Dear Biomech-L users,
I'm doing a PhD-thesis on Lumbar Spinal Implants Evaluation. I'm currently
looking for data about IN VIVO quantitative radiographic measurements of
intervertebral Motion on INSTRUMENTED patients (spanned and/or juxta-free
segments). If any one have heard about such a study, please let me know ...
Thank you in advance for your answers
Alexandre TEMPLIER
Alexandre TEMPLIER
Laboratoire de Biomecanique
Ecole Nationale d'Arts & Metiers
151 Bd de l'Hopital
75013 Paris - France.
Tel : (33) 1 44 24 63 65
Fax : (33) 1 44 24 63 66
I'm doing a PhD-thesis on Lumbar Spinal Implants Evaluation. I'm currently
looking for data about IN VIVO quantitative radiographic measurements of
intervertebral Motion on INSTRUMENTED patients (spanned and/or juxta-free
segments). If any one have heard about such a study, please let me know ...
Thank you in advance for your answers
Alexandre TEMPLIER
Alexandre TEMPLIER
Laboratoire de Biomecanique
Ecole Nationale d'Arts & Metiers
151 Bd de l'Hopital
75013 Paris - France.
Tel : (33) 1 44 24 63 65
Fax : (33) 1 44 24 63 66