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Re: BIOMCH-L Digest - 28 Jul 1995 to 29 Jul 1995

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  • Re: BIOMCH-L Digest - 28 Jul 1995 to 29 Jul 1995

    In reading the discussions on splines of various orders, I must note little
    comment of weighted splines, splines under tension and other ideas for
    generating smoothing splines rather than interpolating splines. Grace Wahbas
    text: Spline Models for Observational Data, SIAM 1990 and Helmuth Spaths
    text, whose title I can't remember, Utilitas Mathematicas, U. of Winnipeg,
    197x? both deal with this topic.
    The need seems to be to fit data for further data extraction, when
    the fidelity of the raw data is suspect due to noise or other error source.
    In that case the need to capture the existing data set exactly seems to be
    of less importance than in allowing the extraction of 'believable' velocity
    or acceleration values. Higher order splines giving inter point oscillations
    would not seem desirable from this standpoint. Data smoothing via Bezier
    curves is often discussed in texts on computer graphics, and offers an
    alternative to cubic splines.

    Tim Smith
    Dept. of Mech Eng
    UNB, F'ton, Canada