Dear Biomch-L readers,
Those of you interested in obtaining (US-based) research funding information
may find a wealth of possibilities through APASD-L@VTVM2.BITNET, the American
Psychological Association's Research Psychology Funding Bulletin. Just send
the one-line request INDEX APASD-L to LISTSERV@VTVM2.BITNET in order to obtain
(by NETDATA or email) a list of all files currently available. By way of
example, I am reposting below the file NIDR ORALMOTO, in view of its relation-
ship to the scope of Biomch-L. Another, interesting file is AHCPR MEDICAL on
dissemination of research results into clinical practice.
With kind regards,
Herman J. Woltring, Eindhoven/NL
+++++NIDR ORALMOTO++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++
National Institute of Dental Research
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders
Application Receipt Dates: June 1, October 1, February 1
The Craniofacial Anomalies, Pain Control and Behavioral Research Branch
of the National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR) invites research
grant applications to study neurobiological and physiological processes
controlling coordinated oral movements (such as mastication) and to
expand knowledge concerning relationships between oral-motor function
and dental procedures or abnormal oral conditions. In addition, the
Division of Communication and Neurosensory Diseases of the National
Institute on Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders (NIDCD) invites
research grant applications to study processes involved in normal and
disordered speech production and/or swallowing.
The NIDR and NIDCD seek to accelerate research progress in this area by
inviting meritorious applications dealing either with fundamental
processes underlying the control of coordinated oral movements, or with
clinically relevant aspects of oral-motor function.
Considerable scientific progress has been made over the past decade
toward delineating neurobiological processes controlling limb movements
and locomotion, respiratory movements, and eye movements. In contrast,
relatively little attention has been directed toward understanding
neurobiological and physiological processes involved in coordinated oral
movement, except as they directly affect speech production. Yet oral
motor behaviors-- including those involved in mastication, drinking, and
suckling-- have important biological significance and remain among the
most fundamental behaviors required for survival. Movements of the jaw
and the surrounding musculature are integrally involved, in animals and
in humans, in tasks as diverse as manipulating objects, attack and
defense, communicating through facial expressions, and producing
Fundamental studies are needed to delineate fully the neural pathways
and processes underlying oral-motor behaviors. Recent research
indicates that four major brain stem motor pools (trigeminal, facial,
vagal, and hypoglossal) are involved in oral-motor behaviors. Two
distinct neural networks governing rhythmic jaw movements (chewing) and
some of the movements involved in drinking (lapping-like movements) have
also recently been demonstrated in animals. However, knowledge of the
structures and processes involved in initiation, control and
coordination of oral movements remains very incomplete. Suitable topics
for fundamental research include, but are not limited to: studies of
the anatomical and physiological significance of connections between
nuclei in the neural networks involved in oral-motor control; studies of
the neuroanatomical and physiological characteristics of outputs from
these neural networks to motoneurons; studies of the processes and
structures involved in input from other parts of the central nervous
system to the neural networks controlling oral-motor behaviors; and
studies of the neurochemical process (i.e., neurotransmitters and
neuromodulators) involved in activation and operation of these neural
Though some sound methodologies have been developed to assess oral-motor
function both in the laboratory and natural environments, procedures for
evaluating oral-motor function require additional development and
standardization. Assessments may include, though are not limited to,
measurement of factors such as chewing efficiency, muscular fatigue,
biting force, limitations of mandibular movements. Also needed are
studies clarifying how adaptation to morphologic change occurs within
the oral-motor system when, for example, teeth are removed, dentures are
inserted, or orthodontic treatment produces tooth movement. Of
additional interest are improved approaches for tracking and monitoring
complex movement patterns, evaluating associations between growth and
development and oral-motor function, and for developing adequate
mathematical models of repetitive oral-motor behaviors and complex
movement patterns.
Other clinical research topics may include, though are not limited to:
relationships between oral-motor function and oral pathologies (e.g.,
TMJ pain, severe tooth wear or mobility) or relationships between
oral-motor function and dental treatment failures (e.g., broken or
abraded restorations, orthodontic relapses, failure to adapt to dental
prostheses). In addition studies of pathological conditions involving
disturbances of oral-motor function (e.g., tardive dyskinesia, coma,
stroke or bruxism) are encouraged, particularly as they relate to
expanding understanding of mechanisms underlying motor control.
Applicants are encouraged to contact NIDR staff prior to applying.
Patricia S. Bryant, Ph.D.
Health Scientist Administrator
Craniofacial Anomalies, Pain Control
and Behavioral Research Branch
National Institute of Dental Research
Westwood Building, Room 506
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-4500
Telephone: (301) 496-7807
Applicants interested in oral motor function as related to speech
production or swallowing should, prior to applying, contact Dr. Judith
A. Cooper at the address/telephone number indicated below.
Judith A. Cooper, Ph.D.
Health Scientist Administrator
Division of Communication and Neurosensory Disorders
National Institute of Deafness and Other Communicative Diseases
Federal Building, Room 1C06
7550 Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Telephone: (301) 496-5061