Dear readers
I would like to invite you to Biomedical Symposium in Slovakia.
I am sure you will enjoy visiting our country and meeting too.
Dusan Simsik, Technical University of Kosice, Letna 9, 04187 Kosice,
SLOVAKIA e-mail:
Call for Papers
7-th International IMEKO TC-13 Symposium on Measurement in Clinical Medicine
September 6-9,1995, Stara Lesna (High Tatras), Slovakia
MBB 95 is an international conference organized by IMEKO (International
Measurement Confederation) Technical Committee on Measurement in Biology and
Medicine (TC-13) and Institute of Measurement Science of the Slovak Academy
of Sciences. It will be co-sponsored by the IFAC, IEEE/EMBS, Slovak Society
of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Society of Biomedical Engineering and
Medical Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information
Technology, Slovak Technical University, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of
Mathematics and Physics Comenius University, Technical University Brno and
Chirana-Prema Co. Durin the conference the annual meeting of the Slovak
Society of Biomedical Engineering will be held.
The objective of conference is to review newest results in relevant topics
and to bring together specialists from Eastern/Central European Resesarch
community and World Scientists in Biomedical Engineeering. The
scientific program of the conference will consist of submitted papers and
posters. The proceedings of conference will be published and distributed to
the conference participants.
*Simulation and Modelling * Information Systems in Healthcare
*Clinical Decision Support Systems * Biomechanics and Rehabilitation
*Intelligent Instrumentation Engineering
*Sensory Systems * Electrocardiologic Measurements
*Biosignal Processing and Analysis * Medical Imaging
*Electromagnetic Phenomena * Neuroengineering
*Clinical Engineering * Biomedical Engineering and Education
The maximum time for each presentation is 15 minutes. Prospective authors
are invited to submit two copies of their abstracts by March 10, 1995.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the International Program Committee.
The abstract (not longer than 200 words) should contain:
1. title of paper 2. author`s name 3. affiliation, 4. abstract text,
5. correspondence address, phone and fax number, e-mail.
Contributions related to research results, technical solutions, efficient
installations, reviews and opinions are all welcomed.
The official language of conference is English.
The MBB 95 Conference will be held in the Conference Centre of Hotel
Academia in Stara Lesna., which is located in beautiful surroundings of High
Tatras and can be reached by train or bus (station Tatranska Lomnica).
On request, a bus transportation will be organized from /to Vienna (Austria)
airport or from/to Bratislava (Slovakia) airport at the beginning and the
end of the conference.
The registration fee is US$ 200 before May 1, 1995 and US$ 300 thereafter.
The registration fee includes participation in all professional activities,
proceedings and the welcome party.
Comfortable accomodation will be avilable in the Hotel Academia, where the
conference will take place. Single or double rooms are available.
During the conference, a program for participants and accompanning persons
will be organized. It includes guided hiking tours, trip to a typical
regional village Zdiar with a presentation of slovak folk wedding, barbecue
and other attractions.
Today send e-mail, letter, fax to be included in the
mailing list
March 10, 1995 Submission of abstracts
April 15, 1995 Notification of acceptance
May 1, 1995 Early registration, hotel reservation
July 1, 1995 Final camera ready papers
September 6-9, 1995 Conference
International Program Committee Chairman: Prof. Ewart R. Carson, UK
International Advisory Committee Chairman: Dr. Peter Kneppo, Slovakia
Steering Committee Chairman: Dr. Ing. Giovanni Pacini, Italy
Organizing Committee Chairman: Dr. Milan Tysler, Slovakia
IMEKO MBB 95 SECRETARIAT phone: +42-(0)7-374033
Institute of Measurement Science fax: +42-(0)7-375943
Slovak Academy of Sciences e-mail:
Dubravska cesta 9, 842 19 Bratislava
Slovak Republic