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50th Anniversary Symposium
Canadian Paraplegic Association & Lyndhurst, The Spinal Cord Centre
9-11 Novemeber 1995
Delta Chelsea Hotel, Toronto ON Canada
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"In dreams begins responsibility," observed the great Irish poet William Butler
Yeats, for he understood that no lasting achievement is possible without vision,
and no dream can become real without action and responsibility.
Rosebeth Moss Kanter, When Giants Learn To Dance
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Increased cooperation and collaboration between consumers, researchers and
service providers will lead to increased opportunities for self-directed
independent living for people with a mobility impairment.
The philosophy, goals and format of the Symposium are based on the belief that
consumer control and the individual s basic right to choices and self-
determination must guide all efforts in furthering opportunities for independent
living. With this in mind, the Symposium will involve consumers at all levels
as equal partners in designing and organising this Symposium.
The Symposium will address all facets of an individual s well being including
physical, employment, social, emotional and spiritual life.
7 Celebrate 50 years of service to persons with a mobility impairment by the
Canadian Paraplegic Association and Lyndhurst The Spinal Cord Centre;
7 Provide plenary and workshop discussions focusing on the current state of
knowledge regarding independent living and develop a blueprint for future
7 Produce a Symposium Report with recommendations for future directions for
circulation to a wide audience of consumers, service providers, researchers and
governments; and
7 Create a mechanism for tracking actions taken on future directions and
reporting to Symposium delegates.
Equal representation from consumers, service providers and researchers will work
together to formulate recommendations for action. Representation from the
service providers area will include people from acute care, rehabilitation
centres, community-based services, funding sources, government and insurance
providers. A maximum of 80 delegates will be accepted from each area, for a
total of 240 registrants.
A small group of representatives from each area will meet to prepare a
discussion paper containing a review of key issues and draft recommendations for
consideration by delegates prior to the Symposium. At the Symposium, delegates
will attend a variety of sessions to learn more about key issues presented in
the discussion paper and to consider recommendations, making changes based on
delegates expertise. Recommendations endorsed at the close of the Symposium
will be widely circulated and promoted to consumers, service providers,
researchers and governments throughout Canada.
Please add my name to the Symposium mailing list (Note: Registration is
limited to 240 delegates)
Name __________________________________________________ ___________
Title __________________________________________________ ______
Address __________________________________________________ ______
__________________________________________________ ___________
__________________________________________________ ___________
__________________________________________________ ___________
City __________________________________________________ ___________
Prov __________________________________________________ ___________
Postal Code __________________________________________________ _
Telephone __________________________________________________ ______
FAX __________________________________________________ ___________
email __________________________________________________ ______
I am interested in attending this Symposium, representing the following area(s):
Consumer _______________
Service Provider ________________
Researcher _______________
Please mail to:
Partners in Independence: 50th Anniversary Symposium
Research Department
Lyndhurst The Spinal Cord Centre
520 Sutherland Drive
Toronto ON M4G 3V9
ATTN: Mark Tonack
(416) 422-5551 ext 3046
email: awsmith@utcc.utoronto.ca
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50th Anniversary Symposium
Canadian Paraplegic Association & Lyndhurst, The Spinal Cord Centre
9-11 Novemeber 1995
Delta Chelsea Hotel, Toronto ON Canada
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
"In dreams begins responsibility," observed the great Irish poet William Butler
Yeats, for he understood that no lasting achievement is possible without vision,
and no dream can become real without action and responsibility.
Rosebeth Moss Kanter, When Giants Learn To Dance
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Increased cooperation and collaboration between consumers, researchers and
service providers will lead to increased opportunities for self-directed
independent living for people with a mobility impairment.
The philosophy, goals and format of the Symposium are based on the belief that
consumer control and the individual s basic right to choices and self-
determination must guide all efforts in furthering opportunities for independent
living. With this in mind, the Symposium will involve consumers at all levels
as equal partners in designing and organising this Symposium.
The Symposium will address all facets of an individual s well being including
physical, employment, social, emotional and spiritual life.
7 Celebrate 50 years of service to persons with a mobility impairment by the
Canadian Paraplegic Association and Lyndhurst The Spinal Cord Centre;
7 Provide plenary and workshop discussions focusing on the current state of
knowledge regarding independent living and develop a blueprint for future
7 Produce a Symposium Report with recommendations for future directions for
circulation to a wide audience of consumers, service providers, researchers and
governments; and
7 Create a mechanism for tracking actions taken on future directions and
reporting to Symposium delegates.
Equal representation from consumers, service providers and researchers will work
together to formulate recommendations for action. Representation from the
service providers area will include people from acute care, rehabilitation
centres, community-based services, funding sources, government and insurance
providers. A maximum of 80 delegates will be accepted from each area, for a
total of 240 registrants.
A small group of representatives from each area will meet to prepare a
discussion paper containing a review of key issues and draft recommendations for
consideration by delegates prior to the Symposium. At the Symposium, delegates
will attend a variety of sessions to learn more about key issues presented in
the discussion paper and to consider recommendations, making changes based on
delegates expertise. Recommendations endorsed at the close of the Symposium
will be widely circulated and promoted to consumers, service providers,
researchers and governments throughout Canada.
Please add my name to the Symposium mailing list (Note: Registration is
limited to 240 delegates)
Name __________________________________________________ ___________
Title __________________________________________________ ______
Address __________________________________________________ ______
__________________________________________________ ___________
__________________________________________________ ___________
__________________________________________________ ___________
City __________________________________________________ ___________
Prov __________________________________________________ ___________
Postal Code __________________________________________________ _
Telephone __________________________________________________ ______
FAX __________________________________________________ ___________
email __________________________________________________ ______
I am interested in attending this Symposium, representing the following area(s):
Consumer _______________
Service Provider ________________
Researcher _______________
Please mail to:
Partners in Independence: 50th Anniversary Symposium
Research Department
Lyndhurst The Spinal Cord Centre
520 Sutherland Drive
Toronto ON M4G 3V9
ATTN: Mark Tonack
(416) 422-5551 ext 3046
email: awsmith@utcc.utoronto.ca
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