Dear subscribers,
My affiliation laboratory ? :
The L.A.M.I.H. (the Laboratory of Automatic and Industrial Mechanics
and Human) of University of Valenciennes (France) has worked in biomechanics
domain for 10 years.
In the beginning, the applications were the rehabilitation medicine
(the gait) and the ergonomics aids of SAGA3 opto-electronics system
(developped in the L.A.M.I.H.)
Nowadays, the L.A.M.I.H. undertakes some studies in sport : the rowing
with the F.F.S.A. (Federation Francaise des Societes d'Aviron) and the
cyclisme with DECATHLON (Society in sport domain).
P. Pudlo ?:
I have been a student in thesis in this laboratory for 6 months. My
"manager" is M. J.C Angue. He's the president of the University and he's the
president of Rowing University Club of Valenciennes.
My Subject ?:
The objective of undertaken researchs is the optimization of the
rower's gesture. The first works are carried out on the instrumented Concept
II Ergometer (Pudlo 96, International Conference on the Engineering of Sport,
Sheffield). The analysis have started (Pudlo 96, ISBS96) and the articular
moments are computed.
My wish ?:
To debate, to exchange some informations with you (references,...)
Nowadays, I looking for some references about the simulation device to
optimise the gesture of the rower.
Many thanks for your help,
Philippe Pudlo
My affiliation laboratory ? :
The L.A.M.I.H. (the Laboratory of Automatic and Industrial Mechanics
and Human) of University of Valenciennes (France) has worked in biomechanics
domain for 10 years.
In the beginning, the applications were the rehabilitation medicine
(the gait) and the ergonomics aids of SAGA3 opto-electronics system
(developped in the L.A.M.I.H.)
Nowadays, the L.A.M.I.H. undertakes some studies in sport : the rowing
with the F.F.S.A. (Federation Francaise des Societes d'Aviron) and the
cyclisme with DECATHLON (Society in sport domain).
P. Pudlo ?:
I have been a student in thesis in this laboratory for 6 months. My
"manager" is M. J.C Angue. He's the president of the University and he's the
president of Rowing University Club of Valenciennes.
My Subject ?:
The objective of undertaken researchs is the optimization of the
rower's gesture. The first works are carried out on the instrumented Concept
II Ergometer (Pudlo 96, International Conference on the Engineering of Sport,
Sheffield). The analysis have started (Pudlo 96, ISBS96) and the articular
moments are computed.
My wish ?:
To debate, to exchange some informations with you (references,...)
Nowadays, I looking for some references about the simulation device to
optimise the gesture of the rower.
Many thanks for your help,
Philippe Pudlo