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ESMRMB congress, Zuerich/CH, April '91

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  • ESMRMB congress, Zuerich/CH, April '91

    Dear Biomch-L readers,

    Between Rosa Angulo's body composition query (29 Nov) and Mike Whittle's
    reply (7 Dec), I received the programme for the 8th Annual Congress of
    the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology
    (ESMRMB). The conference takes place in Zuerich/Switzerland from 18
    until 21 April, 1991, with a one-day Satellite Meeting "Quantitative
    Aspects of Medical Imaging", sponsored by the Swiss National Science

    I have just received a letter from the program chairman, Prof. Peter
    Niederer at the Institute for Biomedical Technology and Medical Infor-
    matics, University & Federal Institute of Technology Zuerich, Mousson-
    strasse 18, CH-8044 ZUERICH, Switzerland (Tel. +41.1.256-4568/5325,
    FAX +41.1.261-5187) that quantitative determination of masses (and
    inertial moments) of body segment presupposes the nontrivial problem
    of 3-D segmentation; the latter would certainly fall within the scope
    of the meeting insofar it is really quantitative and not mere estimation
    by eye.

    Any readers active in this area are welcome to get in touch with Prof.
    Niederer. For general congress information, you may contact:

    Medical Congress Management ESMRMB
    P.O. Box 2, CH-8092 ZUERICH, Switzerland
    Tel. +41.1.225-2915, FAX +41.1.261-0578, Telex 811050 txkch (Congres)

    The final program of the Satellite meeting will be determined in January
    or February; at this time, no decision has been made whether also other
    imaging methods (Ultrasound, PET, CT) will be included.

    With kind regards -- Herman J. Woltring