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SummaryII: Scientific Graphing

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  • SummaryII: Scientific Graphing

    Part II:

    My preference is Grapher (Windows based) from Golden Software,
    Golden Colorado. It's extremely flexible and easy to use, especially
    compared to Sigmaplot.
    /*** Bruce A. MacWilliams ***/
    /*** Orthopaedic Biomechanics ***/
    /*** Johns Hopkins University ***/
    /*** Baltimore, MD ***/
    ************************************************** *****
    I have been very happy with Sigmaplot, especially the service. I also
    use Stanford Graphics, and again the service has been very good.

    Joel Vilensky
    ************************************************** ******
    In response to your question, I have been using Axum for about 3 or 4
    years and have followed their updates to the present Windows version. I
    have been pleased with this graphics package and its ability to do 2D
    and 3D plots. The present version has some minor bugs in Axes
    manipulation (or maybe it was just me) but the I have been able to do
    what I want. I can't compare to Sigmaplot as it has been years since I
    have used it and I am sure it has been improved too. I know some of my
    colleagues prefer Sigmaplot. Any, in our lab Axum has served us well.

    Best regards,


    Bradford J. McFadyen, Ph.D.
    Departement de kinanthropologie
    Universite du Quebec a Montreal
    CP 8888, Succ. Centre-ville
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    H3C 3P8
    Tel: (514)987-4454
    Fax: (514)987-6616

    I've (well, my students) have been using Axum for some time (the newest
    version DEFINITELY is an improvement on the older ones), and they like it.
    A couple use Excel for some stuff. We also are looking at a promising new
    program from BMDP/IBM "Diamonds" which deals very creatively with
    multidimensional data.


    Wynne A. Lee, Ph.D.
    Programs in Physical Therapy, and
    The Institute for Neuroscience
    Northwestern University Medical School
    645 N. Michigan Avenue (Suite 1100)
    Chicago IL 60611-2814
    voice: (01) 312-908-6795
    fax: (01) 312-908-0741
    I use Graphics Server 4.0 which is a graphing toolkit for
    Windows-Based Languages. It is an excellent technical graphing
    tool for programmers in the Windows environment. It has a complete
    set of graph types plus variety of statistical functions. Best of
    all, it has interactive graphic features. However, this toolkit
    is for program developer who want to save time in graphic
    programming. With your own biomechanical or mathematic
    subroutines and functions, you have the freedom to create your
    own custom graphic program with Server 4.0 with much lesser time.
    If you are interested, the following is the information of the
    software company.

    Crescent Division of Progress Software Corporation
    14 Oak Park
    Bedford, MA 01730
    FAX: (617)280-4025

    Bob Chen, Ph.D.
    School of Physical Therapy
    Texas Woman's University
    Houston, TX 77030
    Phone: (713)794-2050
    FAX: (713)794-6162
    I tried a couple of these high-end packages and sent them back I found
    them so unhelpful. The one I have kept, and LOVE, is Origin, from
    MicroCal. It is very intuitive, and is the only one which handles
    multiple x-y plots on a single graph effortlessly. I recommend it


    Lynne Bilston
    __________________________________________________ ________________________
    Lynne E. Bilston, PhD
    Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering Tel (02) 351-2344
    Room 426, Building J07 Fax (02) 351-9169
    University of Sydney, N.S.W., 2006
    __________________________________________________ ________________________

    ************************************************** *
    While I was replying to your message yesterday I was searching for a review
    article on technical graphing programs. I thought that PC Magazine had
    reviewed them in the last year or so, but I have not been able to find the
    article. I did find a PC Magazine article from the March 26, 1991 issue.
    Although 4 years is an eternity for software perhaps some the information
    might be useful.

    Their Editors' choice was Graftool and Axum although if you didn't need 3D
    capabilities then SigmaPlot was a good choice. Since publication SigmaPlot
    has added 3D capabilities. Other thoughts from the 1991 article are

    Best choice for data analysis, particularly large 3D data sets
    Handles huge numbers of data points
    Plots multiple surfaces
    Many specialized graphs and plots
    Printed output attractive
    Very complex
    Slow printing speed
    Multivariate curve-fitting
    Good selection of the most common 3D plots
    Rich set of statistical functions
    Aukward on the detail level
    Output isn't as attractive as Graftool
    Prints faster than Graftool
    Superior data transformation
    Superior curve fitting capabilites
    Multilayered menu interface is complex
    Powerful graphing
    Cricket Graph
    Honorable mention
    Not as full featured as above

    Hope this additional information is helpful

    Barry Munkasy
    University of Southern California
    Department of Exercise Science
    Biomechanics Laboratory
    PEB RM 107
    Los Angeles, CA 90089-0652
    (213) 740-2492 (W)
    (213) 740-7909 (Fax)

    ************************************************** *****
    You might like to look at Micrcocal Origin. I had the demo disk a few
    months ago and thought it looked very useful and user-friendly. I have
    just received the complete package but I have not had a chance to have a
    play yet.
    Microcal's address is:
    Microcal Software Inc., One Roundhouse Plaza, Northampton, MA 01060 USA.

    Mike Harwood
    De Montfort University Bedford
    ************************************************** ****
    I find that using both CA-Cricket Graph and Excel packages has never let
    me down so far 8)....touch wood !!! If one can't do something I need,
    then the other one always can....

    Tim Lawes
    University of Bristol
    Dept of Anatomy EMail:
    ************************************************** *********
    I don't have much info to offer you about Windows-based plotting programs, but I
    have used both Sigma Plot and Freelance Graphics. Of these two, Sigma Plot is
    the more powerful program, letting you change almost any characteristic of your
    plot simply by clicking on it. Unfortunately for me, I make all of my
    presentations in Freelance. Therefore, if I use Sigma Plot to create a
    plot, I have
    to import it into Freelance. This doesn't always work out so well, so
    lately I have
    been creating my plots in Freelance.

    I have a question for you. You mentioned a program called PSI-Plot in your
    message. I am not familiar with this; could you give me some more information
    and if possible a vendor contact.

    Mike Kleinberger
    I have been using SigmaPlot for the last 4-5 years. I started with DOS and
    moved to Windows. It has improved greatly from the first version. I would
    using it on a Pentium with alot of memory for best results. I use it on a
    486SX with 8 MB RAM and I run into problems if I have too many windows open.
    It is a resource hog. Beyond that, I am happy with what it does and how it
    does it.

    Mark Cornwall, PhD, PT
    Dept. of Physical Therapy
    Northern Arizona University
    Flagstaff, AZ 86011