Just to warn the ones among you that could be interested in the fact that
I'm going back to Belgium next tuesday.
New Mexico was a great experience for me: great state, but also
I had the opportunity to work with great people! Thanks to all of them!

Old address:
|. .|
Serge Van Sint Jan (sabbatical) | " |
Department for Mechanical Engineering \=/
The University of New Mexico \|/ | \|/
Albuquerque, USA \ | /
voice: int + 1 505 277 2339 -^-----^-
fax: 1571 |
email: serge@slider.unm.edu |
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New address:

Serge Van Sint Jan
Department for Human Anatomy and Embryology
University of Brussels
Brussels, Belgium
voice: int + 32 2 555 63 25
fax: 78
email: sintjans@ulb.ac.be