Dear Netters,

The Book of Abstracts of the XVth Congress of the ISB containing
more than 500 abstracts with 1043 pages is in print. The reference
is as follows:
Book of Abstracts
The XVth Congress of the ISB
Editors: K.Hakkinen, KL Keskinen, PV Komi and A Mero
Gummerus Kirjapaino OY, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1995

The confirmation letters of the presentation formats with
instructions have been sent out to the authors and should
reach you in any moment. In case you do not receive the
respective information before June 9, please contact the
XVth ISB Congress Secretariat ( or
fax +358 41 603 621).

The scientific program also has been completed. However, we
are going to print the very final version of the program as late
as possible (i.e. two weeks before the congress opens) to minimize
the problems caused by late cancellations. Please note that the final
inclusion of any paper in the program will depend upon receipt of the
full registration fee from the presenting author.

Our internet home page incudes more information about the congress
itself. You may find the text at

Komi PV, Congress Chairman
Hakkinen K, Vice-Chair
Keskinen KL, Secretary General
Multasuo T, Congress Secretariat

Kari L. Keskinen, Ph.D., P.T.
Fax: + 358 - 41 - 602031
Tel: + 358 - 41 - 602056

University of Jyvaskyla
Department of Biology of Physical Activity
Aquatics Research Laboratory
P.O. Box 35
FIN-40351 Jyvaskyla