaptation:
epigenetic assurance of skeletal integrity. J. Biomech. 23 (Suppl. 1) 43-54)
Segesser B., Nigg BM (1980) Insertionstendinosen am Scienbein, Achillodynie
und Uberlastungsfolgen am Fuss_Dtiologie, Biomechanik, therapeutische
Mvglichkeiten. Orthopddie 9:207-214.
Seireg A. and Gerath M. (1975) An in vivo investigation of wear in animal
joints. J. Biomech. 8:169-172.
Serink MT, Nachemson A. and Hansson G. (1977) The effect of impact loading
on rabbit knee joints. Acta. Orthop. Scand. 48:250-262.
Simon SR et al. (1981) Peak dynamic force in human gait. J. Biomech. 14:817-822.
Simon SR et al. (1972) The response of joints to impact loading. II In vivo
behavior of subchondral bone. J. of Biomech. 5:267-272.
Subotnick SI (1985) The biomechanics of running-Implications for prevention
of foot injuries. Sports Med. 2:144-153.
Voloshin A. and Wosk J. (1982) An in vivo study of low back pain and shock
absorption in the human locomotor system J. Biomech. 15:21-27.
Weightman BO et al. (1973) Fatigue of articular cartilage. Nature 244:303-304.
Wosk J. and Voloshin A. (1981) Wave attenuation in skeletons of young
healthy persons. J. Biomech. 14:261-267.
Yang KH et al. (1989) Differential effect of load magnitude and rate on the
initiation and progression of osteoarthrosis. Trans. Othop. Res. Soc. 14:148.
Chris Johnston, DVM
Equine Biomechanics Lab.
School of Veterinary Medicine
Uppsala, Sweden
be updated later on.
Altman RD et al. (1984) Biomechanical and biochemical properties of dog
cartilage in experimentally induced osteoarthritis. Ann. Rheum. Dis. 43:83-90.
Andreasson G. and Petersson L. (1986) Effects of shoe and surface
characteristics on lower limb injuries in sports. Int. J. Sports Biomech.
Brinckman P. Frobin W. and Hierholzer E. (1981) Stress on the articular
surface of the hip joint in healthy adults and persons with idiopathic
osteoarthrosis of the hip joint. J- Biomech. 14:149-156.
Carter DR, Hayes WC (1976): Bone compressive strength: The influence of
density and strain rate. Science 194: 1174-1176.
Crowninshield RD and Pope MH (1976) The strength and failure characteristics
of rat medial collateral ligaments. Journal of Trauma 16 (2):99-105.
Folman Y. et al. (1986) Cyclic impacts on heel strike: A possible
biomechanical factor in the etiology of degenerative disease of the human
locomotor system Arch Orthop. Trauma Surg. 104:363-365
Hoshino A. and Wallace WA (1987) Impact-absorbing properties of the human
knee J. Bone Joint Surg. 69 B:807-811.
Jacobs NA, Skorecki J and Charnley J (1972) Analysis of the vertical
component of force in normal and pathological gait. J Biomech. 5:11-34.
James SL, Bates BT and Ostering LR (1978) Injuries to runners Am. J. Sports
Med. 6:40-50.
Jvrgensen, U (1985) Achillodynia and loss of heel pad shock absorbency. Am J
Sports Med. 13:128-132.
Kettelkamp DB et al. (1988) Degenerative arthritis of the knee secondary to
fracture malunion Clin. Orthop. 234:159-169.
Kumar S. (1990) Cumulative load as a risk factor for back pain Spine
Light LH, McLellan GF and Klenerman L.(1980): Skeletal transients on
heelstrike in normal walking with different footwear. J. Biomech 13:477-480.
Lukoschek M et al. (1988) Synovial membrane and cartilage changes in
experimental osteoarthritis. J. Orthop. Res. 6:475-492.
Maxian T, Brown and Weinstein (1995) J. Biomech. 28(2):159-166
McKinley and Peddotti, (1992) "Motor strategies in landing from a jump: the
role of skill in task execution," Exp Brain Res, 90:427-440
McLeod KJ, Bain SD and Rubin CT (1990) Dependence of bone adaptation on the
frequency of induced dynamic strains. Trans. orthop. Res. Soc. 15:103.
Nigg, B. (1986) Biomechanics of running shoes. Champaign, Illinois: Human
Kinetic Publishers, Inc.
Nigg B. and Morlock M. (1987) The influence of lateral heel flare of running
shoes on pronation and impact forces. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 19:294-302.
Noyes et al.(1974) Biomechanics of Anterior Cruciate ligament Failure:An
analysis of strain rate sensitivity and mechanisms of failure in primates.
J. Bone Jt. Surg. 56 (A-2):236-253.
Paul L. et al. (1978) Musculo-skeletal shock absorption: relative
contribution of bone and soft tissues at various frequencies. J. Biomech.
Radin EL et al. (1973) Response of joints to impact loading. III
Relathionship between trabecular microfractures and cartilage degeneration.
J. of Biomech. 6:51-57.
Radin EL and Paul IL (1971) Response of joints to impact loading. I In vivo
wear. Arthr. Rheum 14: 356-362.
Radin EL et al. (1984) Effects of mechanical loading on the tissues of the
rabbit knee. J. Orthop. Res. 2:221-234.
Radin ELet al. (1982) Factors influencing articular cartilage wear in vitro.
Arthr Rheum 25:974-980.
Radin EL et al. (1991) Relationship between Lower limb dynamics and knee
joint pain. J. Orthop. Res 9:398-405.
Rubin et al. (1990) Functional strains and cortical bone adaptation:
epigenetic assurance of skeletal integrity. J. Biomech. 23 (Suppl. 1) 43-54)
Segesser B., Nigg BM (1980) Insertionstendinosen am Scienbein, Achillodynie
und Uberlastungsfolgen am Fuss_Dtiologie, Biomechanik, therapeutische
Mvglichkeiten. Orthopddie 9:207-214.
Seireg A. and Gerath M. (1975) An in vivo investigation of wear in animal
joints. J. Biomech. 8:169-172.
Serink MT, Nachemson A. and Hansson G. (1977) The effect of impact loading
on rabbit knee joints. Acta. Orthop. Scand. 48:250-262.
Simon SR et al. (1981) Peak dynamic force in human gait. J. Biomech. 14:817-822.
Simon SR et al. (1972) The response of joints to impact loading. II In vivo
behavior of subchondral bone. J. of Biomech. 5:267-272.
Subotnick SI (1985) The biomechanics of running-Implications for prevention
of foot injuries. Sports Med. 2:144-153.
Voloshin A. and Wosk J. (1982) An in vivo study of low back pain and shock
absorption in the human locomotor system J. Biomech. 15:21-27.
Weightman BO et al. (1973) Fatigue of articular cartilage. Nature 244:303-304.
Wosk J. and Voloshin A. (1981) Wave attenuation in skeletons of young
healthy persons. J. Biomech. 14:261-267.
Yang KH et al. (1989) Differential effect of load magnitude and rate on the
initiation and progression of osteoarthrosis. Trans. Othop. Res. Soc. 14:148.
Chris Johnston, DVM
Equine Biomechanics Lab.
School of Veterinary Medicine
Uppsala, Sweden