Post-Doctoral Position in Experimental Orthopaedic Biomechanics

A post-doctoral position is available immediately in the Musculoskeletal
Systems Section at the Palo Alto VA Rehabilitation Research & Development
(RR&D) Center. The Musculoskeletal Systems Section at the RR&D Center is
well known for theoretical and computational studies on the adaptation of
skeletal tissue to mechanical stimuli. Areas of current research activity
include bone and cartilage adaptation and mechanics, bone loss after spinal
cord injury, skeletal adaptation to unloading and growth factors, and tissue
differentiation as it applies to the cementless fixation of joint replacements.

We are looking for a individual with an interest in orthopaedic implants
(particularly joint replacements) and experience in: experimental testing;
implant design and function; and animal models.

The candidate should be a recent PhD and must be a US citizen. The position
is initially for one year. The salary is $24,000 per year. Qualified
candidates should send a cover letter, CV and the names of three references

Gary S. Beaupre, PhD
Rehabilitation R&D Center (153) Phone: (415) 493-5000 ext. 62472
Palo Alto VA FAX: (415) 493-4919
3801 Miranda Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304