A response to my angle measurement query
------------------------------- Original Message -------------------------------

Did a lot of folks tell you about the Polhemus and
Ascension electromagnetic devices. Another which
is a bit more expensive but much more adaptable,
especially to a ferrous-rich OR environment is the
Pixsys optical tracker. There are now several
surgical operations using it whereas none can use
the magnetic devices. Others are using robot arms
but they are often too inflexible and bulky.

I am just finishing up an ms., 3d data capture and
visualization. Let me know if you're interested.

| David Dean, Ph.D., Assistant Professor *********************** |
| Dept.s Anatomy, Orthodontics, & Biomed Eng. * FAX: (216) 368-3204 * |
| Bolton-Brush Study, 3080 Bolton Dental Bldg * alternate: 368-8669 * |
| Case Western Reserve University *********************** |
| 10900 Euclid Avenue E-mail: dean@lucifer.cwru.edu |
| Cleveland, OH 44106-4905 USA Voice: (216) 368-1975 |