I have an important bibliography on alpine skiing. I would like to complete
it before the First International Congress on Skiing and Science in Austria
on January 1996.
Now, It contains 500 references and I have yet about 150 new references to
add. Most of them are wrotten in french or english. They concern first
biomechanics, physiology and coaching. Motor learning, pedagogy, psychology,
materials and medicine are not extensively referenced.
1) I would like to know if anyone is interested to receive it
2) I search to merge bibliographies, especially with german references, and
non english language.
3) In case of interest, I could let the bibliography file in a fttp site,
and organize the updates. Building a skiing bibliography is problematic.
Most of the
references are not in english and not referenced in official databases. The
level of interest is greatly variable. But the possibility to compare
results helps to build knowledge.
Sincerely yours,
Fabrice VIALE
Laboratoire de Physiologie - GIP Exercice
Faculte de Medecine Lyon Sud
BP 12
51 Chemin du Petit Revoyet Phone: (33)
F-69621 OULLINS Cedex Fax: (33)
FRANCE eMail: fabrice.viale@univ-lyon1.fr