Dear Biomch-L readers,
The following item may be of interest to those of us interested in collecting
epidemiological information w.r.t. the movement apparatus.
With kind regards -- Herman J. Woltring
*** From: NetMonth / An Independent Guide to BITNET
*** October, 1990 / Issue 37
*** Edited by Christopher Condon / BITLIB@YALEVM
INCLEN-L@MCMVM1.CIS.MCMASTER.CA - Clinical Epidemiology
The purpose of this list is to provide units of the
International Clinical Epidemiology Network presently connected
by electronic mail, with a vehicle for questions and comments
to an "expert" in different aspects of clinical epidemiology.
To subscribe to this list send a mail message to
a subscription to list INCLEN-L giving your full name and
The following item may be of interest to those of us interested in collecting
epidemiological information w.r.t. the movement apparatus.
With kind regards -- Herman J. Woltring
*** From: NetMonth / An Independent Guide to BITNET
*** October, 1990 / Issue 37
*** Edited by Christopher Condon / BITLIB@YALEVM
INCLEN-L@MCMVM1.CIS.MCMASTER.CA - Clinical Epidemiology
The purpose of this list is to provide units of the
International Clinical Epidemiology Network presently connected
by electronic mail, with a vehicle for questions and comments
to an "expert" in different aspects of clinical epidemiology.
To subscribe to this list send a mail message to
a subscription to list INCLEN-L giving your full name and