
I posted a question two weeks ago continuing the discussion about specific
tension of muscle from a couple of months ago. I asked for references on
the specific tensions of fast twitch and slow twitch fibers. The responses
told me that there is data that suggests similar specific tension values and
data that suggests different specific tensions. Here are the references I
received. Thank you to the thred folks who responded to my request.

Gordon and colleagues (Totosy de Zepetnek et al (1992), J. Neurophysiology
Edgerton et al, 1986 - pp 43-58 in Human Muscle Power, Human Kinetics Pub.
Burke and Tsairis, 1973 - Journal of Physiology 234:723-748
Bodine et al., 1987 - Journal of Neurophysiology 57(6):1730-1745
Saltin, 1983 - Chp 19 Section 10 in Handbook of Physiology, Skeletal Muscle
Huxley, 1985 - Journal of Experimental Biology 115:17-30
Faulkner et al, 1986 - pp 81-91 in Human Muscle Power, Human Kinetics Pub
Various works by JA Faulkner and S Brooks

Happy Halloween!

Dan Kelaher