Dear Biomch-L readers,
A few days ago, I received a copy of the previously announced Sixth Annual
East Coast Clinical Gait Conference Proceedings, following the meeting on
5-7 December 1990 hosted by Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI,
USA (Robert W. Soutas-Little, Biomechanics Laboratory). The 153 page book-
let is certainly worth the modest price mentioned last year.
I do not plan to review it, but I'll make an exception by way of an announce-
ment. The paper "Animation brings the Biomechanics of Human Gait to Life!" by
Chris Vaughan en Brian Davis (Motion Analysis Laboratory, University of Vir-
ginia in Charlottesville, VA 22908, and CELOS, Penn State University in State
College, PA 16801, USA, respectively) is a most timely announcement of the
long-awaited book "Dynamics of Human Gait on a Personal Computer" by Vaughan
et al. (Human Kinetics Publishers, Champaign, IL, USA, 1991). Following an
introduction on The Legacy of Muybridge who started his work by studying
horse locomotion under the patronage of governor Leyland Standford in Cali-
fornia, and making reference to the recent availability on video disk of
Muybrdge's work with additional, educational software (Voyager Co, Santa
Monica, CA, USA), the paper goes on to review activities in the past decade
with reference to Peter Cavanagh's work at CELOS on human, and to Ton van den
Bogert's work in Utrecht and Eindhoven on horse locomotion. Finally, the
authors review their own work as laid down in their book.
Similar to Ton's PhD-thesis on animated horse locomotion (reviewed on Biomch-L
some time ago), "(a) software package is `bundled' with the book, and enables
the user to plot various parameters for a normal male and female, as well as
for an adult with Cerebral Palsy. One of the features of the program is an
animation procedure in which stick figure diagrams can be cycled forward (and
backward) at different rates and from different viewpoints (frontal, sagittal,
Thus, my previous posting this month posting lon 3-D imaging and movement is
already obsolete, it seems. But then, fast communication channels are, per-
haps, not the most appropriate means for longevity, unlike books like Ton's
thesis and Chris Vaughan's work!
Let me also use this opportunity to announce two changes of address: Ton van
den Bogert's new email address is DDIATVB@CC.RUU.NL, while I am retransferring
my activities to my former account ELERCAMA @ { HEITUE5.bitnet | }
(work-station developments both at and, in combination
with remote log-in limitations make this more attractive for the time being).
In this way, we should be able to continue moderating Biomch-L (as little as
possible, though), even during the wee hours as my Scottish colleagues in
the CAMARC project would call it.
Further to my recent suggestion to announce funding information on this list:
the Council of Ministers and the Parliament of the European Communities have
decided (in their meeting of 20 December 1990) that the Advanced Informatics
in Medicine action will be continued in a Main Phase AIM-I, to start by mid
1991. While there is equal opportunity for all (Europeans) who apply, it is
hoped that those consortia already active in the current pilot phase will be
allowed to go on. At least within CAMARC, hopes are positive in this respect,
in particular because "Technologies and Services for the Handicapped and
Elderly" is a prime topic of political concern. For the total AIM-I phase, a
budget of 97 Mecu has been allocated, to be used for, I seem to understand, a
period of about 4 years by a limited number of consortia which should be lar-
ger than the typical consortia in the current pilot phase. Those who wish to
obtain further details are welcome to send me a note (once more information
is available, I'll put an announcement onto the list if sufficient reactions
are received on this one).
While typing this posting, I am listening to president Bush and other persona-
lities on the Gulf War which started today. One hopes and prays that this
tragic event will be over soon.
With kind regards,
Herman J. Woltring
CAMARC-partner (NL) / list-`owner', Biomch-L
Brussellaan 29, NL-5628 TB EINDHOVEN, The Netherlands
Tel. (private) +31.40.480 869, Voice/Fax/Modem +31.40.413 744
CAMARC ("Computer Aided Movement Analysis in a Rehabilitation Context") is a
2-year project (mid 1989 - mid 1991) under the Advanced Informatics in Medicine
action of the Commission of the European Communities (AIM/DG XIII-F), with aca-
demic, public-health, industrial, and independent partners from Italy, France,
U.K. and The Netherlands. Its scope is pre-normative and pre-competitive.
