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NSF funding info by email

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  • NSF funding info by email

    Dear Biomch-L readers,

    Following the previous postings on NIH funding information by email, I
    have received information through the RESEARCH@TEMPLEVM list that also the
    US National Science Foundation is making funding data available by email.
    Anyone on the list interested in also monitoring this information source
    with respect to items that are relevant to our field, and to cross-post
    those items? As mentioned yesterday, half of the Biomch-L subscribership
    is located in North-America, so this seems like a useful venture.

    Herman J. Woltring, Eindhoven/NL

    ----------------------------Original message----------------------------

    Date: Tue, 14 May 91 11:45:17 EST
    Subject: NSF Bulletin-June/July/August
    Sender: Research News
    Comments: Resent-From:
    Comments: Originally-From:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    The summer NSF Bulletin covering June, July, and August is in 5 parts:

    1. General Announcements
    2. General Announcements, continued
    3. Proposal Dates - BBS
    4. Proposal Dates - CISE and ENG
    5. Proposal Dates - GEO, MPS, and STIA

    - -------------------------------------------------

    NSF Announcements for June, July, August 1991

    The NSF Bulletin provides monthly news about NSF programs,
    deadline dates, publications, meetings, and sources for more
    information. Telephone numbers are given in parentheses; all
    numbers are the Washington, DC, area code 202, unless otherwise
    indicated. Hearing impaired individuals should call TDD 357-

    Notice to Our Readers

    The October 1991 NSF Bulletin and the Fiscal Year 1992 NSF
    Guide to Programs will be available by early October 1991 on the
    Science and Technology Information System (STIS)--NSF's new
    online publishing service. The advent of STIS will affect our
    readers as follows:

    o You will be able to get information on NSF programs and
    activities much faster than before, via Internet, Bitnet, or
    modem. You can search through the system by topic and print
    out materials right away, rather than waiting for
    information to come in the mail.

    o Fewer copies of the Bulletin and the Guide will be printed
    and mailed this fall, and mailing lists will be cut back
    accordingly now that the information is online. For more on
    this, see September Bulletin.

    For information on STIS, see NSF 91-10. This flyer is
    available on the STIS system, or it can be ordered either by
    telephone or electronically:

    Phone: (202) 357-7555
    Bitnet: stis@nsf
    Fax: (202) 357-7745
    TDD: (202) 357-7492

    National Medal of Science Nominations

    Established in 1959, the National Medal of Science is
    awarded by the President to individuals "deserving of special
    recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to
    knowledge in the physical, biological, mathematical, engineering,
    or social and behavioral sciences." The deadline for receipt of
    nominations for consideration in 1991 is July 31. For further
    information and/or a copy of the guidelines for submission,
    contact Mrs. Susan Fannoney, National Science Board (357-7512).

    Alan T. Waterman Award Nominations
    The deadline for receipt of nominations for the 17th Alan T.
    Waterman Award is Dec. 31, 1991. The Award, presented annually
    to an outstanding young scientist, mathematician or engineer,
    will be announced and presented in May 1992. For further
    information and/or a copy of the guidelines for submission,
    contact Mrs. Susan Fannoney, National Science Board (357-7512).

    EHR Advisory Committee Meeting

    The Advisory Committee for the Directorate for Education and
    Human Resources will meet in NSF's room 540 on June 10-11, 1991,
    9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Contact Mr. Jim Smith (357-7926) for
    further information.

    Higher Education Survey Report

    A new report, Plant Biology Personnel and Training at
    Doctorate-Granting Institutions, is now available. Sponsored by
    the Directorate for Biological, Behavioral, and Social Sciences,
    this Higher Education Survey Report (Survey Number 13, December
    1990) is available from the Forms and Publications Unit, Room
    232, NSF, Washington, DC 20550.

    Faculty Awards for Women Program

    The Faculty Awards for Women Program is currently being
    revised. There will not be a September 1 deadline for
    nominations in 1991. An update on this program will appear in a
    subsequent issue of the NSF Bulletin.

    Mathematical Sciences Research

    Proposals for research in the Mathematical Sciences should
    be submitted six to nine months prior to the expected start date
    to ensure timely notification of outcome. The Division of
    Mathematical Sciences will accept such proposals at any time of
    the year. Programs and staff are indicated below.

    Algebra and Number Theory--Dr. Ann Boyle or Dr. Gary Cornell
    Applied Mathematics--Dr. Alfonso Castro, Dr. Frederick
    Howes, or Dr. Michael Steuerwalt (357-3686);
    Classical Analysis--Dr. Frederick Howes (357-3455);
    Computational Mathematics--Dr. Alvin Thaler or Dr. Michael
    Steuerwalt (357-3691);
    Geometric Analysis--Dr. Robert Molzon (357-3451);
    Modern Analysis--Dr. Ira Herbst (357-3697);
    Special Projects--Dr. Deborah Lockhart, Dr. Ann Steiner, or
    Dr. Bernard McDonald (357-3453);
    Statistics and Probability--Dr. Peter Arzberger or Dr. Nell
    Sedransk (357-3693);
    Topology and Foundations--Dr. Ralph Krause (357-3457).

    Program officers may be contacted via INTERNET by appending after the first initial and last name (for example,, or via BITNET by appending @nsf.

    Mechanical Structural Systems Program Name Changes

    Below is a listing of the new program names and program
    contacts for the Directorate for Engineering's Division of
    Mechanical and Structural Systems programs.

    Structural, Systems and Construction Processes--Dr. Ken
    Chong (357-9542);
    Large Structural and Building Systems--Dr. John Scalzi (357-
    Geomechanical, Geotechnical, and Geoenvironmental Systems--
    Dr. Mehmet Tumay (357-9542);
    Surface Engineering and Tribology--Dr. Jorn Larsen-Basse
    Mechanics and Materials--Dr. Lallit Anand (357-9542).

    Deadline Date Changed

    The Program Deadline date for the program initiative Repair
    and Rehabilitation Research for Seismic Resistance of Structures
    (second year phase) has been changed from the date previously
    announced in earlier Bulletins. The new deadline date is June
    30, 1991. See Engineering Directorate listing in this Bulletin
    for program information.

    * * * * *

    In Fiscal Year 1989, more than 55,000 researchers and educators
    volunteered their time to provide 203,000 reviews of 28,000
    proposals to NSF's 175 programs.