Yes, you can convert "in the other direction". Here's the name of two
companies in the US that can do the job for you.
Four Media Company at 818-985-7566 -- Talk to Steve, or
E-Film at 213-463-7041
They will probably need to bump the images to Beta or one-inch formats
and then produce your glossys. It's not cheap.
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* * *
* JAMES S. WALTON, Ph.D. * *
* President * INTERNET: Jim@4DVideo.com *
* 4D VIDEO * *
* 3136 Pauline Drive, * *
* SEBASTOPOL, CA 95472 * *
* * COMPUSERVE: 72644,2773 *
* PHONE: 707/829-8883 * *
* FAX : 707/829-3527 * *
* * *
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On Mon, 22 May 1995, James W. Glasheen wrote:
> Dear Netters,
> The recent discussion about film to video transfer reminded me of the
> problem of going in the opposite direction (ie video to film).
> Essentially, I would like to convert some S-VHS images (from
> High-Speed Video) to glossy stills. Our goal is to improve the video
> image to the point where we can publish them as figures. I understand that
> there are some companies that can do these conversions. Can anyone recommend
> a particular company?
> Thank you in advance.
> Jim Glasheen
> Biomechanics Lab ESL
> Harvard University
> 40 Oxford Street
> Cambridge, MA 02138