Dear Biomch-L readers,

Following my previous postings on ME/CFS about one month ago, the following
announcement was kindly forwarded to me by Cheri Fullerton at the Science Directorate of the American Psychological Association
in Washington DC.

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CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME -- The Syndrome in Search of a Diagnosis

Sixteenth Annual S.C.N.P.I. Symposium in Hawaii on
Neuropsychiatric Issues in
The Law, Education and Medicine

Mauna Kea Beach Hotel, Kamuela, The Big Island, Hawaii
13 - 17 August, 1991

Details from: Behavioral Neurology International,
6794 La Jolla Blvd.,
LA JOLLA, CA 92037, U.S.A.
Tel. +1(619)454-2102, Fax +1(619)454-2104

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, "Yuppie Flu", Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and
Postviral or Post-Infectuous Fatigue Syndrome are just a few of the names
that doctors and researchers have been using in recent years, to describe a
debilitating fatigue of unknown origin and duration that increasing numbers
of people are suffering from. It is a genuine case of "the syndrome in
search of a diagnosis".
A multi-disciplinary consensus meeting held at Green College Oxford in
March of 1990 attempted to set specific guidelines for use in diagnosis.
It was agreed that due to the lack of true clinical signs, two broad syn-
dromes would be defined: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Post-Infectuous
Fatigue Syndrome (PIFS), a subtype of CFS.
Because specific criteria must be excluded as well as included, the
objective of our conference is to further define these guidelines, via an
interdisciplinary approach.


Tuesday, August 13, 1991 -- Arrival at the Mauna Kea Resort, Hawaii

Wednesday, August 14, 1991

08:30 - 09:30 Conference Registration
09:00 - 09:15 Overview of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Dr. Walker)
09:19 - 10:45 "Is it your brain or your mind?" -- The Impact of CFS on
the CNS (Dr. Direnfeld)

11:15 - 12:45 "How to define a `toxic' level." -- Toxic Influences on the
Brain and Body (Dr. Walker)

16:00 - 18:00 Roundtable Discussion (Dr. Direnfeld & Dr. Walker)

Thursday, August 15, 1991

08:30 - 10:00 "Sometimes your problems really are in your head!" -- Certain
Mental Disorders Must Be Excluded Before CFS May Be Diagnosed
(Dr. Walker)

10:30 - 12:30 "Why the sleep you get doesn't give you the rest you need."
-- Polysomnography - Techniques and Applications (Dr. Pearce)

16:00 - 18:00 Roundtable Discussion (Dr. Walker & Dr. Pearce)

Friday, August 16, 1991

08:30 - 10:00 "When your body attacks itself..." --Autoimmune Diseases: How
to get help (Dr. Levin)

10:30 - 12:30 "Hormones, hormones, hormones" -- The Cause and Effects of
Glandular Imbalance (Dr. Gallagan)

16:00 - 18:00 Roundtable Discussion (Dr. Levin & Dr. Gallagan)

Saturday, August 17, 1991

08:30 - 10:00 "What happens when the infection goes away, but the problem
doesn't?" -- Post-Infectuous Fatigue Syndrome (Dr. Pien)

10:30 - 12:30 "After the diagnosis..." -- Coping Techniques and Strategies
(Dr. Emerson)

16:00 - 18:00 Roundtable Discussion (Dr. Emerson & Dr. Pien)

Sunday, August 18, 1991 -- Departure from the Mauna Kea Resort, Hawaii

The Faculty are with various Hawaiian institutions including the University
of Hawaii Medical School, except for the Symposium Content Coordinator,
Sidney Walker III, M.D., Director of the Southern California Neuropsychiatric
Institute (S.C.N.P.I.) in La Jolla, California, USA.

Registration by check or VISA:

Individual registration
US $ 295 if received before May 13, 1991, US $ 325 otherwise

Dual registration (professional couples and colleagues)
US $ 465 if registering by May 13, 1991, US $ 595 otherwise

Mauna Kea Beach Hotel:
room rates per night (2 persons): US $ 152 -- 252;
special half-board package per night & person: US $ 65.
Reservations: tel. 1(800)882-6060 (toll-free, North America only)
fax +1(808)882-7090

Official Airline Carrier:
Delta Airlines, toll-free 1(800)241-6760, Account #K28242 for discounts