Dear All,
I am currently developing a line of research that looks at 3D or 6D
movement of the knee while it is being be perturbed. The experimental
protocol permits goniometers to be used. I have used the Penny Giles 2D
goniometers but I am wanting to measure greater degrees of freedom. I am
also unsure as to the ability of these to measure rapid perturbations, ie.
up to 30Hz.
So I am wanting to find out about the availability of 3D or 6D goniometers
and the users' experience with these instruments. Thanks in advance for
your responses and I will post a summary as usual.
David G Lloyd Ph.D.
Lecturer - Biomechanics
Department of Human Movement
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, W.A., 6907
Ph (+61 9) 380 3919
Fax (+61 9) 380 1039