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Final Announcement ESMAC conference

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  • Final Announcement ESMAC conference



    International Conference



    Scientific Meeting ESMAC 1995

    Enschede, The Netherlands

    27 & 28 October 1995


    The fourth annual conference of the ESMAC will be held on 27 & 28 October
    1995 at the Best Western Dish Hotel in Enschede, The Netherlands.

    The conference will address various aspects of Movement Analysis used for
    better understanding and treatment of movement disorders in children. It is
    intended for all professionals, such as physiotherapists, paediatricians,
    orthopaedic surgeons, rehabilitation physicians and biomedical engineers,
    who are involved in the treatment of locomotor disorders.

    The scientific programme will include presentations on various themes as
    well as guest lectures. The invited speakers are :

    Dr. David Sutherland, MD. Medical Director, Motion Analysis Laboratory,
    Children's Hospital & Health Center and Professor, Dept of Orthopaedic
    Surgery, U.C.S.D.

    Mr G Evans, FRCS, FRCSOrth. Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Director,
    Children's Orthopaedics, The Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital,
    Oswestry, U.K.

    Dr Yves Blanc, PhD. Hopital Cantonal Universitaire de Geneve, Dept de
    Chirurgie, Clinique d'Orthopedie et de Chirurgie de L'appareil, Laboratoire
    de Cinesiologie, Geneve, Switzerland.

    General Information


    The conference language is English


    The conference will take place at the Best Western Dish Hotel. It offers
    conference facilities as well as delegates accomodation. The venue is
    within walking distance of the city center with its comfortable cafes and
    restaurants. Alternative accomodation is available on request.

    Social Programme

    A welcome reception has been arranged on 26 October 1995. The conference
    dinner has been arranged on Friday, 27 October 1995 for the deligates
    (included in the regstration fee) and accompanying persons (Dfl 55,--,
    payment to be made at the time of registration on 26 or 27 October 1995).

    Commercial Exhibition

    A commercial exhibition has been organised.


    Registration can be made by returning the completed registration form to:
    Secretariat ESMAC 1995 Conference
    Roessingh Research and Development
    c/o ACON Convention Services
    PO Box 560
    7500 AN Enschede
    The Netherlands

    Tel: (+)(31)(0)53 335 800
    Fax: (+)(31)(0)53 341 219

    REPLY ON THIS ANNOUNCEMENT !!!! (e-mail address:

    Conference Fee

    The conference fee includes a welcome reception, accomodation for two
    nights, breakfast lunch, coffee/tea during conference and the conference
    dinner. The fee is as follows:
    ESMAC Members Dfl. 590,- and non-members Dfl. 650,-. Excluding the
    accomodation the fee is Dfl. 355,- for ESMAC members, and for non-members
    Dfl. 415,-. All payments must be made free of transfer charges. Bankcosts,
    if incurred, will have to be paid by the delegates. The conference fee (net
    amount) can be paid by banktransfer to ING Bank, Enschede, The Netherlands,
    Account no. made payable to Roessingh Research and Development,
    Enschede stating your full name and indicating "ESMAC 1995"


    The meeting has been generously supported by :

    Biometrics Europe, BTS Engineering Technology Systems, Elsevier Science,
    McRoberts/Qualisys, MIE Medical Research, Novel Gmbh, Oxford Metrics Ltd,
    Roessingh Research & Development B.V., St Jorisstichting, Waverly Europe Ltd


    Thursday, 26 October 1995

    19.00 - 20.30 Welcome Reception & Registration
    sponsered by Charnwood Dynamis Ltd.

    Friday, 27 October 1995

    08.00 Registration and coffee
    08.30 Inauguration
    09.00 Keynote speaker - Dr. David Sutherland
    10.00 Coffee
    10.30 Scientific session I
    10.30 Mann AM, A prospective study of gait maturation in Normal Children
    10.45 Syczewska MI, Reference data of ground reaction forces for healthy
    Children of 6 - 18 years of age
    11.00 Discussion
    11.10 Davis RB, The potential clinical utility of ankle stiffness patterns
    11.40 Discussion
    11.50 Stout JS, Joint kinetic patterns in children with spastic hemiplegia
    cerebral palsy
    12.05 Senst S, Investigation of the coordination of cerebral palsied
    children with diplegia, tetraplegia and hemiplegia
    12.20 Discussion
    12.30 Lunch
    13.30 Keynote speaker - Dr. Yves Blanc
    14.00 Scientific session II
    14.00 Hulliger M, Selective dorsal rhizotomy, in cerebral palsy:
    Quantitative outcome assessment using principle component analysis of
    14.15 Stout JS, The effect of L1 versus L2 selective dorsal rhizotomy
    14.30 Darwish H, Different mechanisms may underlie spastics diplegic gait
    14.45 Discussion
    14.55 Eames N, Estimating gastrocnemius length from joint rotation
    15.10 Eames N, Botulinum toxin A and gastrocnemius tension and length
    15.25 Discussion
    15.30 Tea
    16.00 Scientific session III
    16.00 Becher J, Improvement of spastic equinus gait in CP: A protocol for
    integrated orthotic and orthopaedic treatment.
    16.15 Berghof R, The effect of short leg casting on gait in cerebral palsy
    16.30 Discussion
    16.40 Brunner C, Correction of typical gait pattern in spastic hemiplegic
    and patients suing a functional spring type orthosis
    16.55 Van Weerdt LOW, Assessment of dynamic orthoses with Macraflex R
    locomotion analysis system in children with spastic diplegia and
    17.10 Discussion
    17.20 Novacheck TFN, Hip function in cerebral palsy: the kinematic and
    kinetic effects of psoas surgery
    17.35 Kelly IP, The quality assessment of gait in cerebral palsy
    17.50 Discussion
    20.00 Conference Dinner

    Saturday 28 October 1995

    08.30 Annual General Meeting
    09.30 Keynote speaker - Mr. Gwyn Evans
    10.15 Coffee
    10.45 Scientific session IV
    10.45 Linskell J, An investigation of the relationship between clinical
    measures and gait Analysis variables
    11.00 Zwick EB, The clinical interpretation of gait analysis data in
    diplegic cerebral palsy - an estimation problem?
    11.15 Discussion
    11.25 Baker R, A spot check to ensure the quality of matching of kinematic
    and kinetic data collected during clinical gait analysis
    11.40 McNeill S, The effect of inaccuracies in physical measurements on
    instrumental gait analysis data
    11.55 Discussion
    12.05 Hays A, Reproducibility test on a children's insole for measuring the
    dynamic plantar pressure distribution
    12.20 Harlaar J, Multi-media technology for movement analysis to assist
    clinical decision making
    12.35 Discussion
    12.45 Lunch
    13.45 Scientific session V
    13.45 Camoriano R, Movement analysis and clinical application in children
    with spina bifida
    14.00 Thompson N, Rational management of gait pathology in duchenne muscular
    14.15 Discussion
    14.25 Westzaan PSH, Development of a procedure for the assessment of motion
    behavior in young children under natural conditions
    14.40 Smits-Engelsman BCM, Can physical therapy change the disfunction of
    neuromotor control in children with dysgraphia
    14.55 Discussion
    15.05 Liu XC, Functional analysis of patients with leg length
    15.20 Benedetti MG, Functional evaluation of gait in children with
    flat foot
    15.35 Discussion
    15.45 Tea
    16.15 Instructional Workshop
    17.45 Closing