Dear Biomch-L readers,
Following my previous posting from HSPNET-L, I retrieved the index and list of
subscribers for that list, by sending the INDEX HSPNET-L and REVIEW HSPNET-L
(COUNTRIES command to LISTSERV@ALBNYDH2.BITNET. It seems an interesting list,
for which posted items are not only bundled into monthly archives as with
Biomch-L but also stored as individual files. While this may not be very
efficient from a disk storage point of view, it does provide the opportunity
of retrieving an index with all subject lines. Thus, browsing through this
list becomes relatively efficient: after scanning the index, you just send a
sequence of GET file_name file_extension commands to the LISTSERVer.
The monthly digests can be retrieved as a bundled package, single request
MEDDATA ... Medical data format
DATATRAN ... Date transfer method
HARDWARE ... Hardware (Telecomm./comm. formats/mini- & microcomputers)
SOFTWARE ... Software (Image data compression/encryption/informatics/...)
NTWSSYST ... Computer Comm. Networks
APPLHNET ... Application & Hospital networks
SOCFINLG ... Sociology/insurance/finance/legal matters
SUMMARY ... Summary of existing networks
The index for this list (retrievable via the request INDEX HSPNET-L) describes
these packages with the filetype $PACKAGE; however, the "$" symbol most *not*
be used when ordering for these packages.
Regards -- HJW.
Following my previous posting from HSPNET-L, I retrieved the index and list of
subscribers for that list, by sending the INDEX HSPNET-L and REVIEW HSPNET-L
(COUNTRIES command to LISTSERV@ALBNYDH2.BITNET. It seems an interesting list,
for which posted items are not only bundled into monthly archives as with
Biomch-L but also stored as individual files. While this may not be very
efficient from a disk storage point of view, it does provide the opportunity
of retrieving an index with all subject lines. Thus, browsing through this
list becomes relatively efficient: after scanning the index, you just send a
sequence of GET file_name file_extension commands to the LISTSERVer.
The monthly digests can be retrieved as a bundled package, single request
MEDDATA ... Medical data format
DATATRAN ... Date transfer method
HARDWARE ... Hardware (Telecomm./comm. formats/mini- & microcomputers)
SOFTWARE ... Software (Image data compression/encryption/informatics/...)
NTWSSYST ... Computer Comm. Networks
APPLHNET ... Application & Hospital networks
SOCFINLG ... Sociology/insurance/finance/legal matters
SUMMARY ... Summary of existing networks
The index for this list (retrievable via the request INDEX HSPNET-L) describes
these packages with the filetype $PACKAGE; however, the "$" symbol most *not*
be used when ordering for these packages.
Regards -- HJW.