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Conference Announcement and Call For Papers
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The conference will bring together experts from the disciplines of
biomechanics, physiology and technological applications to present an
integrated approach to maximize performance from human-machine propulsion
systems, with emphasis on cycling, rowing and wheelchair propulsion.
Conference Dates: Thursday 5th December, and Friday 6th December, 1991
Venue: Cumberland College of Health Sciences,
The University of Sydney
Lidcombe, Sydney, Australia
Official Satellite Event to the
XIIIth International Congress on Biomechanics
8.00 Registration, breakfast and 7.30 Breakfast and trade display
trade display 8.30 Dr Richard Powell
10.00 Welcome and opening Arm powered systems
10.15 Dr Chester Kyle 9.00 Mr. Tim Turner
Aerodynamics of Cycling 9.30 Workshops: Session 1
10.45 Dr Luc van der Woude - technical measurement challenges
Wheelchair propulsion - cycling
11.15 Mr. Richard Smith - rowing
Biomechanics of rowing - wheelchair propulsion
11.45 Panel Discussion 11.30 Posters
12.45 Lunch and trade display 12.45 Lunch and trade display
2.00 Free communications 1 2.00 Workshops: Session 2
3.30 Afternoon tea and trade display - internal/external work
3.45 Free communications 2 - physiological and biomechanical
5.15 Summary: Day 1 optimization
5.30 Drinks, buffet/barbeque - field versus laboratory
4.45 Summary: Day 2
5.00 Close
International Speakers
Dr Chester Kyle is a recognized authority on the aerodynamics and mechanics of
cycling. He was head of the group that designed the bicycles used by the U.S.
cycling team in the 1984 Olympic Games. He is co-founder and past president of
the International Human Powered Vehicle Association and has designed
human-powered vehicles that have set a number of world records. He has been
adjunct professor of mechanical engineering at California State University and
is currently editor of Cycling Science.
Dr Luc van der Woude has performed extensive experimental work combining
ergonomic, biomechanical and physiological perspectives in the description of
wheelchair propulsion. He is a lecturer in the faculty of Human Movement
Sciences of the Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Dr Richard Powell has a particular interest in arm-powered vehicles, and has
investigated the relative efficiency of different arm drive systems, seating
configurations, work/rest intervals as well as other ergonomic factors. He
works in the Department of Physical Education, New Mexico State University,
La Cruces, USA.
Professor Peter Engel, who is Head of Department of Rehabilitation Research at
the University of Marburg in Germany, has extensive interests in the
physiological and technological aspects of rehabilitation. Because of Professor
Engel's wide experience he will have a major role in the interactive workshops.
Conference Outline
The conference will combine biomechanical, physiological and technological
approaches to cycling, rowing and wheelchair propulsion with the aim of
producing an integrated approach to maximizing performance from both the
person and the machine in these propulsion systems. The conference will also
explore common technical problems in recording biomechanical and physiological
performance data. To achieve the most from the conference it is anticipated
that participants should have a good understanding of either biomechanics,
physiology or technical aspects of transducers and signal processing, or be
involved in top-level coaching of either rowing, cycling or wheelchair
Human/machine propulsions systems are intrinsically complex, and maximizing
performance from such systems requires a dialogue between professionals of
widely differing backgrounds. Traditionally cross-discipline communication
between these professionals has remained sparse. Two series of concurrent
workshops will seek to bring together individuals with a common interest in the
optimization of human-powered systems to facilitate a dialogue between experts
with a range of skills.
Call for Free Communications and Posters
Scientists and technical officers wishing to contribute to the conference are
invited to submit free communications or posters in any of the following areas
as they pertain to human-powered propulsion systems. Although the main focus of
the conference will be on cycling, rowing and wheelchair propulsion,
presentations on other human-powered land or water vehicles, or on
human-powered flight, are invited. Presentation Areas: Biomechanics,
Physiology, Motor Control, Aerodynamics and Structural Design, Transducer
Design, Signal Acquisition and Processing, Telemetry, and Computer Modelling.
Registration Fee :- $150 includes conference and workshop attendance,
lunches,morning and afternoon teas, and the buffet/barbeque dinner on
Thursday evening. (All fees are in Australian dollars)
Forms for free communications or posters, and registration
forms can be obtained from:-
Dr Greg Gass
Rehabilitation Research Centre
Cumberland College of Health Sciences
P.O.Box 170, Lidcombe, NSW, 2141
Telephone: 61-2-646 6659; Facsimile: 61-2-646 4853