Dear Biomch-L readers,
With 300 subscribers of whom about 150 are located in Northern America and
only 40 in my own country, I should, perhaps, not post a conference held in the
Dutch language on this forum. Nevertheless, please allow me to be provincial
once in a while:
Loading, Loadability, and Overloading -- Quality and Prevention in Sports
in connection with the Trade Fair for Sports, Health, Fitness and Prevention
under auspices of the Netherlands Society for Sports Medicine, to be held at
the Rotterdam Ahoy Complex.
Programme details: SMI Congress '91, c/o VVAA Congresservice
P.O.B. 8110, NL-3503 RC UTRECHT, The Netherlands
Tel. +31.(0)30.454485 (until 5 July 1991)
+31.(0)30.474485 (as of 5 July 1991)
Fax +31.(0)30.454519 (until 5 July 1991)
+31.(0)30.474519 (as of 5 July 1991)
14 NOVEMBER 1991:
Intended participants: biochemicists, biomechanicians, physiologists,
physicians, trainers
THEME: Condition: Loading, Loadability and Overloading in endurance
and force sports
Plenary: Medical Aspects of Over- and Underloading (DeMeirleir/Brussels)
Overloading from the point of view of the trainer/physiologist
Parallel Session I: Endurance Sports
(Kuipers/Maastricht, Huiskes/Nijmegen, Keizer/Maastricht)
Biomechanical aspects of overloading in swimming
Peripheral overloading of skeletal muscle
Loading, loadability, and overloading of bone
Central fatigue and the role of the endocrine system in over-
and underloading
Parallel Session II: Force- and Velocity Sports
(Wagenmakers/Maastricht, Vervoorn/Utrecht)
Overloading in force-velocity sports. Relation with scope and
extent of training
The overfatigue syndrome in force-velocity sports
The role of protein in the overfatigue syndrome in force sports
The role of the endocrine system in force-velocity sports
Poster session
Plenary: Is Measuring Knowing? (de Lange/Waalwijk)
Parallel Sessions: Fitness Quantification Workshop
Vendors Workshop (demonstrations)
Plenary: Panel discussion chaired by a science journalist:
confrontation between sporters, trainers,
scientists, and vendors
15 NOVEMBER 1991:
Intended participants: traumatologists, orthopedicians, physiotherapeutical
professionals, interested trainers, First Aid physi-
cians/nurses, sports physicians, rehabilitation
THEME: Curation/Prevention of Sports Traume
Plenary: Sports and Health: is sporting healthy? (Backs/Utrecht)
Another interpretation of sports trauma ( ,, ,, )
Parallel Session I: Upper extremities and the back
a. Elbow: racket sports (a.o. tennis, golfing)
b. Shoulder: striking and throwing (a.o. javelin throwing)
c. Back: force sports and athletics (a.o. gymnastics,
Parallel Session II: Lower extremities
a. Lower leg/foot: locomotive sports (o.a. jogging)
b. Groin/thigh: field sports on grass (a.o. soccer,
c. Knee: (o.a. basketball, volleyball and hockey)
Cause, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of overload trauma
in sports; these two parallel sessions are jointly presented by the
orthopedicians and sports physicians of the Society of Sports
Poster Session
Plenary: Strategy - how to handle prevention of trauma
Parallel Sessions: Workshop on Protective Aids
Workshop on Professional Guidance
Panel Discussion: Medico-economic Balance - positive and negative effects of
physical trauma (chaired by Lex Muller, Algemen Dagblad)
16 NOVEMBER 1991:
Intended participants: companies, company physicians, managers, psychiatrists,
THEME: Sports, psyche, and mentality
Plenary: Sports and stress: biochemical/humoral aspects (Smelik)
Stress reduction by physical exercise?
Parallel Session I: Condition and Psyche
(Adam/Maastricht, Wolfhagen/GE, de Geus/Amsterdam)
a. Cognitive aspects of the condition of the elderly
b. Does a good condition contribute to leass sick
leave? If so, why?
c. Stress reduction by physical exerciseand the
incidence of heart infarcts
d. Physical training and psyche
II: Psyche and Top Sports
a. Achievement capabilities and psyche
b. Pressure from the media and guidance
c. Is there a life after sports
Poster session
Panel Discussion: Socio-economic balance - the Black Hole of Sports