2nd - 4th December 1992
The National University of Singapore will be hosting the 7th
International Conference on Biomedical Engineering to explore
the technology of biomedical engineering systems with special
emphasis on applications and implementations. The aims of this
conference are to promote biomedical engineering practice in
biomedicine and health care, to encourage greater involvement
in its practice and to give recognition to its importance and
relevance in biomedicine and health care. It will provide a
forum for papers on the latest research work from countries
all over the world. Subject areas include :
Artificial Organs Electrical Stimulation
Biological Modelling Gait/Motion Analysis
Biomaterials Lasers in Medicine
Biomechanics Medical Imaging & Electronics
Biosignal Processing Physiological Measurement & Control
Cardiovascular Mechanics Prosthetics & Orthotics
Clinical Engineering Rehabilitation Engineering
Computers in Medicine Respiratory Mechanics
The working language of the conference is English
For more information, please complete the form below and send to:
The Secretary, 7th ICBME 1992 Tel : (65) 772 4424
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Fax : (65) 778 0720
National University Hospital Tlx : RS 55503 NUH
Lower Kent Ridge Road
Singapore 0511
or reply via email to : BITNET%"DOSCSL@NUSVM"
Surname: (Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms)_____________________________________
Initials:_________________________________________ _______________
Affiliation:______________________________________ _______________
Address:__________________________________________ _______________
Tel:______________ Tlx:_________________ Fax:__________________
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[ ] I would like to participate as:
( ) a delegate
( ) a paper presenter
( ) an exhibitor
[ ] I enclosed an abstract for consideration
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