A few days ago, I received a copy of the previously announced Sixth Annual
East Coast Clinical Gait Conference Proceedings, following the meeting on
5-7 December 1990 hosted by Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI,
USA (Robert W. Soutas-Little, Biomechanics Laboratory). The 153 page book-
let is certainly worth the modest price mentioned last year.
I do not plan to review it, but I'll make an exception by way of an announce-
ment. The paper "Animation brings the Biomechanics of Human Gait to Life!" by
Chris Vaughan en Brian Davis (Motion Analysis Laboratory, University of Vir-
ginia in Charlottesville, VA 22908, and CELOS, Penn State University in State
College, PA 16801, USA, respectively) is a most timely announcement of the
long-awaited book "Dynamics of Human Gait on a Personal Computer" by Vaughan
et al. (Human Kinetics Publishers, Champaign, IL, USA, 1991). Following an
introduction on The Legacy of Muybridge who started his work by studying
horse locomotion under the patronage of governor Leyland Standford in Cali-
fornia, and making reference to the recent availability on video disk of
Muybrdge's work with additional, educational software (Voyager Co, Santa
Monica, CA, USA), the paper goes on to review activities in the past decade
with reference to Peter Cavanagh's work at CELOS on human, and to Ton van den
Bogert's work in Utrecht and Eindhoven on horse locomotion. Finally, the
authors review their own work as laid down in their book.
Similar to Ton's PhD-thesis on animated horse locomotion (reviewed on Biomch-L
some time ago), "(a) software package is `bundled' with the book, and enables
the user to plot various parameters for a normal male and female, as well as
for an adult with Cerebral Palsy. One of the features of the program is an
animation procedure in which stick figure diagrams can be cycled forward (and
backward) at different rates and from different viewpoints (frontal, sagittal,
Thus, my previous posting this month posting lon 3-D imaging and movement is
already obsolete, it seems. But then, fast communication channels are, per-
haps, not the most appropriate means for longevity, unlike books like Ton's
thesis and Chris Vaughan's work!
Let me also use this opportunity to announce two changes of address: Ton van
den Bogert's new email address is DDIATVB@CC.RUU.NL, while I am retransferring
my activities to my former account ELERCAMA @ { HEITUE5.bitnet | }
(work-station developments both at and, in combination
with remote log-in limitations make this more attractive for the time being).
In this way, we should be able to continue moderating Biomch-L (as little as
possible, though), even during the wee hours as my Scottish colleagues in
the CAMARC project would call it.
Further to my recent suggestion to announce funding information on this list:
the Council of Ministers and the Parliament of the European Communities have
decided (in their meeting of 20 December 1990) that the Advanced Informatics
in Medicine action will be continued in a Main Phase AIM-I, to start by mid
1991. While there is equal opportunity for all (Europeans) who apply, it is
hoped that those consortia already active in the current pilot phase will be
allowed to go on. At least within CAMARC, hopes are positive in this respect,
in particular because "Technologies and Services for the Handicapped and
Elderly" is a prime topic of political concern. For the total AIM-I phase, a
budget of 97 Mecu has been allocated, to be used for, I seem to understand, a
period of about 4 years by a limited number of consortia which should be lar-
ger than the typical consortia in the current pilot phase. Those who wish to
obtain further details are welcome to send me a note (once more information
is available, I'll put an announcement onto the list if sufficient reactions
are received on this one).
While typing this posting, I am listening to president Bush and other persona-
lities on the Gulf War which started today. One hopes and prays that this
tragic event will be over soon.
With kind regards,
Herman J. Woltring
CAMARC-partner (NL) / list-`owner', Biomch-L
Brussellaan 29, NL-5628 TB EINDHOVEN, The Netherlands
Tel. (private) +31.40.480 869, Voice/Fax/Modem +31.40.413 744
CAMARC ("Computer Aided Movement Analysis in a Rehabilitation Context") is a
2-year project (mid 1989 - mid 1991) under the Advanced Informatics in Medicine
action of the Commission of the European Communities (AIM/DG XIII-F), with aca-
demic, public-health, industrial, and independent partners from Italy, France,
U.K. and The Netherlands. Its scope is pre-normative and pre-competitive.