13th October 1995.

Dear Colleagues,

Please find below the second call for papers for "The Engineering
of Sport" to be held in Sheffield on 2nd to 4th July 1996. In June 1996
Sheffield will be one of the host cities for the European Soccer
Championships and the conference will coincide with the 1996 World Masters
Swimming Championships. This will be held at Sheffield Ponds Forge
International Sports Centre between 22nd June and 3rd July 1996; entrance
to the Championships is free.

Thanks to all of you who have already requested information. Although the
abstract deadline is still 8 weeks away abstracts have started to come in.
So do come along to what will be a very interesting and enjoyable event!


Steve Haake

Honorary Secretary,
The Stress and Vibration Group of the Institute of Physics

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The Engineering of Sport: 2nd Call for papers

Where: The University of Sheffield
Sheffield, England

When: 2-4 July 1996

Dates to Remember:

1st December 1995 200-300 word abstract required
20th January 1996 Authors notified of acceptance or rejection
1st April 1996 4-6 page paper required for the Proceedings
15th May 1996 Pre-registration
2nd to 4th July Conference

This major conference is intended to bridge the gap between Engineering and
Biomechanics and should be of particular interest to Engineers, Physicists
and Scientists working on Sports and Leisure related projects outside their
"traditional" subject areas. Subject areas will include the following:

Aerodynamics, Biomechanics, Dynamics, Equipment, Footwear, Impacts, Motion
analysis, Sports surfaces.

All sports and leisure interests will be considered including Archery,
Athletics, Bowling, Cricket, Cycling, Football, Golf, Gliding, Rock
climbing, Motor Sports, Rugby, Soccer, Skiing, Squash, Swimming, Tennis and
Tobogganing. Many other topics will be considered and the proceedings will
be published.

Submission of Abstracts

Authors should submit a 200-300 word abstract using post or email by 1st
December 1995 to:

Dr S. J. Haake,
Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering,
The University of Sheffield,
Mappin Street,
Sheffield S1 3JD, UK.

Tel. (0114) 282 5415
Fax. (0114) 275 3671
email: S.J.Haake@sheffield.ac.uk

This meeting is organised by the Stress and Vibration Group of the
Institute of Physics with the help of The University of Sheffield.
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