I have just joined this mail group and was hoping to draw on your expertise
to point me in the direction of some good references on research being
performed in the area of Finite element modeling of human joints and
skeletal systems. I am hoping to start an active research program in this
area. My training is in aerospace structural analysis and smart structures
and hope to apply these technologies to biomechanical structures. Any
help would be greatly appreciated.
************************************************** ***************
* *
* Thomas Kashangaki, Ph.D. *
* Assistant Professor, *
* Department of Mechanical Engineering *
* University of Maryland *
* College Park, Maryland 20742-3035 *
* *
* Phone: 301 405 5216 *
* FAX: 301 314 9477 *
* *
* email: INTERNET: tkash@eng.umd.edu *
* *
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to point me in the direction of some good references on research being
performed in the area of Finite element modeling of human joints and
skeletal systems. I am hoping to start an active research program in this
area. My training is in aerospace structural analysis and smart structures
and hope to apply these technologies to biomechanical structures. Any
help would be greatly appreciated.
************************************************** ***************
* *
* Thomas Kashangaki, Ph.D. *
* Assistant Professor, *
* Department of Mechanical Engineering *
* University of Maryland *
* College Park, Maryland 20742-3035 *
* *
* Phone: 301 405 5216 *
* FAX: 301 314 9477 *
* *
* email: INTERNET: tkash@eng.umd.edu *
* *
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